Group 7-day waking average?

This was all from my hospital DSN who said that it would be good to be under a consultant (apparently I was just in the care of the DSNs at the hospital) and to get the consultant to officially record that I am T1. I had thought this was sorted, the DSN had said that I was and they were assuming T1, but the last DSN appointment she said it wasn’t on my notes from a consultant and that I wasn’t actually under a consultant. She thought it would be good to get on the consultant’s list and get an official T1 diagnosis so that there wouldn’t be any barrier for future inclusion in pumps, HCL or whatever comes along
I've never had a consultant and i don't have a DSN now either. I was diagnosed T1 by the DSN who works for the Community Trust and was transferred back to GP care during Covid when the HbA1c was a better level.

Should all T1s be under a Consultant/hospital DSN?
5.4 this morning, much better than yesterday (that was 6.0 on fingerprick and 6.7 on dexcom one+ so I calibrated the dexcom, not compared it again today so far as seems to be following expected pattern for what I'm eating).

So far I think I'm definitely preferring the Dexcom to the Libre. Pluses: comes with overpatch which makes me feel it is more secure (especially as the sensor is slightly smaller anyway); can be calibrated; notes can be added at a later point by adjusting time if I forget to add meal when I eat, or want to check on what 1 hour and 2 hour post meal readings were - it goes back and adds the BG for the time you set the note for! Only really minus so far is that the main app only displays 3 days readings at a time, so if I want to transfer them to MySugr then I will have to either do it very regularly, or check Clarity (not looked at Clarity yet).

Wedding preparations are keeping apace. Nearly done now except for making little momentos for favours and place cards. And the buttonholes and maybe adding a few more artificial flowers into the premade artificial bouquet I bought.

Off to comedy club tonight to see Count Binface (teens are coming with us) so very much looking forward to that!
I've never had a consultant and i don't have a DSN now either. I was diagnosed T1 by the DSN who works for the Community Trust and was transferred back to GP care during Covid when the HbA1c was a better level.

Should all T1s be under a Consultant/hospital DSN?
I was discharged back to my GP from the consultant once my levels had been stable for a couple of years, back in 2009. Then I asked to be referred back in 2019, when I thought I might get funding for the Libre, in the days when only a consultant could prescribe it, and have been on the hospital books ever since. They haven't actually seen me for a couple of years, though, they keep cancelling and rearranging my appointments, the latest, which was rearranged from July 2023, was cancelled at short notice in February 2024, and has been rearranged for March 2025! Meanwhile I get all my annual checks done at my GP surgery anyway, and if I really needed to see the hospital, I’d make a fuss. I just like the idea of keeping my foot in the door, because it took my GP so long to do the re-referral when I did need it, then it took months to actually get an appointment.
@everydayupsanddowns will using the herbal patches affect bgls in any way plz?

I have no way of knowing I’m afraid @Wirrallass

You’d have to check your BG levels I suppose, and see if you observed any effects?
Completely missed this mornings check in.

Been a police heavy few days with back and forth emails asking me questions about whether I’d be happy seeing the defendant in court or if I’d like to ask for any one of a number of special measures. Add to that my therapist cancelled our appointment for tomorrow earlier this week as he’d “double booked”. The appointment has only been in the books for six months so there’s some anger around that. Oh and buyers remorse about the cruise as well! I’m past that little hiccup I’m glad to say though.
So I’ve been moping around a bit feeling a bit antisocial etc. but I’m ok.

Received an email from NHS this morning inviting me to book for a Covid booster so that’s booked and I bought tickets for the Royal Opera and Ballet costume and prop sale that’s coming up. Apparently it’s the first costume sale they’ve had in over a decade. It’s timed entry with two hour slots during the general opening on the Saturday and Sunday but I’ve got preview tickets as I’m Friend so that means I’m going on the Friday and there’s no time limit.
I doubt I’ll buy but I will be on the look out for anything that might be useful for dressing up in on Scarlet Night on the cruise.
As hinted at by the name it’s an evening when everyone wears red. Some go full on in elaborate outfits and others just wear accents of red but I thought I might find just the perfect cape or tutu at the costume sale. No idea how I’d get anything tailored to fit though but I’ll cross that bridge if and when.

No idea what my numbers are today as I’ve not bothered checking qué será será.
Completely missed this mornings check in.

Been a police heavy few days with back and forth emails asking me questions about whether I’d be happy seeing the defendant in court or if I’d like to ask for any one of a number of special measures. Add to that my therapist cancelled our appointment for tomorrow earlier this week as he’d “double booked”. The appointment has only been in the books for six months so there’s some anger around that. Oh and buyers remorse about the cruise as well! I’m past that little hiccup I’m glad to say though.
So I’ve been moping around a bit feeling a bit antisocial etc. but I’m ok.

Received an email from NHS this morning inviting me to book for a Covid booster so that’s booked and I bought tickets for the Royal Opera and Ballet costume and prop sale that’s coming up. Apparently it’s the first costume sale they’ve had in over a decade. It’s timed entry with two hour slots during the general opening on the Saturday and Sunday but I’ve got preview tickets as I’m Friend so that means I’m going on the Friday and there’s no time limit.
I doubt I’ll buy but I will be on the look out for anything that might be useful for dressing up in on Scarlet Night on the cruise.
As hinted at by the name it’s an evening when everyone wears red. Some go full on in elaborate outfits and others just wear accents of red but I thought I might find just the perfect cape or tutu at the costume sale. No idea how I’d get anything tailored to fit though but I’ll cross that bridge if and when.

No idea what my numbers are today as I’ve not bothered checking qué será será.