Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Another drum roll please….5.2, again! And an almost flatfish AND a unicorn! I got the hat trick.

Yesterday’s Wainwright bagging fell at almost the first hurdle. We walked up a very steep hill towards Hayswater, this is a mountain tarn which we’ve visited twice before but usually just come back down. Got to the bit where we cross a bridge to get onto the fells, it had been washed away and the beck was raging. Some brave folks in front of us got over, and got wet. There was absolutely no chance I was even going to try because the last time we visited this area, nine years ago, I fell into this very beck, cracked my head on a rock, and split it open, and ended up waist deep in the water. I then had to walk an hour down the hill absolutely soaking wet with blood dripping down my face, and then had the indignity of sitting in my wet knickers in the car all the way home! So, no thanks. We walked back the way we came, ate our packed lunch in the car and went home. Still did 3 miles and 200 metres of elevation. Hence my fabulous BG control yesterday! Or was that because I didn’t have a Creme Egg?:confused:

Hair cuts this morning. Not quite as strenuous.

See forum not quite cured. Can like some posts and not others. So apologies. @Elenka_HM for some reason I couldn’t react to yours either yesterday or this morning. Glad you’ve got your meds, at last, but bloody annoyed on your behalf how long it took and the fact they couldn’t fulfil your prescription totally. Grrr!

Had a good one, frosty oop north.
Congrats Eggy on the hatrick of good results.
My overnight graph was similar to the altitude readings of your walk yesterday all up and down
Joining you again today @eggyg ! We’ve got this! Also congratulations to @agentmole !


Early morning start taking my wife to work first thing so that I can have the car and pick her up to go to a pharmacist tonight to see about our travel jabs - think Tetanus is the only one we need, but we’ll see. As our health centre can’t do this in time we’ve had to pay to get this done privately, bit of a shame but rather get it sorted than ignore it.

Have a good day everyone!
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I'm joining @agentmole & @eggyg & @Eternal422 on the HS step this morning. I was expecting it to be higher because my first attempt to draw sufficient blood failed. Then the battery in my meter died and I faffed about for 5 minutes trying to find some new ones. Then I dropped the battery cover and had to crawl under my desk to retrieve it. 🙄

We're expecting snow later.

It was 8.3. dexcom did replace both sensors that bleed they arrived yesterday.vwhich I think is quite good of them because it's not there flaut if they bleed.
Morning all - grey AND wet today. Fortunately I have no need to go anywhere. Ironing beckons instead.

5.5 with a flat line and 98% TIR this morning. Tweaked the basal down a tiny bit from 5 am after tweaking it up and I think it's about right now. We shall see!

I got to try out some hearing aids yesterday afternoon. My goodness, in aural terms it was as if someone switched a light on! Amazing! I'm afraid I shunned the NHS ones as they were so clunky compared with the other ones on offer which are virtually invisible when you have them on (plus much better sound) and I am now considerably poorer. I want them NOW... but have to wait 7 - 10 days for them to arrive from the USA. Eck what with pump, sensor and now another false bit I am becoming bionic!

Yes, the forum is still flaky. I seem to be able to "like" most posts, but I am afraid I cannot give @Elenka_HM a "care" emoji. @Elenka_HM I hope the pharmacy have said when they will get the remaining ABs in. Most pharmacies can get drugs by the next day. You should not have a gap in taking antibiotics as it undoes all the good the previous ones have done and they should know that.

Well done to @eggyg on her hat trick. Congratulations also to @Eternal422 @agentmole and @MeeTooTeeTo on your HSs.

@Grannylorraine {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}} take a day off work whilst you still feel rubbish.

re: Creme eggs - I would not give you a thank you for one. Much too sweet and sickly, but Cadbury's mini eggs... yum... I could eat a whole packet in one go!

Happy day all.... be good and if you can't, then be careful as the saying goes!
Congrats @agentmole, @eggyg, @Eternal422 and @MeeTooTeeTo on the HSs this morning. Almost joined you - 5.1 on a soaking wet Berkshire morning. At least our weather warning is for rain and not snow. Wasted trip to Morrisons to get a newspaper, too - Police are on site and the entrance is sealed with 'Police Line Do Not Cross' tape. Expect we'll find out why later. Picked up a newspaper at the local Shell station instead.

Hope the weather doesn't ruin anyone's plans for the day.
Morning all.5.7 for me this morning.Still coughing but not as severe.Congratultions all you 5.2 folks Thought the server problem had been fixed But had a problem with me to . Couldn't give you a star mate .Have a good day folks.


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Morning all - 6.2 this morning which I'm very pleased with. Snowing here today so no gardening. Had a great day yesterday at Acorn Bank splitting & dividing herbaceous perennials and digging out Ranunculus repens (creeping buttercup). In the afternoon we had a gorgeous snowdrop walk round the woodland there which was really beautiful. @eggyg sorry your walk got cut short but well done on not being tempted to go over. @MikeyBikey sorry you have such bad luck with your patient transport. Have a good day everyone xxx


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Yes, the forum is still flaky. I seem to be able to "like" most posts, but I am afraid I cannot give @Elenka_HM a "care" emoji. @Elenka_HM I hope the pharmacy have said when they will get the remaining ABs in. Most pharmacies can get drugs by the next day. You should not have a gap in taking antibiotics as it undoes all the good the previous ones have done and they should know that.
They said they should be ready tomorrow, which would be right on time since I have capsules for tonight and tomorrow morning. I do hope they have them, I had my first painless loo visit in a week and don´t want to go back 🙄
Morning all, and I'm joining the end of the line with another 5.2 this wet and windy morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe......
Morning all. Thought it was just my phone but seems a few of you folks having problems as well.Its either coming up server errors or someone's message repeats two or three times .Blame the russians Anyway it was 7.2 for me this morning after another sleepless night with this chest infection.Stay safe folks
my last post duplicated 3 times, 4.1 this morning
Morning all, and I'm joining the end of the line with another 5.2 this wet and windy morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe......
and its a 5.2 for me, thick snow here today
Good morning everyone! 5´8 today.

The weather is not inviting me to go outside, so probably a day of lounging around. Have hoovering and ironing to do but they can wait 😉 I will try to work on my job search materials, and later might continue reading Good Omens (I love it) or watch some more Superstore on Netflix. Is not the best show but I find it light and funny (if a bit inappropiate at times) and helps pass the time, so I´ve been drinking it when I was unwell.

Congratulations to all the House Specialists today, I lost count already! I gave stars to all the ones I saw 🙂
Good morning everyone. I seem to be having (had) some problems with this web site/forum which is why I have not responded to any comments. I will try again in a short while. Sigh.

BG 5.1
@Gwynn. I am told the bloke in the white coat is on to it. The mods and admin have tried to clear out all the duplicated threads but it was a losing battle yesterday afternoon. Things seemed to improve massively this morning so hopefully it is on its way to being sorted and we can get back to normal.
Congrats to all of you with a HS today. So many!

Face to face with doc went ok this morning. He wants to check my liver/blood test again in 4 weeks but was impressed with my "control". I didn't want to disillusion him by saying its not all the time.
Congrats @agentmole, @eggyg, @Eternal422 and @MeeTooTeeTo on the HSs this morning. Almost joined you - 5.1 on a soaking wet Berkshire morning. At least our weather warning is for rain and not snow. Wasted trip to Morrisons to get a newspaper, too - Police are on site and the entrance is sealed with 'Police Line Do Not Cross' tape. Expect we'll find out why later. Picked up a newspaper at the local Shell station instead.

Hope the weather doesn't ruin anyone's plans for the day.
Hello @Martin.A and welcome back. We've all been missing you and worried about you as you disappeared so quickly without warning.
Morning all - 6.2 this morning which I'm very pleased with. Snowing here today so no gardening. Had a great day yesterday at Acorn Bank splitting & dividing herbaceous perennials and digging out Ranunculus repens (creeping buttercup). In the afternoon we had a gorgeous snowdrop walk round the woodland there which was really beautiful. @eggyg sorry your walk got cut short but well done on not being tempted to go over. @MikeyBikey sorry you have such bad luck with your patient transport. Have a good day everyone xxx
Love the picture of the Snowdrops, I have never seen that many together. I passed a small clump on my walk yesterday, on the river bank.
5.6 then 5.9 fotf then 6.4 an hr later now 7.4.
I'll let it peak, and see where it goes. 0 carbs at all today so far.

edit: 3g maybe in the splash of milk for coffee
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