Good morning a Len from me today
I did drop into the red zone briefly in the early hours but a few JB’s got my levels to climb back up and I went back to sleep as they approached 4
Yesterday replaced headlamp bulbs on my car, which turned out not a straightforward job ( to take out air filter, battery and move fuse box out the way) just to be able to get in there, then in the end yesterday after quite a busy day, never made it to the pool.
I had delivered then spent some time setting up my new Samsung smart watch.
I’ve managed to get my results on a “complication” on the watch face (following some advice I got on the forum and on a Facebook group) which was a relief, nearly went to a phone / tech repair shop and asked them to do it, as usually I don’t have the patience to do things like that these days, but wanted to do it for myself.
I thought a watch with my readings on it will be useful for work especially when driving (appreciate DVLA regulations still require testing every two hours)
The bread I bought last week definitely isn’t good for me, think I will slice the remaining half loaf / freeze it ready for toasting ashypo treatment or guests to eat
Its a wet and wintery day here like many places today, a quick shopping trip in a minute, having already chopped some fruit and berries for my breakfast, to then to find out we’ve no Greek Yoghurt.
Congrats on the HS yesterday
and great to hear the weather was Lovely for you down in Lime Regis
@Martin.A I’ve many a childhood memory of holidays on the Jurassic coast.
Have a Super Sunday everyone