Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone, a 5.6 for me on a day when it looked like the sun was about to shine again but it’s disappeared behind a completely grey sky now.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.

9.2 and still full of a cold on this dull rainy day, don’t think I will get my doors and windows open today. Nothing planned other than work and a bit of knitting in my breaks for when the new granddaughter arrives in Feb.

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS, I feel I need a nap just reading your post, so treat your self to a nice nanna nap later.
6.1 for me before I sent my BG on a rocket ship to the moon with mixed berries, a protein yoghurt and muesli... it would be the muesli that did it... don't worry it will be coming back down to Earth soon! ☺
Morning all. I've been really good doing low carb. I was consistently just under 10 of a morning and would not like to think what I was around the clock. Stupid. I've managed to get it down to 6.2 : 5.37am and I'm very chuffed with myself. 🙂

Have a good day all. I'm waiting in for the kitchen inspector. They can never find my flat in Old Trafford, it's so built up, every bit of land built on, we're like ants. :D My McDonalds went to another block along with my ebay stuff and all my Royal Mail post. Not best pleased, especially about the McDonalds but now I've seen the error of my ways. I had my last on the way back from Filey, scrumptious rubbish. 😉
Here he is! I don’t wear dungarees but we share a hair style! He is a character in a cartoon strip featured in The Sunday Post, a Scottish newspaper. A staple in all Carlisle households back in the day, as we’re all half Scots and live very close to the border.
We used get this down on Teeside, I don't think we had any Scottish blood.
6.2 and ticking over nicely.
Using my Omnipod + G6 sensor sees me achieve 82% of the time in target range of 3.9 - 10mmol/L