Good evening! 7.2 in the meter this morning, I had a break from Libre the past two days. Might apply a new one tonight, or wait until tomorrow.
Finally got 2 days off in a row. Started with a proper night of sleep and washing my hair, I felt good as new after. Then my period hit me with nausea and discomfort but is mostly over. I had fun at Book Club this morning but I am a bit sad that my book was not very popular, only one person has finished it. I refused to give more recomendations for now, anyway there´s a long list to pick from already. The choice for next month is "Interview with the vampire". I will wait a week or so to start, I´m not in the mood right now but it sounds appropiate for "spooky season".
I come to you once more for tourist advice. Anyone has suggestions for what to do in a day trip to Bournemouth?