Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all. And I’ve only got a blooming 5.2! Twice in a week or so. They’re like buses……😉

Another wet start to the day, but it’s milder and calmer. I’m clutching at straws I know. 🙄

Baby ok, thanks for your best wishes, it wasn’t all “ wind and watter”, very little fluid in fact. He’s about 6lb at the moment which considering daughter has another 4.5 weeks to go means he is on the big side but all in proportion and there isn’t any concerns. After all his dad is 6ft 9ins so he was never going to be a petite baby! I went in too and it was wondeful, baby scans have come on a lot since I last had one in 1992!

Had a long and busy day yesterday so today will be a lot more serene, just like me! I’ve a load of meat and fish to portion and freeze, I just shoved it all in the fridge when I got home yesterday. But that’s all that important, I’ll just pootle about, not in the garden though unfortunately, rain set for the day ( and week according to the BBC app). This weather reminds me of 2012. The year of the London Olympics, it was just like this. I remember it well as I worked in travel and and we ran out of holidays to sell! I’m not joking, lots of folks decided to stay home because of the olympics then got fed up with the weather and wanted to get away. There was hardly any holiday flights left and it was bedlam, folks just strolling in sayimg there wasn’t anything on the internet did we have anything, and not believing us when we said no through gritted teeth. I think that’s when I realised it was a young person’s career, I’d got too jaded and cynical and started rolling my eyes out loud! I lasted another year.

Have a wonderful, if wet, Wednesday.


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Good morning everyone

BG 4.6 excellent

Yesterday dark brooding clouds and we got soaked on our morning walk as it opened up when we were approaching the furthest from home. Today lighter grey clouds, looks cold.

I stopped weighing myself so that I could concentrate on gaining weight without worrying. Recently I restarted weighing myself as I felt I had put on a tad too much weight. I was right. So, back on the stricter diet and more exercise. And now I have dropped my weight down below my more recent goal of 70Kg. I will reset my goal to 65Kg and keep on dropping my weight slowly. I have found that by ingesting at least 500 Kcal less than my daily requirements and keeping my carbohydrates low whilst exercising every day has done the trick. Thats the easy bit. Ensuring that I get at or thereabouts the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals has beeen way more fun and harder than Sodoku/Soduko (??).

Here is todays summary V&M (Vitamins and Minerals) chart. The white circle shows the correct daily requirement. The green shows the allowed upper tolerance.

Charts 1 reduced.jpg

Such fun!!! Actually I thoroughly enjoy spending 15 minutes each morning sorting things out or another few minutes altering things if I can't exercise or mybwife surprises me with a new suggestion for tea, etc.

And, out of sheer boredom here is the todays meals page. All editable. Some big databases behind it all.

Meals Wed 20th July 2024 Reduced.jpg

The calories are a bit higher today due to the pineapple (which must be eaten), and other fruits AND the bread!. No problem as the exercise takes care of the excess (I normally aim for about 1000Kcal. And... todays tea is a bit rubbish, spaghetti!!! Quite like it though. It's all a balancing act. Most days we have a sensible tea, but not today!

So to sum up the boring images here is an image of the home page, a summary of everything and a portal into all areas of the diet program...

Ahhh, Yesterdays weight trend is wrong because I hadn't weighed myself recently until this morning.

Meals Wed 20th July 2024 Reduced 3.jpg

Of course, if it rains and I can't get out to do the exercise then everything changes and I will reduce what I eat and change the vitamins/minerals etc.

Keeps me interested/motivated

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning folks. 8.9 here, didn’t need that pre-bed biscuit after all!

There’s a work event this morning at the local FE college. Not sure how many students will turn up because most of them have busy lives and can’t just drop everything for coffee and biscuits / a tour of the college’s facilities / an awards ceremony. We’ll see...
Good morning. 7.3 - I'm putting it down to stress and not the 2 lagers which followed a dire house hunt. Strictly medicinal - they dowsed the flames of rage induced by estate agents lying particulars.

Another grey, damp, miserable morning with poor visibility. Painter cancelled today and coming Friday if it is better.

I'll be doning the waterproofs and pruning today. The Rambling Rector must be related to Boris Johnson, a distinct possibilty given his gene spreading activities. It wants to be World King and is making a vigorous start by sending 8ft sprays over the path to the front door and the one to the orchard. Wolf is complaining that the goose berry bushes are invading his run while 2 rumbunctious shrubbery dwellers, name unknown since they have carelessly shed their lables, are obscuring my view of the gate from the study. Time for some stern discipline.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Wet Wet Wet and a 5.4 for me this morning. Nothing exciting except a Tesco delivery later,

Stay dry if you can. 🙂

Good morning 6.5
I hope your eye operation goes well today @Grannylorraine
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone 😎
5.3 this morning, which so far is bright and sunny and, mercifully, dry. Hope it stays that way with Wednesday being a washday. The last thing I want to be doing is running the tumble dryer all day. On the subject of tumble dryers I read a few days ago that AO have reported that they sold more of them in the first six months of the year than any other appliance.

Been looking forward to our usual August Bank Holiday week in Cornwall but we've now got a problem - our youngest has been told he can't have that week off. In fact, no one at his store can as the new manager has said they need everyone in that week. He's now considering handing in his notice if there's no change.

@Grannylorraine - hope everything goes well today

@eggyg - congrats on the HS

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
Good morning! Had a slightly better night in that I got 4 - 5 hours before I was woken by Phantom Pain. at ~4:00. Took painkillers and hoped for an extra hour but it got to the point I thought it was better to get up than risk oversleeping. Had a 10.9 spike at 4:00 but down to 9.2 a couple of hours later.

Silly o'clock start for Podiatry today but still waiting on Patient Transport!

Was shades of grey early with small patches of blue, the blues patches grew larger and the sun came out but now the usual cloud cover.
Morning All - 7.something this morning but I didn't concentrate. Raining today but we've had nice weather for the last several so can't complain - got loads of gardening done ahead of going up to Harris tomorrow and then coming back to a jungle in 2.5 weeks time! Taking my Mum down to Kendal for a hearing aid appointment in a bit. I've managed to scrape my TIR back up to 84 so very pleased with that. Have a good day everyone xxx
Have a safe journey Jo. And have a wonderful time, wishing your mum a fabulous 85th birthday surrounded by all her family. Xx
Morning a 6.0 today after yesterday's 7.0, I blame the late evening hot chocolate. Just steeling myself to contact Sky... again to sort this contract out. @ColinUK if you want to talk AF, I have been there...
Morning all and 5.3 for me.

It's merely grey and drizzly this morning. An improvement on yesterday's deluge.

Apart from football tonight I'm not sure what today will bring.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - broken cloud and sunny at present. Forecast is wall to wall sun all day. We shall see!

7.0 this morning, an improvement on yesterday if nothing else. Had a broken night's sleep what with bathroom visits, then spending time thinking about my Bay trees and the fact that they are infested with caterpillars and what to do about it (clearly nothing at 3:45 am). They've got big and would cost a fortune to replace, but they're looking very sad. Thoughts moved on to housework or lack of it.... these night thoughts are ridiculous but uncontrollable!

Going out to meet friends in the pub early evening as we usually do on a Weds. Glad footie is not on early evening as the local has installed screens specifically for the footie. We go to have fun and conversation with friends not to watch sport. Then chicken drumsticks with garlic and tarragon, veggies and possibly jacket pots. Cooking everything with Tarragon at the moment as we got a huge bag of it from the greengrocer and I don't want to waste it!

@eggyg congratulations on your HS

@Grannylorraine good luck for your op today. I have my pre-op consult for my right eye next week.

Have a good one everyone.
Good morning my darlings. 6´4 today.

Had a lovely time in writing club yesterday. I couldn´t believe I had to go back to the real world and work after :D Not so lovely was the fact my Libre reader stopped working and started showing messages with "Error 9" and "Connected to computer" even tho there wasn´t any computer in sight. This morning I´ve called customer service, not looking forward to it especially cause my voice is a bit rough at the moment, but needs must. They have to replace the reader, so I will be back to good old finger pricks for a few days.

I admit I was not so confident using insulin without Libre but hey, I reckon is good to practice every now and then so you are ready when you have to. Also I couldn´t resist cake in the cafe where we do the writing club, bolused for it, and then ordered a sandwich for more substantial meal before work and they used the thickest slices of bread I´ve seen, so it seemed irresponsible to eat it without bolus. My BG did fall a bit too much with my walk to work but 2 watermelon gummies sorted it.
Wet Wet Wet and a 5.4 for me this morning. Nothing exciting except a Tesco delivery later,

Stay dry if you can. 🙂

A Tesco's delivery - exciting Dez!! The mind boggles... 🙂

Anyway, I am very late posting my morning bg today, I've been a very busy boy, so, it was a 5.6 at 08.55.
So I emailed my GP again yesterday about my mystery lump. Had an appointment at 16:25 with them and immediate referral so here’s my medical photo of the day.

Surgical team are expecting me. Apparently. But there was no welcome party at the door so I’m sceptical.

In and out in just over an hour really isn’t bad. Local anaesthetic. Cyst removed.
Massive dressing on the incision site and needs to be packed and dressing changed daily but by a nurse.
No need to hold off exercise but advised no upper body stuff for “a few days”.