Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - another grey day... as yet not raining. Yesterday was nice all day and I spent it indoors cleaning the house!

6.0 this morning. Quite pleased with that. The diarrhrea has abated somewhat thank goodness. Judgement suspended on the thrush. Blooming ABs.

Although I gave the kitchen a thorough clean yesterday the oven remains to be done - so attacking that today. Ground floor all sparkling apart from that, though not touched upstairs yet. J is an angel rolling his sleeves up, pitching in and also doing all the vacuuming. Trouble is when I do the cleaning I do spring cleaning, not just surface stuff. We did get the drumsticks last night, with croquette pots and wilted spinach. Enough chicken left for tonight.

@Grannylorraine and @DianeD trouble with my overlocker was threads breaking, but I was dealing with very heavy duty fabrics for loose covers etc. Also the chap in the Singer shop sold me a "bargain" overlocker (£350ish instead of over £500) and it was not up to the job.

@TinaD If it is ulcers it can be a very sharp stomach pain. I suffered them for years until they discovered Helicobactor Pyelori and I had the ABs to cure that. Hope the GP can sort you out.

@Silent Sands it is a good idea to do basal testing occasionally. Your basal should hold you steady if you do not eat or inject fast acting. If you need instructions let me know, though they are now freely available online. I know nothing about COPD nor how it impacts on diabetes. Though I am lucky I escaped it. I did smoke heavily for 28 years but both J and I gave up on 5 Jan 2001 and have been smoke free ever since. Not easy, but glad I did it.

@Martin.A congrats on the HS!!!

Have a good one all.
I gave up the pot habit about 18 years ago, smoking in general, 6 years ago and the heavy drinking 3 years back.
The only drugs I take now are prescription meds. The smoking left me with the aforementioned, COPD, Emphysema, asthma, and a few others from the 'Dolly Mixture tree'. My breathing is always an issue since the onset of asthma.
I gave up the pot habit about 18 years ago, smoking in general, 6 years ago and the heavy drinking 3 years back.
The only drugs I take now are prescription meds. The smoking left me with the aforementioned, COPD, Emphysema, asthma, and a few others from the 'Dolly Mixture tree'. My breathing is always an issue since the onset of asthma.
I have been drug-free (illegal) for 18 years, and kicked the smoking habit (smoke-free for 6 years), but I still have the occasional alcoholic drink as I wasn't addicted when I did drink heavily. Kicking the smoking into touch was the hardest habit I ever got the better of.
Good morning! 6.4 when I woke at 01:00am with the usual PP! Does my missing limb need exorcising - it could then go and score a mystery goal for England tomorrow! :rofl:

After weeks in the doldrums now up to 70% IR, can I pull it back tp 80% or even 90%?

No stars so either the "cost of living" crisis means they have been turned off to save money or it is cloudy! Window dry so not raining! (we need more emojis, please)
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12.07.2024 22:34 BS 8.2 on Day 3 of 52 Tresiba. Definite signs of normalcy there as a) I stayed pretty flattish while I slept, true I DID NOT need the precautionary little snack just before bed around 15:30 ish that took me up from BS 6.7 to the 8’s but, erred on the side of caution to get some worry free sleep & b) my BS is rising already, as per usual due to DP after waking! 🙂

A Very Good Morning coming up for you NORMAL lovely lot & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Indeed no biscuits were necessary, had to think for a bit there on the timeline :rofl:, yesterday morning, both for you normal timeline lot AND me come to think of it as it’s now past midnight as I type this, & I stayed awake for quite a bit before tiredness conked me out around 3pm after Day 3 of 52 basal went in! I was still very, very slowly drifting down so, the precautionary chocolate mint mini roll with no NR before turning it: just about 6 hours after breakfast so, must have just caught the tail end of active NR; then, as basal is more or less there no dropping BS so, I went up a bit & stayed there til I woke up? :confused:

Already just had breakfast where my BS rose after waking to 23:37 BS 9.2 & trying normal NR doses today to see how goes: well, normal +2 for higher start for ramen just now & BS is still rising, 02:13 BS 16.6 before it should peak, about now or so, & come back down to target range, or I’ll take where I started at at this early stage, I’m thinking but, will see IF it works out that way? 🙄:confused:

NOW, of course my body clock is out of whack but, HEY, first things first, my basal is more or less there; see how it goes today? :confused:

It’s been rather heavenly NOT to have an aching knee & a lot less stiffness in my left middle fingers, that hold up my iPad mini & I COULD NOT bear the heavier weight of any other bigger iPad, that has REALLY made an impression on me & I wonder just how long has it been that those body parts HAVE been bugging me: crept in slowly that I got used to it & stop noticing it; only its ABSENCE made me notice & realise how bad it had gotten! 😛:D I’m appreciating the little things! :D
Good morning! 6.4 when I woke at 01:00am with the usual PP! Does my missing limb need exorcising - it could then go and score a mystery goal for England tomorrow! :rofl:

No stars so either the "cost of living" crisis means they have been turned off to save money or it is cloudy! Window dry so not raining! (we need more emojis, please)
Do your own set of descriptive emojis: I have for AGES now! :rofl: Don’t let the lack of “official” forum emojis limit your ability to fully express yourself! 😉:rofl:
Morning all. 8.1

Went off to the dressing clinic yesterday as didn’t feel right. Seems that I’m allergic to the packing material the nurse there used to pack the wound. Still sore this morning but nowhere near as uncomfortable as it was before they switched out the packing.
Going back early afternoon today to have them check everything again.

In other news I’m tempted to bake avocado “bread” later. It’s basically just mushed avocado mixed with cheese, almond flour, baking soda or powder I forget which and then shaped and baked.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7
BP 119/73
Pulse 52 low as always
Weight down 200g since yesterday...good

A busy day ahead: mens breakfast at the church, at least 2 walks, a great tea to cook (and eat), practice at the church this evening....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning! 6.4 when I woke at 01:00am with the usual PP! Does my missing limb need exorcising - it could then go and score a mystery goal for England tomorrow! :rofl:

After weeks in the doldrums now up to 70% IR, can I pull it back tp 80% or even 90%?

No stars so either the "cost of living" crisis means they have been turned off to save money or it is cloudy! Window dry so not raining! (we need more emojis, please)
Morning a 6.6 clickety click for me after going to bed on 13 and a 2u correction so happy enough with a quick fall and nice overnight line.
Mikey I have given you a star as you mention “ No Stars” and if some mystery goal is scored tomorrow night by any part of some one’s missing anatomy then I will give you a star every morning lol.
Walked the dogs,had my toast and going to grab another hours sleep and then looking forward to a cracking w/ end.
Morning all, 7.1 here. Long day ahead, flight this afternoon, then arrive at Gatwick and decide how to get home. The strategic bit of the M25 is closed, and if our flight's delayed the A34 is closed overnight, as is a bit of the M40, I think. Best option may be to drive anti-clockwise round the M25.
Good morning. 5.1! Close but no cigar. 🙄

Woke ( was woken) at 6.15 by the jacking and cackling jackdaws. I reckon there was at least four and 20, and I was tempted to put them in a pie! This is probably their third brood this year, these are new babies still being fed by their parents. What a racket they make. I actually managed to sneak some photos of them, they usually fly off as soon as I venture downstairs, only to come back two minutes later to raid the fat ball feeders. I don’t mind really, the young ones are quite comical and very clumsy whilst they’re learning to swing on the feeders. I just wish they’d do it quietly.

No big plans, a ragu to make for tea, and a spot of ironing where I’ll catch up with Sewing Bee.

@Robin safe journey home.

Have a good day.


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Good morning! 6.4 when I woke at 01:00am with the usual PP! Does my missing limb need exorcising - it could then go and score a mystery goal for England tomorrow! :rofl:

After weeks in the doldrums now up to 70% IR, can I pull it back tp 80% or even 90%?

No stars so either the "cost of living" crisis means they have been turned off to save money or it is cloudy! Window dry so not raining! (we need more emojis, please)

Good morning 2! And it's a HS! I found the Star @Wendal !

Still cloudy!
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Morning all. A surprise 5.2 for me.

Today, I’m off to a quirky little town in Ceredigion where I used to live when I was first married - almost 30 years ago, eek! I’m going to meet one of my Zoom person. She’s from India and is studying ancient languages at Oxford. She fell in love with the Welsh language on a trip to Wales last year and signed up for an intensive class (as well as her uni course!). I’m so impressed by her talent for languages, I just had to meet her! And it’ll be interesting to visit some old haunts while I’m there.

Good luck @Robin - I’ll be thinking of you as I try to leave Swansea tomorrow morning. There’s a triathlon and random road closures at random times - it doesn’t help that the race goes past my mum’s front door...<stuck in traffic> emoji.
Well, I overshot a wee bit there & went quite low by the time I started cooking & was BS 4.8 at 06:52 AFTER a big mug of tea, I had a feeling just 1 cup wasn’t going to do it, with loads of milk & honey. Ate first & then, put in NR at about halfway through lunch. It’s a bit inclusive, still, as I may have overdone the NR & didn’t need the +2 and/or just a teeny bit too much basal so, decided to, for safety & less scrambling later, I’ll reduce basal to 50 later: if I need to I always put it back up to 52? :confused:

Just tallied up my marshmallows, biscuits & chocolate mint mini rolls tally I went through during this second reduction in insulin needs this Spring/Summer & it comes to:- 5 giant, about 21.25g, of marshmallows, found these at Asda for toasting a la “smores” for the emergency ACTUAL hypos that I changed to instead of the mini marshmallows which I kept dropping while trying to scramble them into my mouth when hypo clumsy; 2 whole packets, 24 in each packet, of Nice biscuits & 4 packs, 5 in each pack, of Cadbury’s chocolate mint mini rolls of which I unnecessary had the last one of yesterday afternoon! 😱 That’s quite SOME tally & I have 1 packet of Nice biscuits left along with 8 Giant marshmallows! Which hopefully will hold out for a while OR I may just get some more mini rolls & biscuits? :confused: BUT, the end is in sight & I’m nearly there! 🙂