• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.5

Have a great day everyone.
Good moaning! Another 10.3 after a fitful night. Not sure if I dreamed I was awake or was awake?

Surgery phoned mid-way through the slot. I was asked if I would prefer to talk to the person I was originally going to speak to the previous Monday. I declined. To keep it simple I appear to be quite run down with perhaps the failure to detect the foot infection two weeks earlier (was originally told the swab was mislabelled then it became "inconclusive"), having the Covid booster and starting strong antibiotics created a perfect storm in my immune system. Besides inexplicable hi's and lo's my BP did the same. Conclusion - keep and eye on thing and take it easy for the next week but call if worried! They were surprised how appalling Patient Transport had been adding to the stress.

Silly o'clock Podiatry appointment this morning.

GM 4.7 for me on this meant ro be rain free day.

Yesterday another food experiment.
Red pepper and lentil soup with a roll and a couple of slices of bread. Absolutely delicious, decided to test and this returned a round figure of 9. As a one off venture I was ok with the bg. The soup was great 🙂

Wishing everyone a good day.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Had the flu jab yesterday. Arm aches this morning. Prefer that to flu! Not much to do today.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning a 7.1 and a nice nights sleep.
Really enjoyed my day day yesterday and decided not to take any insulin with me for lunch and just eat fewer carbs and managed to stay in range so happy enough and especially as not able to walk much.
Only had to take my I Pad to Meeting so traveled light and role play went really well.
Two days off and visit to national Arboretum today and looking forward to that and night away.
Enjoy all
Morning all, 7.4 here, with a steady rise out of the 4s from 4am, unlike yesterday when I shot up the minute I woke at 7.30. Dawn is being totally inconsistent at the moment, I wish she’d think up a plan and stick to it.
Off for flu and Covid jabs after brekkie, we only have to toddle a few hundred yards down the road to the Football club, where our GP holds all the jab clinics.
Morning all. 4.8. Very dark and gloomy this morning, the weather not me. A friend is coming around this morning for a coffee and chat and maybe stay for lunch, but apart from that nothing else is planned for today.
Good morning 8.1 today a bit high today but not suprised really
was eating something I should avoid just after midnight when I couldn’t sleep, feeling hungry having had a protein shake rather than my usual evening meal yesterday evening.

A few things to sort out this morning including phoning a potential customer (and visiting another)
but technically I’m actually on a day off from work today
this month I'm taking Wednesdays off as need to use up my annual leave before the year end,
will need to plan the remaining days for some time off next month and December also.

TC 😎
Morning folks. 5.4.

Wet today and will continue even though I let the Met office know I had to go into town, very inconsiderate! Finish off granddaughter’s birthday present, 12 next week, pick up a book or two for me. Mr Eggy’s posh tea, two packs of Darjeeling First Flush, I’ve organised a loan with the bank against the house! It’s more expensive than gold, ounce for ounce! Maybe a slight exaggeration but heading that way! But he doesn’t have any other vices so I’ll let him off. Being addicted to fancy pants tea isn’t too bad! We’ve got BT coming today, fourth visit now I think, and many, many phone calls, I’m losing count. This time they’ve promised us that they really can fit super duper fibre fast broadband without drilling into the front of our Grade 2 listed property. I’m not holding my breath.

Have a wonderful ( wet) Wednesday.
A 6.1 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 6.2

Went to the ballet last night - IMG_1801.jpeg

It was great! Very inventive in all aspects from costume (the Queen of Hearts is in a huge solid heart shaped locket and has to be wheeled around the stage) to set design (the house of cards in act iii was excellent) and the choreo is quite classically inspired with nods to Busby Berkeley musicals and solo’s, pas de deux, pas de troi, quatre and cinq etc.

The choreo was genuinely funny in parts because it’s the company were acting their socks off!

Music was really rather filmic which helped appropriately ramp up the tension when necessary.

Overall a solid 4* from me and a good evenings entertainment. It was live streamed last night but I think it’s also showing in cinemas as an encore performance and I’d say go and see it if you can.
By the time I woke and looked at the Libre figures Dawn had started and I was 7.something, prior to that it was high 5s, so nothing unusual.

Feeling a lot better this morning although not fully back to normal. Our trip to my parents yesterday wiped us both out (we wore masks just in case we were still infectious).

Have a good day everyone!
Dull, grey and damp here this morning but surprisingly mild. Haircut later, having had to wait a week as my barber was on holiday, then a trip over to the Vauxhall Dealer after lunch to book my car in for its MOT. There were 2 things picked up on its recent service that need fixing, so it would make sense to do them at the same time.

6.3 this morning, and that was without one of my wife's brownies yesterday evening, so they're released without charge.

Have a good day, all.
Morning all, well after a very wet night and a very damp start to the day I came
up with a very happy 5.1 this morning. I'm off for my annual eye screening soon
hopefully no problems - fingers crossed.

Have a good day folks and stay dry.
Morning all - thick fog here.

4.1 this morning. I just do not understand this HCL. I am totally bewildered by it! Yesterday afternoon after two slices of toast (29g carb) and 2 poached eggs I rose to 20mmol and the HCL switched itself to manual. I had bolussed for 35g carb and though I was 9mmol before lunch the PDM had advised only 2.6u insulin. I stayed in high teens until dinnertime - a small portion of linguine with a chicken, mushroom and spinach cream sauce, I bolussed for 60g carb (I had weighed my portion of pasta). BG rose to 19.4 mmol. Yesterday the TIR was 16%. I think I need help. Need to post this in the forum. I suppose it might be a result of having flu and covid jabs on Monday.

So hubby has gone to the dentist. He thinks the ABs have worked on his infected gum and the visit today is to see whether he needs a root canal or not. His phone is on the blink. I had decided to buy him a new more up to date phone for Xmas, but he needs one now, so we are off to Currys to see what we can sort out this afternoon. This leaves me in a dilemma as to what I can now buy him for Xmas.

This evening is our evening for meeting friends in the local... but 2 of them are currently on their way to Spain in the campervan and staying 3 months... we will miss them.

Have a good day all.