Group 7-day waking average?

In and out in just over an hour really isn’t bad. Local anaesthetic. Cyst removed.
Massive dressing on the incision site and needs to be packed and dressing changed daily but by a nurse.
No need to hold off exercise but advised no upper body stuff for “a few days”.
That was good service. Be a good boy and do as you’re told. Xx
Good morning. 9.2

I’m putting that down to having had a bit of me sliced open yesterday.

I feel fine if a little sore. No gym today. I checked the NHS website for aftercare with open wounds and they say nothing for a few days that would cause excessive sweating. When I’m doing gym stuff I sweat like a proverbial sweaty thing so logic says hold off until next week.

Will call the GP surgery this morning to talk about appointments for the nurse to repack and dress the wound.

Called mum and dad last night and stated the convo with “So, I’m fine….” which is what every parent wants their child to open a conversation with!

Mum wanted to fly into nurse mode and was trying to insist that I go there for a few days to recover. I declined as it would drive me bonkers. Even more bonkers than I already am!

I gather there was a soccerfoot match yesterday. I didn’t watch it as I caught up on Sewing Bee episodes. Talk of which has been sparse in the forum I must say. They’re a talented bunch and I think anyone could win.

C’est tout.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Unbelievably dark and gloomy, wet and rainy out there this morning. I had better reset my summer expectations...

Yesterday was a really good day. But my weight loss turned out to be a lie, the weighing machine, it seems, has a nasty sense of humour. Today it says that my weight is exactly as it used to be (slightly raised). I will have to give my weighing scales a good talking to!!! Still, it cheered me up yesterday. Not unhappy today as I am as I was. Strange that though.

Nothing much planned for today

Have a great day today regardless of the rain, snow, hail, thunder storms, etc
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Unbelievably dark and gloomy, wet and rainy out there this morning. I had better reset my summer expectations...

Yesterday was a really good day. But my weight loss turned out to be a lie, the weighing machine, it seems, has a nasty sense of humour. Today it says that my weight is exactly as it used to be (slightly raised). I will have to give my weighing scales a good talking to!!! Still, it cheered me up yesterday. Not unhappy today as I am as I was. Strange that though.

Nothing much planned for today

Have a great day today regardless of the rain, snow, hail, thunder storms, etc

Well tomorrow is the last day of summer . If the first day of summer was the 1st June and mid-summer's day the 21st June, the last day of summer must be 42nd June, i.e. 12th July. :rofl:

Correction, it is today 11th July!
Last edited:
A 6.6 this morning, nothing really to report except my son is coming round to cut my grass today ❤. Have a blessed day everyone!
Morning 9.2 ……. Little bit better.
School just needs to end ! 3 day (2 night) residential on Monday looking forward to that bit blimey I’m tired already and just 2 days when we’re back. Actually thinking about it where has the year gone ?!

Have a great day.
Good morning 6.4
06:21 BS 5.5 & just had 2 Nice biscuits just now to head off a hypo 07:04 BS 4.4.

An early Very Good Morning to you all & have A Wonderful Day! 😉

Feeling like a cross between a zombie & a vampire: all the late nights monitoring my overnight BS so, it’s not too high or too low; inevitably needing to sleep later in the mid morning to early afternoon in exhaustion! WHAT WOULD THAT emoji look like? A Half Zombie & Half Vampire emoji? :confused::rofl:

Currently on Day 1 of 52 Tresiba & put that in again later around 2pm: it’s drifting later as I wake later & having a wee hit longer delay is maybe a good thing while I’m lowering basal? I dithered on an extra day of 56 just in case it was an error in guessing NR doses but, I definitely needed the lower basal dose as I ate SO MANY biscuits the night before yesterday & most of yesterday too: even after the 52 went in 2 hours late at 2pm; just less biscuit scrambling afterwards in the evening! Got a pretty luxurious, these nights, sleep of 5 hours after about 1am & my BS is dropping, as it has been if I haven’t been too overly cautious with the dinner dose of NR instead of the usual DP: THAT’S what the swinging BS is all about: how much NR to put in for dinner before bed; tried from none at all to pick a number between 10 & 20?

BUT, the swinging margin isn’t as big as it was so, I know I’m getting close to the right basal dose just in time for watching The Olympics, which is more extreme for me than watching a weekend of a golf major, when I know myself, by now, I’ll forget to eat & don’t want to be having hypos if the basal is too high! 🙄

07:30 BS 5.1 as the biscuits are taking effect which, by yesterday’s data, will hold me up enough for another little doze to the 15:00 alarm for Tresiba.

There is a rather curious thing I HAVE noticed for the second time that the effects of what I was thinking was rheumatoid arthritis in my right knee, last year, & my the fingers of my left hand that holds my iPad, this year, have been disappearing as I’ve been lowering insulin doses! I wonder if that’s to do with my body’s response to the tolerance or rather the INTOLERANCE of too much insulin; my joints seize up? :confused: Anyway, that’s one definite positive as I’ve slowly gotten used to the constant ache of my fingers & knee & only noticing it now as it’s disappearing! :D

It’s strange sometimes! :confused:😱
Good morning 6.2.

Another foul, grey, damp morning. Didn't get much done yesterday except lots of weeding and pruning, followed by a 40 mile dash around 5 houses on a "drive by". How much easier it would be if agents told the truth or even got the map marker in the right place. When, rarely, they are accurate Google Earth lets one dismiss their offerings without wasting diesel. I have pretty much exhausted the 3 counties of Dyfed - Eek! at this rate I'll be moving to England...

My neighbour reminded me that St Swithin's is only 4 days away. "
"St Swithin's Day, if it does rain

Full forty days, it will remain

St Swithin's Day, if it be fair

For forty days, t'will rain no more"

Fingers crossed that next Monday is dry (despite the Met Office and BBC having us slated for a mix of sunny intervals + light rain.)

Have a good a day everyone.
GP phones open at 8am on the dot. Called at about one second past and was caller 22. Now I'm caller 5.

I need to fix daily appointments with them to change the dressing and pack the wound etc.

I've shaved the bits of my chest that aren't under the dressing itself and will take a razor with me when I go and ask her to remove the dressing and let me go shave my Tom Seleck (sp?) like hairy chest before she does her stuff in an attempt to increase the adhesion between my delicate skin and the sticky bandage. Joy!

Oh and I'm not going to even attempt to gym until next week I think.

One positive is that I feel fine. No pain at all. Just slight discomfort from the bandage pulling on chest hair but I can cope with that!

And I didn't turn to food as comfort yesterday either.
Morning a 6.9 for me and indulged in the crisps and snacks last night watching the footy- absolute bliss and so absorbing.
Nice day in Shropshire today and apart from weather which my little 4 legged babies ( with short legs) hate as they have to navigate puddles.
However Haggis our big daschund gets more excited than the England fans and that is only putting his coat on.
Have a good day all
Good morning all. 7.3. Had a wee lie in. Almost 8 o’clock, I’d like to say I’d slept right through but I haven’t. Up at 3.40 then 5.55 and then 7.20 where I just laid until my bladder implored me to get up!

@ColinUK I actually watched all of the soccerfootie ball match, I usually read my book, I got into it and was very excited when we won. I’ll catch up with Sewing Bee later, so no spoilers. I like Pasha and Alex best. I’m afraid Suzy gets on my nerves a wee bit, she makes silly mistakes every week. Luke is good too but maybe not winning material. Pardon the pun. Isla has her ups and downs but she has wonderful ideas. She could make the cut! They are all very talented and I admire them so much. I used to sew a bit back in the day but I wasn’t good, I would make my own nightclub clothes or modify existing clothes. When the girls came along I did run up a couple of things for them and always made costumes for school plays etc. but I don’t have the patience now plus clothes are relatively cheap to buy these days, and my nightclubbing days are well and truly over!

Have a good day y’all.