Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Woke earlier to a 3.4 after a hypo dream of Michael Praed (sp?, 80s Robin Hood) running a dodgy diabetes camp where i went for a night. Obviously watching Susan Calman in Sherwood Forest last night made some impression on me. JBs consumed and woke again to 5.4.

I'm so glad its Friday. After work i'm off to see mum who has been back in hospital (third time this year). I really hope she's home soon, work, back and forth to hospitals, running around, phone calls, housework...its all catching up on me and i'm exhausted. Only one more week before we break up for summer.

Cool with light rain showers forecast. Fingers crossed the weather changes for the summer holidays.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 7.8

Had my dressing changed yesterday at the walk in. There’s a specific dressings clinic there and it’s quick. In and out in just over half an hour. Unfortunately however the nurse caught the edge of the wound so the pain was extraordinary. Other than that little hiccup it was fine.
Morning all. 6.4 here.

It’s cross-marking this morning from 9.30 to...whenever we finish. It’s nice to catch up with other tutors but it’s really dull work. I must remember to sit as far away as possible from a certain tutor who always “forgets” her work laptop (in an attempt to do less work, I reckon LOL). The best way to get this boring job done is to just knuckle down and do it IMHO!

Then I need to pack for a busy weekend ahead.

Hang in there @freesia - not long now! I hope your mum is discharged asap.
Morning Friday folks. And I make up the 6.4 triplets with @Robin and @Bloden.

Had another lie in! 7.30, I don’t know what’s going on. Managing to get back to sleep after 5am loo trips. It’s a miracle, and no RLS for a few days. Ironically enough I’ve just ordered some magnesium spray to use before bed. It is supposed to help RLS, cramps ( which I get in my feet) other aches and pains and reduce anxiety, amongst other things. We’ll see.

Youngest daughter and baby Eden coming for lunch, Zara is at nursery on a Friday now as well as Tuesdays, until 3pm, but I’ll see her later when she finishes. Forecast okish, not warm by any stretch, but dry so will do a wash incase the rain returns for the weekend. It’s getting wearing now isn’t it?

Have a fabulous Friday.
Never done a basal test, although I have been reading up on the subject of late.
Yes, I've got COPD as a by-product of smoking 30-40 a day for just over 45 years.
Hi there fellow gasper! I too have COPD (among other woes). Also, I am ashamed to admit, I smoked like a lunatic for 45 years. You could always tell when there was an adjournment as the outside doorways immediately became jammed with barristers lighting up. Amazing how stupid supposedly intelligent people are when it comes to health warnings.
07:35 BS 10.2 but, already going down on Day 2 of 52 Tresiba. Got a good night’s sleep after dinner around 10pm & beginning to get the hang of the NR dose as I swung gently up & back down from BS 8.7 up into the high 19s, I was worried but, DID NOT stick in more NR & then, drifted steadily down from there while I slept. Now at….. 08.03 BS 9.7. From the last 2 days of data it’ll hit about BS 5 or, I’m anticipating BS 6, so by the time Tresiba goes in & I’ll eat: just used to waking up twice these days as I go low & eat biscuits to stay topped up & go back for a second snooze; don’t think I need biscuits this morning & BS will stay ok as it drifts very slowly down? :confused:🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Lots of the usual pops of firecrackers & the like last night during the bonfires etc for “Seeing In The 12th” on this Bank Holiday, in NI, for “The12th of July” or “The Battle of the Boyne “: always been rather contentious here in the past but, been less so since the peace that slowly creeped in after The Good Friday Agreement! 🙂 I lived roughly 50/50 percent of my life through War & Peace here in this tiny country of just 1.5 million people with the most beautiful & spectacular scenery, I think! 😛

Oops! 😳 I just came all over patriotic, there! :D😛😎
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Good morning. 6.8 Weakened and had potatoes wirh dinner last night. Lovely, fresh dug, and sweet on the tongue but vengeful.

Getting some quite violent pain attacks. The first, in the tum region, doubles me up, and is only assuaged by drinking milk (water helps but doesn't fix it). The second, a dull ache between the shoulder blades, oozing up down and around rib cage, maturing on movement, like getting in and out of car, to gasping agony (too bad to swear at). I am firmly telling myself it is stress but think I had best try to get an appointment with the GP.

"Meanwhile, back at the ranch..." weather better than forecast (which was for thunder storms las night on BBC now light rain). So far its dry...which is helpful as supposedly the painter is coming today. He has one minute before he is late.

Hope everyone is enjoying Friday in anticipation of the weekend.
Good morning 8.2 today

Have a Fabulous Friday everyone 😎

Have a great say everybody.

Morning all 5.4 for me, skipped dinner as was so tired. Kept awake most of the night with cramp but finally got some sleep but means I'm up late and it's a bit disorientating, might be a bit more with it after first tea.

5.6 today with a very watery left eye, but I am sure that will clam down during the day and haven’t put any drops in yet.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on your HS

@PattiEvans and @DianeD - thanks for the heads up on the overlocker, I suppose one day I will actually try and use it.
Good morning. 6.8 Weakened and had potatoes wirh dinner last night. Lovely, fresh dug, and sweet on the tongue but vengeful.

Getting some quite violent pain attacks. The first, in the tum region, doubles me up, and is only assuaged by drinking milk (water helps but doesn't fix it). The second, a dull ache between the shoulder blades, oozing up down and around rib cage, maturing on movement, like getting in and out of car, to gasping agony (too bad to swear at). I am firmly telling myself it is stress but think I had best try to get an appointment with the GP.

"Meanwhile, back at the ranch..." weather better than forecast (which was for thunder storms las night on BBC now light rain). So far its dry...which is helpful as supposedly the painter is coming today. He has one minute before he is late.

Hope everyone is enjoying Friday in anticipation of the weekend.
The pain in the shoulder area is referred pain Tina and could, I emphasise the could, mean gallbladder problems and, I don’t want to scare you, pancreatitis. Get GP appointment, although in my experience they’ll say heartburn and or a virus. Which I hope it is. But if it doesn’t go away or gets so bad it’s unbearable, A&E. In the meantime trying lying on your tummy as it does alleviate the pain somewhat. Hope things improve, stress won’t help.
The pain in the shoulder area is referred pain Tina and could, I emphasise the could, mean gallbladder problems and, I don’t want to scare you, pancreatitis. Get GP appointment, although in my experience they’ll say heartburn and or a virus. Which I hope it is. But if it doesn’t go away or gets so bad it’s unbearable, A&E. In the meantime trying lying on your tummy as it does alleviate the pain somewhat. Hope things improve, stress won’t help.
Thank you for your kind advice. I will certainly seek a GP appoinment. It isn't my gall badder - I haven't had one since 1976!

The pain in the tum has been going on so about 2 months, albeit increasing in frequency, whilst the back problem is new. I checked out pancreatitis - it is looking at pain in the tum spreading to back. That doesn't happen. The 2 problems appear unrelated, certainly in time. The tum pain turns up out of the blue and remains in situ until calmed down by milk. Starts to calm down within minutes after milk and then takes about 20 minutes to go away. I do not have any of the other pancreatititis symptoms noted on web. Doesn't seem related to diet, time of eating, or activity. It just suddenly starts.

I did wonder if it was ulcers from the steroids (possibly incidents increased by current stress levels.)? I think it is too fierce to be indigestion but then I have always had the goat's capacity to eat anything (except tomatos) so no experience with it. I doubt that indigestion is so painful that one can only grunt rather than speak?

The new back pain is just grumbling along at the "Oh for God's sake level) until I make an injudicious movement at which I feel like a rat in the jaws of a determined terrier. Starts up between should blades and then spreads up, down and around. The pain ebbs back to grumbling level quite quickly. Not intercostal muscle pain from COPD coughing - I'ld recognise that. It isn't the palindrominc arthritis, at least I don't think so. The severe attacks depart too quickly and feel more like muscle rather than boney joints.

It is all rather boring so I'll set up a moan to Dr Mark who generally has quite bright ideas. I am beginning to feel like the man in "Three men in a boat" who, having read a medical text book, discovered he had everything except housemaid's knee! Only I doubt my GP will recommend, as did Jerome K Jerome's, a change of reading matter, a large beef steak and a 20 mile walk!

Apologies for long moan - @MikeyBikey, @Lanny and others have worse things to deal with I am sure.
Morning everyone, another grey day here but a happy 4.9 almost makes the sun shine.

Got some fences to paint today, hopefully the rain will hold off until I’ve finished.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Cool and grey start here after a decent day yesterday but it is brightening up as I type and there's no rain in our forecast. Two dry days in a row - I can't believe it.

Our eldest is in Barcelona for a couple of days, having flown out of Luton with most of his futsal team this morning - end of season get-together and all that - and is due back Sunday. Fortunately my wife is in Bedford this weekend, staying at her sister's, so she's picking him up while she's up that way.

Will be off shortly to do the usual Friday Big Shop. In the meantime I'm joining Dez @MeeTooTeeTo on the HS step:-


Enjoy Poet's Day.
A very nice 5.0 (which always transfers as 5.1 to my phone app for some reason:confused:) this morning. Lots more admin, badgering senior academics types of work, and catching up from annual leave last week, but in the office today, and therefore hopefully some music time as well.

The office corridor smells incomprehensibly of fish today. :-/
7.4 for me today. I just got back from a short 10-minute walk, I'm planning on a much farther walk today, up to a mile or so, to pick up a prescription (that should have been collected a week ago).

The day is a little brighter than yesterday, and no rain so far!