Morning all. 6.1. Happy with that and my numbers yesterday whilst hiking. I find it a struggle to not hypo when on long strenuous walks and it was quite warm which makes it worse, but I managed it! Reduced morning basal by a half unit, reduced breakfast basal the same. Bolused normal for my picnic lunch, but never took any for my two snacks, the last snack I didn’t want but I was 4.9 arrow down and still a few miles to go. Just need to be aware it could hit today!
Nearly 10 miles, 30k steps, 57 floors, six hours! Ooh, I was aching, my hips were almost seizing up at one point. Tough walk in parts, but it was beautiful, Ullswater in view for most of the time apart from towards the end when the trail took us into a pine forest and over farmland. That’s it we’ve now completed The Ullswater Way and no injuries this time! Feel a bit stiff today but I’m sure after I’ve been moving about I’ll be fine. Stretches done as soon as back to the car, then straight into a hot shower when I got home, and two paracetamol and two ibuprofen did the trick. Oh and bed at 9.30!
Quiet day today! 😉
Have a great day everyone.
A few snaps of my day.