Group 7-day waking average?

good morning i know its olmost afternon just didnt have time to post this morning was a bad 8.3 dodnt know wy guess it was the heawy supper last night (london brisket with mash potatos and a caramel snikers)
hope it will begood byday dosent look like still now 7.5 so i hoppe for better news soon
the pomp dose not stop ringing draiving me mad!!!!!!!
A better 6.5 first thing then off for a 5k walk. Not so soggy as yesterday! Ukulele group this afternoon ❤
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2

I was really worn out yesterday. No idea why. We tried a new cafe for our anniversary fish and chips lunch. It was ok, barely. We couldn't go to our usual excellent one as it was completely full. The weather was on and off foul, cold rain.

Did the sound at church with no issues (there usually are). I seem to be the only person who can tame the beast!

Today it's bright and sunny. You want to be confused then try guessing British weather!

All on the same day?

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Have a great day today in the sun whilst you can!
Sound desks at church are a beast to be tamed indeed! You should see our one, like the control centre at NASA!
4.7 this morning, shopped for the week ahead as we don't know how long the court case will last only thing we know is
it starts at 10.30 and they close at 4pm, as we have an hours travel going home in the rush hour the last thing we want is to start food shopping, so all sorted, just wondering about my Libre at the court, and if you have to turn your phone off, but will ask when we get there. hope everyone has a goos day what's left of it
Forgotten to post in a while as I’m currently being a Little Miss Distracted! 😳

I hope you’re all having a Very G’day Mates? 😉

Just started watching yet another new cdrama the tail end of the airing schedule will coincide with The Olympics so, I’m going to stay distracted for a while, I’m afraid! 😳

So, I’ll post this now while I remember! 🙄

Been having problems with a downward drift in BS this last week, after my bad bout of hay-fever & asthma combo, & started lowering my basal. Currently on day 4 of 56 Tresiba after lowering it from 60: inconclusive so far; will know better tomorrow after all of day 4 to see if further lowering is needed? NR is variable, as always, during the basal change! It’s all rather tedious but, it has to be done as I kept having to head off hypos the first days after my bad bout of asthma! BUT, I’m surprised by my need for a second need of lowering basal this Spring/Summer season & taking a POSITIVE in that! :D
4.7 this morning, shopped for the week ahead as we don't know how long the court case will last only thing we know is
it starts at 10.30 and they close at 4pm, as we have an hours travel going home in the rush hour the last thing we want is to start food shopping, so all sorted, just wondering about my Libre at the court, and if you have to turn your phone off, but will ask when we get there. hope everyone has a goos day what's left of it
as far as i know when i went for a court case i needed to close my phone and give it to the security
(was there as jury)
Congrats to @harbottle and @Gwynn on your HS.

Weather has been positively vile all day. Wet and freezing cold. Went into Tesco for some veggies after seeing the Dr and we nearly froze to death in there. Usually it's just in the chilled section, but today the whole store was freezing.

@martin A when our washing machine hose did the same thing Julian got a new hose in Screwfix. Is there one near you?
Not been 100% consistent with testing or with checking in on goings on in here with you lovely lot recently.
I’m ok. A little tired but basically just muddling through. I’ve upped my gym membership today as I’m going three or four times a week regularly now. Three times means I’m slightly out of pocket with a monthly DD but 4 means I’m slightly ahead. And they’re a charity so I don’t begrudge them the little extra if I do only go 3x a week. Plus I get towel thrown in so I don’t have to take one from home or lug a wet towel back home afterwards. Yeah I know that’s the lamest reason to go for full on “premier” membership but it suits me!

Saw the folks yesterday. They’re aging a little more rapidly now but they’re both in decent enough shape for their ages.

Not sure if I mentioned this already but I had DNA health testing done on the back of my recent MyHeritage DNA testing and it’s interesting. They screen for 28 carrier genes as well as a whole bunch of predictors of genetic risk of developing certain conditions.

I have a “significantly increased” risk of:
High blood pressure
Type 2 diabetes
High BMI and obesity

(They detail the last one by saying that people with the genetics that I have are in the 99.9th percentile for obesity and high BMI. Oddly I’ve found that a comfort as it’s suggesting that there’s a reason why I have to work so damn hard to drop any weight.)

“Standard risk” covers most things but I’ve a lower risk of late onset Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s which is nice to know.

I have a significantly reduced risk of developing HIV which I found interesting. Apparently I’ve two genes that give quite significant immunity from HIV.
I’m curious how religious fundamentalist homophobes would rationalise that little fact!

Right now I’m sitting in the Opera House foyer as I’m seeing Tosca tonight (again) and I can’t wait!

Hope everyone’s well and doing ok.
Right now I’m sitting in the Opera House foyer as I’m seeing Tosca tonight (again) and I can’t wait
Enjoy. I've never seen an opera.

hope you back by now
Back home, mum visited in hospital, tea. cooked, washing up done and sitting with a coffee. Counting down the days until the summer holidays
Enjoy. I've never seen an opera.

Back home, mum visited in hospital, tea. cooked, washing up done and sitting with a coffee. Counting down the days until the summer holidays
If you can go then Tosca a great first time opera. Even seeing it in a cinema screening is fabulous.
good morning i know its olmost afternon just didnt have time to post this morning was a bad 8.3 dodnt know wy guess it was the heawy supper last night (london brisket with mash potatos and a caramel snikers)
hope it will begood byday dosent look like still now 7.5 so i hoppe for better news soon
the pomp dose not stop ringing draiving me mad!!!!!!!

Mash is the worse possible way of eating potatoes as it is virtually pureed, and thus breaks down and is absorbed very quickly. New potatoes (preferably in their skins), roasties and chips are better. I find triple cooked chunky chips take hours. McD's skinny ones have a high surfacer area to volume ratio so absorb more fat and breakdown quickly. Usually they are salty even when you say "No salt please". Also some moronic staff give you sugary Coke (the term "full fat" is nonsensical) so I always dip with a Dextrostix. One even tried to argue the toss with me so a manager was called. He got taken out the back for a b*ll*cking! 🙂
04:45 BS 6.9 & about to go to bed for a few hours so, not waking.

An early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Yesterday, day 4, was mostly inconclusive for most of the day as I COULDN’T wait longer than 6 hours to eat so, couldn’t really see if I was slowly dropping beyond the 6 hours NR lasts me for? BUT, overnight still being awake in bed watching cdrama episodes there is indeed still a very, very slow drop of about 0.4mmol/hour so, reducing basal to 52 or 54 later at noon? :confused: Almost there & not swinging about so much! 🙂