Group 7-day waking average?

5.4 for me on a rather damp Berkshire morning, although it's not raining at the moment and we have a sky the colour of milk. According to the BBC it's barely going to be much different for most of the next fortnight. Hope Summer returns in time for our week in Cornwall next month.

Washing machine back in action by lunchtime yesterday. Yes, we have a Screwfix nearby @PattiEvans but my wife had already decided to get our plumber to replace the hose. Just as well as he noticed a leaking elbow joint under the sink so he replaced that while he was at it. Must have been leaking for a while judging by the rust on the metal tray under there.

You're right about mashed potato @MikeyBikey - GI is 83. Few things score higher than that, and congrats on your HS this morning.

Wish I had a pound for every time I heard my Gran say Ych a fi when I was growing up @Bloden

Tuesday, so swim before lunch and a trip to Sainsbury's at some point. In the meantime it's coffee and newspaper time.

Hope this lousy weather isn't spoiling anyone's plans for the day.
Morning everyone, back to normal with a happy 5.9 after my hospital appointment yesterday.

Have a good day everyone and stay well.
7.4 this morning, suspecting my UTI isn’t helping with BG levels at the moment. Saved myself a trip to the health centre as I did my own urine dip test which was positive for nitrites and leukocytes. The phone appointment with the nurse went well and she accepted my test results and prescribed some antibiotics which I’ve now started.

Bathroom decorating today and as it’s just ceiling and part of one wall plus door to paint it should hopefully not take too long.

Have a good day everyone.
Washing machine back in action by lunchtime yesterday. Yes, we have a Screwfix nearby @PattiEvans but my wife had already decided to get our plumber to replace the hose. Just as well as he noticed a leaking elbow joint under the sink so he replaced that while he was at it. Must have been leaking for a while judging by the rust on the metal tray under there.
Just as well you had the plumber!
7.4 this morning, suspecting my UTI isn’t helping with BG levels at the moment. Saved myself a trip to the health centre as I did my own urine dip test which was positive for nitrites and leukocytes. The phone appointment with the nurse went well and she accepted my test results and prescribed some antibiotics which I’ve now started.
What are they Tony? I had Cefalexin and yes, I did get the diarrhoea. Also ABs + diabetes can leave you with a yeast infection. I have that atm.
Morning - it's grey again. Lighter grey than yesterday but still grey!

9.1 this morning, which could be due to any number of things (including the thrush), but possibly due to the brunch turning into a full 3 course meal including dessert and cheese which pushed me up to 14.4. Wouldn't come down despite corrections and was 12.6 before a light supper.

Retinopathy check this afternoon. Apart from that not a lot.

Have a good day all.
What are they Tony? I had Cefalexin and yes, I did get the diarrhoea. Also ABs + diabetes can leave you with a yeast infection. I have that atm.
Selexid - a penicillin based antibiotic. Decided against the nitrofurantoin, probably coincidental but last time I had that I had urinary retention.
Morning all

5.8 this morning, only plans today are to go and see my mum. Will be walking home in the rain I am sure.

@eggyg - hope everything goes well for your daughter today.

@ColinUK - nice to see you back again.

@TinaD - just reading you posts make me feel tired, hope you are able to get this sorted so you can help your daughter and her children.
Tiring? Sorry about that! Probably a good thing for me to have to do as it takes my mind off the worst case scenario. Off to view a few more...
Morning a 8.9 for me so went to bed at 6.9 and no scone and only 6 bolus units all day so a different pattern to previous night.
Fitted new sensor bit still my phone will not scan so downloaded App again but still not working.Now lost my data as deleted original App but no matter quite comfortable with building it back up again once I can get it to work.So only relying on Reader at the moment.
Nice trip to north Wales and should be fine so see what it brings

6.8 this morning, didn’t sleep well. Off to the hospital today for my left eye cataract surgery.
Morning all. 6.6 so I’m two thirds the devil or something
Going for a run this morning (upping my exercise has really helped my ankle heal) and then meeting friends for coffee before heading to the GP for an appointment this afternoon that they’ve not actually told me I have. Recently all appointment notifications from the surgery have ceased which isn’t good.

@Grannylorraine Hope today goes well for you
13.2 despite 2 corrections over night. Absolutely no idea why. Have a great day
Morning all. 10.7! About an hour before bed i was in the low 4s so had a small amount of peanuts. They obviously worked too well as the graph shows i've been in the 10s most of the night.
Morning all, 8.6 here. With an 11 mile walk with lots of contours , and a large hotel dinner yesterday, my usual slack washing line shaped graph reversed itself and turned into a rainbow shaped one overnight.
We had a hot sunny day here yesterday, but the relative in residence back home tells me she hasn’t had to do any watering yet, in fact the plants are more in danger of drowning than anything.