Group 7-day waking average?

I got the annuals every year as a child and I bought my children them, and I still have a small collection! Jings crivens and help ma Boab! That’s my favourite saying. :rofl:
My attempts to say "Help ma boab" have become a traditional form of Christmas entertainment for my partner's family.
If it wasn’t for tourists they wouldn’t have jobs. Catch 22.
That's what I think, too. We holiday in Cornwall every year and last year my wife went to buy some rolls at the local bakery and was told by a grumpy old so-and-so that they were for his regulars, aka locals I assume. There's also a nice pub that we used to have a meal in but when we went there the year after Covid there was a sign up saying locals only in the bar. There were only 2 people in the bar, and one of them was the barmaid.