Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 4.9! I’ve skimmed the bottom line all night despite a piece of Kendal Mint Cake at 11.30pm! Been up since 8am but didn’t have to wait for breakfast obviously, so I had it straight away which was nice. I reduced basal by half a unit and knocked a full unit off my breakfast basal as I was low all day yesterday, I actually struggled keeping my BGs up, and there’s only so many oaty biscuits or ginger nuts I can eat.

A day of domestic drudgery today, it’s got to be done. Cold, wet and windy, and the weather is rubbish too! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday y’all.
You’ve got enough grandkids now, can’t you train them to do it for you? I’m assuming that the newest one isn’t quite strong enough to climb chimneys yet but surely the others would be useful. Zara’s still small enough to get into all the nooks and crannies and the bigger ones can get stuck in on the rest!
You’ve got enough grandkids now, can’t you train them to do it for you? I’m assuming that the newest one isn’t quite strong enough to climb chimneys yet but surely the others would be useful. Zara’s still small enough to get into all the nooks and crannies and the bigger ones can get stuck in on the rest!
Funnily you should say that. Tight a*$e Mr Eggy has bought himself a set of chimney sweep brushes “I’m not paying someone mega bucks to get some soot out” and been promising to use them for months ( they are still in the original packaging they were delivered in). Maybe I will send Zara up, I’ll tell her to look for Santa Claus! 😛
Funnily you should say that. Tight a*$e Mr Eggy has bought himself a set of chimney sweep brushes “I’m not paying someone mega bucks to get some soot out” and been promising to use them for months ( they are still in the original packaging they were delivered in). Maybe I will send Zara up, I’ll tell her to look for Santa Claus! 😛
I’m contemplating buying a similar thing (basically an extendable rod based drain auger) to clear the down pipe from the gutters. It’s blocked with what looks like a London plain tree that’s taken root right at the very top. I’d have to go in from the basement level all the way to the top. That’s five storeys high.

How good is Zara at climbing?! Maybe I can borrow her? :rofl:
5.3 this morning, and weekly BP check 113/71, so happy with both those. Walked down to Morrisons before breakfast to get a newspaper and saw the aftermath of the incident that had the Police on site yesterday. The cigarette section is trashed, with the shutters forced open, and that part of the store is still sealed off.

Coffee and read the paper up next before I head over to Sainsbury's for our regular Friday Big Shop.

Whatever your plans, enjoy Poet's Day.
@Martin.A Given that it’s Poets Day couldn’t you have made your post rhyme?
I was wake alot of the not felling good it was 10.9 at ,2.30am. I corrected and got 7.9 think i mighr. Finally fell back asleep at gone 5 and when I woke up a couple hours letter it was 8.3
Took some time off sick yesterday afternoon, tried a full day in the office and failed by lunchtime.

Got up and ready this morning, made my packed lunch and packed my bag, set off walking to the office, stopped partway and thought am I even going to make it to the office. Carried on a bit before turning round, calling in sick and going home. I’m done for this week.

Bgs are improving after treating a foot infection which is now improving though.
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I’m so so tired. Even for me my sleep last night was awful. I’ll take a sleeping tablet this evening and probably tomorrow in an effort to get back into a more acceptable pattern.

7.3 which I’m putting down to sleep and stress.

Am seeing the folks this evening. Taking “end of life” books with me for them both to go through and fill out with info about funeral wishes (which being Jewish is kinda already set out) and financial information that will help my brother and I when we’re executors. Not that that’s going to be happening for at least 20 years given that they’re only almost 82 and 84 obviously.

Wills and POAs are done and up to date. This is more so that we don’t have to go through 40 years of filing to find info. It’s ok doing it. It’s a necessity. It’s just Life. It’s also upsetting of course.

The end of life book I mentioned is this one… it’s recommended by the Law Society

No idea why is has named you twice Colin?! This isn't meant to be nasty but have you done your own. Two friends (one a bestie) died shortly after their parents who all lived to around 90. Sadly (or fortunately) we do not know the end date!

A note to anyone. Unless your will will be very simp[le it is best to use a solicitor. For instance you have to bequeath the British Diabetic Association as Diabetes UK is only a working title. Also think about what happens if named individuals pre-decease you.
Thank you, and sorry if I caused anyone any concerns for my wellbeing. I just felt the need to step back for a while until I'd got myself back together and felt ready to log back in and post again, but I may just stick to this thread for a while.
Hugs. Sorry wasn't trying to harrass you, just that I've always enjoyed your posts and we generally are concerned about the people in this thread. To be honest I don't stick my head up in the forum other than this thread very often as there are two people who like to slap me down when I do make what I think is a helpful comment on other threads.

@Lanny and @Michael12421 have also disappeared.
A note to anyone. Unless your will will be very simp[le it is best to use a solicitor. For instance you have to bequeath the British Diabetic Association as Diabetes UK is only a working title. Also think about what happens if named individuals pre-decease you.
Not being funny, but we have recently done our own and then had it looked at by an online solicitor. I think we have done a better job than the Solicitor who did our wills 15 years ago and got all the beneficiary/executor names wrong. We ended up with numerous corrections stapled to the wills.
Morning all - weather undecided. Half an hour ago brilliant sunshine, it's now lashing it down!

6.1 with a nice flatfish overnight. Did have a Libre alarm about midnight for a 4.1 Treated it and managed to avoid red sand. Think it was due to over-guesstimating dinner carbs. On the whole am pleased with TIR over the last 7 days.

Off to meet friends in town this afternoon and then home to have the 2nd half of Rick Stein's Chicken, Leek and cider hotpot for dinner.

@eggyg Julian used to have his own chimney sweeping rods and brushes that doubled as drain rods. He seemed to find sweeping chimneys quite easy. Unfortunately they got left in the back yard at the hotel overnight after he'd unblocked a drain and early the next morning the dustbinmen took them!

Hugs to @Lucyr. Sorry to hear your news this morning. Hope you feel a bit better soon.


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Morning all.4.3 for me this lovely wet morning.Well get out with dog now and see how waterproof this new smock is .Call along our farm butchers for meat .fruit and vegetables and fresh milk .Give the bakery a miss Keep laughing at people in queue saying they will all end up with diabetes .Have a good day folks whatever you're up to
Ugh, more rain! Morning all.

Woke to a 5,7 this morning and that was after consuming a kebab at 9.30 last night..

Have a good day everyone and stay dry.....:D
I’m so so tired. Even for me my sleep last night was awful. I’ll take a sleeping tablet this evening and probably tomorrow in an effort to get back into a more acceptable pattern.

7.3 which I’m putting down to sleep and stress.

Am seeing the folks this evening. Taking “end of life” books with me for them both to go through and fill out with info about funeral wishes (which being Jewish is kinda already set out) and financial information that will help my brother and I when we’re executors. Not that that’s going to be happening for at least 20 years given that they’re only almost 82 and 84 obviously.

Wills and POAs are done and up to date. This is more so that we don’t have to go through 40 years of filing to find info. It’s ok doing it. It’s a necessity. It’s just Life. It’s also upsetting of course.

A cousin died yesterday. She’s one of the 30 odd first cousins mum had. Now she has one.

I’m glad that I booked the Warsaw trip yesterday though. That’s a bright light shining in the gloom. Business class again but thought about whether it was really necessary as it’s sub 3hr direct flights this time. I still want the space and calm that it gives me so I deemed it necessary. That sent me into a whirl of working out how many flights I need to take, where and what class, to get frequent flyer status. I think it’s one intercontinental return and twelve more in Europe. I plotted a bonkers series of multiple city flights hopping from London via Germany to and around Poland, back via Germany with a couple of days in each stopover. I’m not sure how or why but the price was only about £400 in business class. London - Berlin - Krakow - Gdańsk - Warsaw - Cologne - London
I’m tempted to at least plan it out properly and see what I can find to get Status for the least money. More as an intellectual exercise than as a serious endeavour. Sort of like a jigsaw puzzle.

Reading through my full medical record is a sobering experience too. As a result of an SAR I know have full access to everything and reading therapy notes from counsellors, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists over the years is uncomfortable.

I’m so grateful for this place. For you all. To you all. You allow me the space to let my random thinking run free. You don’t (openly) judge. And this place also brings joy, laughter and kindness above all else.

@Wendal the image of you dragging a recalcitrance dachshund on walks is funny!

Love is what I witness above all else in this place.


The end of life book I mentioned is this one… it’s recommended by the Law Society
Haha Colin.The other two I can simply pick up but he is a big dog ( size of a standard) so try and get him to walk.
Sounds like you should be a travel agent organising all your flights but hope you have a nice trip.
Have never been to Poland but heard that it is great to visit.
Plenty of good ideas to earn money from the grandkids even if some of ideas seem illegal
I have thought of monetising our dogs and could rent them out to keep you warm and Cosy and they are low maintenance so will give it more thought
@MikeyBikey Grew up in a family where talking about death and Wills etc was quite commonplace. My brother and I each did our own aged 18. Obviously they’ve been updated since!
Taking the day off sick was definitely the right decision today, not sure what’s going on but head feels weird, like my brain is a combination of woolly and dizzy. Don’t have any cold symptoms other than a very mild sniffle, not going out to buy a box of tissues worthy. After I got back from my walk most of the way to work I spent the rest of the morning in bed, having only recently progressed to sitting on the couch. Maybe it’s an ME/CFS flare or something, dunno.
Fell off the HS step today with a 7.2, oh well, that’s the way it goes.

We’re in Northern Ireland today and for the weekend visiting one of my wife’s aunts in Eglinton, near Derry. Lovely to be over here for a good reason rather than for a funeral! My wife is known at the car rental counter in Belfast International airport (due to lots of trips over here) so we ended up with a rather nice hybrid Qashqai which is rather impressive and very quiet, also no extra cost over our hire of a basic car.

Downside was that the speedometer was in Km/h (it was a car from ROI). You would laugh at me googling how many Km/h the various speed limits are! All until we pulled over and I found you could bring up a digital speedometer that was in mph - phew!

Welcome back @Martin.A - lovely to see you on here again!

Take care everyone!