Group 7-day waking average?

5.6 then 5.9 fotf then 6.4 an hr later now 7.4.
I'll let it peak, and see where it goes. 0 carbs at all today so far.

edit: 3g maybe in the splash of milk for coffee
topped out at 8.9 9 hrs later
Hello @Martin.A and welcome back. We've all been missing you and worried about you as you disappeared so quickly without warning.
Thank you, and sorry if I caused anyone any concerns for my wellbeing. I just felt the need to step back for a while until I'd got myself back together and felt ready to log back in and post again, but I may just stick to this thread for a while.
Thank you, and sorry if I caused anyone any concerns for my wellbeing. I just felt the need to step back for a while until I'd got myself back together and felt ready to log back in and post again, but I may just stick to this thread for a while.
No need to apologise for putting your needs first at all. Ever.
Good to see you back 🙂
Good morning and a 6.8 for me when I got up at 2nd time of asking at 6.30 after another 3pm unscheduled dog walk when my level was 5.7.
If it is raining at bedtime he simply refuses to go very far and he is a bit of a lump and being a stubborn daschund ( very low centre of gravity) he can take some shifting.
Anyway back up to 97% TIR so signs of improvement after a brief flirtation with the BG above 13.
Much milder this morning and we got away with no snow as we are quite low and quiet Friday and will have our usual Pizza treat and will enjoy it more as must admit have really enjoyed this week.
Have a good w/ end all and in particular to those going through some difficult times as I know there are a few struggling on the forum at the moment.
Thinking of you if it applies to you and wish you all the best
Good moaning! Despite being totally exhausted I had a bad night being woken by phantom pain at 2:00. Despite pain killers the foot is burning on top and tingling overall. I suspect tiredness is playing a part. Obviously no overnight graph but finger stab on waking showed 15! Sure this with antibiotics is why I am drier than the Gobi! Gave myself a 10u Actrapid boost.

Nothing on today as managed to move today's appointment to Monday week as couldn't face Patient Transport four days in a row.

Grey and gloomy! Friend in the North has laying snow... (snowman emoji)
Morning folks. 🙂 8.7 here.

Tough crowd last night - I was absolutely wiped out before class, but not as tired as the three (yes, just 3) dog-tired students that dragged their snoring bodies into class. They managed to rustle up a smidgen of enthusiasm between them. This is the class that I’m going to be observed teaching...groan. I need to come up with a plan. Fireworks up backsides? :confused: Intravenous Red Bull?
Who cares?!!! It’s half term!!!! (once I’ve done my admin today). Woohoo!!!!
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.8 excellent

It has stopped raining this morning. At least I might be able to go out for a walk now. We had a tiny bit of snow/rain yesterday evening. It was mighty cold yesterday.

Got to pick up the corrected meds today, maybe tea time when the pharmacy is quieter.

Today, exercise, keyboard practice, stew for tea.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all

6.8 after a day of eating all the wrong things, I did end up taking the day off work from about 11am.

Congratulations to the quadruplets of HS yesterday. Not sure I have seen that many in one day.

@Martin.A - nice to see you back, and I mostly only stick to this thread, and/or threads that are generall just wishing someone well or happy birthday etc. Just do what you need to do.
And a 5.4 for me this morning.

5.4 then 5.7 fotf
5.8, although I'd been up for a while and already started breakfast/coffee.
Morning all. 4.9! I’ve skimmed the bottom line all night despite a piece of Kendal Mint Cake at 11.30pm! Been up since 8am but didn’t have to wait for breakfast obviously, so I had it straight away which was nice. I reduced basal by half a unit and knocked a full unit off my breakfast basal as I was low all day yesterday, I actually struggled keeping my BGs up, and there’s only so many oaty biscuits or ginger nuts I can eat.

A day of domestic drudgery today, it’s got to be done. Cold, wet and windy, and the weather is rubbish too! :rofl:

Have a fab Friday y’all.
I’m so so tired. Even for me my sleep last night was awful. I’ll take a sleeping tablet this evening and probably tomorrow in an effort to get back into a more acceptable pattern.

7.3 which I’m putting down to sleep and stress.

Am seeing the folks this evening. Taking “end of life” books with me for them both to go through and fill out with info about funeral wishes (which being Jewish is kinda already set out) and financial information that will help my brother and I when we’re executors. Not that that’s going to be happening for at least 20 years given that they’re only almost 82 and 84 obviously.

Wills and POAs are done and up to date. This is more so that we don’t have to go through 40 years of filing to find info. It’s ok doing it. It’s a necessity. It’s just Life. It’s also upsetting of course.

A cousin died yesterday. She’s one of the 30 odd first cousins mum had. Now she has one.

I’m glad that I booked the Warsaw trip yesterday though. That’s a bright light shining in the gloom. Business class again but thought about whether it was really necessary as it’s sub 3hr direct flights this time. I still want the space and calm that it gives me so I deemed it necessary. That sent me into a whirl of working out how many flights I need to take, where and what class, to get frequent flyer status. I think it’s one intercontinental return and twelve more in Europe. I plotted a bonkers series of multiple city flights hopping from London via Germany to and around Poland, back via Germany with a couple of days in each stopover. I’m not sure how or why but the price was only about £400 in business class. London - Berlin - Krakow - Gdańsk - Warsaw - Cologne - London
I’m tempted to at least plan it out properly and see what I can find to get Status for the least money. More as an intellectual exercise than as a serious endeavour. Sort of like a jigsaw puzzle.

Reading through my full medical record is a sobering experience too. As a result of an SAR I know have full access to everything and reading therapy notes from counsellors, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists over the years is uncomfortable.

I’m so grateful for this place. For you all. To you all. You allow me the space to let my random thinking run free. You don’t (openly) judge. And this place also brings joy, laughter and kindness above all else.

@Wendal the image of you dragging a recalcitrance dachshund on walks is funny!

Love is what I witness above all else in this place.


The end of life book I mentioned is this one… it’s recommended by the Law Society
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