Group 7-day waking average?

Hey everyone! I got the antibiotics!
. Anyway, he eventually called back and asked a couple questions, including how is my blood (must have read the notes of my T1D), .

I find when I go doctors even when it's about something completely different they quite often foncus on blood sugar or my "gunuie control of diabetes) one time they had mostly high all week but I knew that was because I was ill and not the other way around And trying to explain that seemed a bit of task.
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@eggyg is there room on the 5.2 step? Congratulations to you and I’m joining you today! (Bit of time in the red sand overnight though)


@Elenka_HM - sorry, I couldn’t click the care on your post, seems the forum is playing up slightly today! You may be able to see test results on the NHS App, but only if your GP has set you up to see them.

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning 6.1 today

Thinking I need to get in touch with Diabetic Specialists at hospital, will call in later today, it’s not an urgent problem, but thinking since I missed the phone call from the consultant I think it was back in November, I’ve called a few times but never get to speak to anyone who can book an appointment, and other than the letter they sent me and my GP berating me for missing that phone call , I still stand by that he didn’t ring at the agreed time, back in November / early December, when I missed his phone call (missed the call as he didn’t call at agreed time)

well done to those that have produced HS’s recently,
I'm still behind on catching up with posts on here,

Car came back from the garage on Friday,
relief but bill was over £2K (flywheel & clutch replacement on semi automatic gearbox)

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone 😎
Forum is playing up. So is my brain so that’s useful.

I’m stressing about picking a hotel for a trip to Warsaw in April. It’s a much bigger city than Kraków so it’s more difficult to know where to stay.
Temptation is to book the same chain as I use in Kraków but that seems awfully dull so then it’s a roll of the dice and pot luck.
Factor in trying to liaise with Max, my Kraków dwelling Ukrainian friend, as he’s joining me in Warsaw and it’s a brain teaser!!
I don’t know his budget. I’ve asked gently for indications but to no avail. Today I’ve sent him a selection of hotels and asked for his thoughts. I’ve also said once he’s let me know I’ll book my flights and accommodation so he can book his.
Seemed like a sensible thing to do.

Not being entirely sensible I haven’t tested today so obviously I’m claiming a 5.2!
6.4 for me this morning 🙂
6.4 for me this morning 🙂
Forum is playing up. So is my brain so that’s useful.

I’m stressing about picking a hotel for a trip to Warsaw in April. It’s a much bigger city than Kraków so it’s more difficult to know where to stay.
Temptation is to book the same chain as I use in Kraków but that seems awfully dull so then it’s a roll of the dice and pot luck.
Factor in trying to liaise with Max, my Kraków dwelling Ukrainian friend, as he’s joining me in Warsaw and it’s a brain teaser!!
I don’t know his budget. I’ve asked gently for indications but to no avail. Today I’ve sent him a selection of hotels and asked for his thoughts. I’ve also said once he’s let me know I’ll book my flights and accommodation so he can book his.
Seemed like a sensible thing to do.

Not being entirely sensible I haven’t tested today so obviously I’m claiming a 5.2!
If I'm booking a hotel or even a self catering apartment I always check out the reviews on TripAdvisor. I have avoided some places that do not have great reputations that way. Or ones that are in inconvenient locations where it's difficult to get about. I'm sure I'm teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here!
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Morning all and 6.3 for me.

Thin layer of ice on the windscreen this morning.
Recorded our guitarist trying some ideas for new songs last night. Need to get those shared today.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - definitely some glitches in the forum today! Weather-wise it's grey and dreary though not raining (surprise surprise!)

4.0 this morning - woken by the alarm, but that was a good thing in a way as I was in danger of oversleeping having been awake for an hour and a half or so in the early hours. Still no red showing on my TIR though as I've managed to catch and treat any lows before they go below 3.9.

Appointment at the Audiologist this afternoon to possibly get hearing aids. Not sure I want the things, but it would be nice not to have to keep asking people to repeat themselves! Interestingly we found a second hearing aid on our drive yesterday - makes a pair with the one we found the other week and they are expensive models. Unfortunately the one we found yesterday is no good as Julian accidentally trod on it and broke it.

After the Audiologist we are going to briefly check out a new wine bar in town to see if it's a suitable venue to meet our friends later in the week. Then back to the village to meet other friends early evening before home for venison stew with celeriac mash and veg.

Have a good walk @eggyg. Hope your back stands up to it. Congratulations to you and @Eternal422 on your HSs.

Glad to hear you have the prescription @Elenka_HM - if you can't see the results of the tests on the NHS app I'd definitely ring and ask.

Hugs to all those under the weather. The rest of you have a good day.
Morning all - definitely some glitches in the forum today! Weather-wise it's grey and dreary though not raining (surprise surprise!)

4.0 this morning - woken by the alarm, but that was a good thing in a way as I was in danger of oversleeping having been awake for an hour and a half or so in the early hours. Still no red showing on my TIR though as I've managed to catch and treat any lows before they go below 3.9.

Appointment at the Audiologist this afternoon to possibly get hearing aids. Not sure I want the things, but it would be nice not to have to keep asking people to repeat themselves! Interestingly we found a second hearing aid on our drive yesterday - makes a pair with the one we found the other week and they are expensive models. Unfortunately the one we found yesterday is no good as Julian accidentally trod on it and broke it.

After the Audiologist we are going to briefly check out a new wine bar in town to see if it's a suitable venue to meet our friends later in the week. Then back to the village to meet other friends early evening before home for venison stew with celeriac mash and veg.

Have a good walk @eggyg. Hope your back stands up to it. Congratulations to you and @Eternal422 on your HSs.

Glad to hear you have the prescription @Elenka_HM - if you can't see the results of the tests on the NHS app I'd definitely ring and ask.

Hugs to all those under the weather. The rest of you have a good day.
I have just started wearing hearing aids, in the last few weeks. Though they were not cheap, I have got on them quite well.
Morning all - definitely some glitches in the forum today! Weather-wise it's grey and dreary though not raining (surprise surprise!)

4.0 this morning - woken by the alarm, but that was a good thing in a way as I was in danger of oversleeping having been awake for an hour and a half or so in the early hours. Still no red showing on my TIR though as I've managed to catch and treat any lows before they go below 3.9.

Appointment at the Audiologist this afternoon to possibly get hearing aids. Not sure I want the things, but it would be nice not to have to keep asking people to repeat themselves! Interestingly we found a second hearing aid on our drive yesterday - makes a pair with the one we found the other week and they are expensive models. Unfortunately the one we found yesterday is no good as Julian accidentally trod on it and broke it.

After the Audiologist we are going to briefly check out a new wine bar in town to see if it's a suitable venue to meet our friends later in the week. Then back to the village to meet other friends early evening before home for venison stew with celeriac mash and veg.

Have a good walk @eggyg. Hope your back stands up to it. Congratulations to you and @Eternal422 on your HSs.

Glad to hear you have the prescription @Elenka_HM - if you can't see the results of the tests on the NHS app I'd definitely ring and ask.

Hugs to all those under the weather. The rest of you have a good day.
I have just started wearing hearing aids, in the last few weeks. Though they were not cheap, I have got on them quite well.
Hey everyone! I got the antibiotics!

Well... technically I've got the prescription for the antibiotics. I called again one hour before the surgery closing, not having received a call yet, and not wanting to repeat the process tomorrow. Found out the GP tried to call earlier (not much earlier tho) and it got straight to voicemail. I don't know why, I had my phone stuck to me on full volume for the past 3 days and it didn't rang. Anyway, he eventually called back and asked a couple questions, including how is my blood sugar (must have read the notes of my T1D), and said he would send the prescription to the pharmacy. Of course by then my taxi had arrived and the pharmacy closed 30 minutes later, so I couldn't get the meds today.

I wanted to ask what they found in my sample but with the excitement of finally getting the call and the rush to get to work, I forgot. Do you think this data would be available for me in the NHS app, or maybe when they have the full results from the lab? I guess I could ring the surgery to ask, but to be honest, I am done with phone calls :D

PS: maybe I sound a bit dramatic with the call thing, but I find a lot of my generation dread calls (while loving our phones). I'm worried that so much of the healthcare is through the phone now, because I believe some people would rather let their organs fall apart than calling a doctor twice.
Congratulation on finally getting your meds, its funny but the exact thing happened when i was told to expect a call that didn't happen, and the receptionist said the doctor had tried to call but it went to voice mail, odd that he called 10 minutes after. they did however call me with the other results asking me to collect another prescription as the ones i was about to finish wouldn't be strong enough, so they my call you if you need something else. hope everything goes ok for you
Hey everyone! I got the antibiotics!

Well... technically I've got the prescription for the antibiotics. I called again one hour before the surgery closing, not having received a call yet, and not wanting to repeat the process tomorrow. Found out the GP tried to call earlier (not much earlier tho) and it got straight to voicemail. I don't know why, I had my phone stuck to me on full volume for the past 3 days and it didn't rang. Anyway, he eventually called back and asked a couple questions, including how is my blood sugar (must have read the notes of my T1D), and said he would send the prescription to the pharmacy. Of course by then my taxi had arrived and the pharmacy closed 30 minutes later, so I couldn't get the meds today.

I wanted to ask what they found in my sample but with the excitement of finally getting the call and the rush to get to work, I forgot. Do you think this data would be available for me in the NHS app, or maybe when they have the full results from the lab? I guess I could ring the surgery to ask, but to be honest, I am done with phone calls :D

PS: maybe I sound a bit dramatic with the call thing, but I find a lot of my generation dread calls (while loving our phones). I'm worried that so much of the healthcare is through the phone now, because I believe some people would rather let their organs fall apart than calling a doctor twice.
Congratulation on finally getting your meds, its funny but the exact thing happened when i was told to expect a call that didn't happen, and the receptionist said the doctor had tried to call but it went to voice mail, odd that he called 10 minutes after. they did however call me with the other results asking me to collect another prescription as the ones i was about to finish wouldn't be strong enough, so they my call you if you need something else. hope everything goes ok for you
Morning all. Thought it was just my phone but seems a few of you folks having problems as well.Its either coming up server errors or someone's message repeats two or three times .Blame the russians Anyway it was 7.2 for me this morning after another sleepless night with this chest infection.Stay safe folks
Morning all. Thought it was just my phone but seems a few of you folks having problems as well.Its either coming up server errors or someone's message repeats two or three times .Blame the russians Anyway it was 7.2 for me this morning after another sleepless night with this chest infection.Stay safe folks
Morning all. Thought it was just my phone but seems a few of you folks having problems as well.Its either coming up server errors or someone's message repeats two or three times .Blame the russians Anyway it was 7.2 for me this morning after another sleepless night with this chest infection.Stay safe folks
my last post duplicated 3 times, 4.1 this morning
Morning all, after an evening of heavy rain last night the sun is shining and that wind has died down today.

Anyway, it was a 6.4 for me much earlier this morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.....
Morning all. Thought it was just my phone but seems a few of you folks having problems as well.Its either coming up server errors or someone's message repeats two or three times .Blame the russians Anyway it was 7.2 for me this morning after another sleepless night with this chest infection.Stay safe folks
Morning all. 5.3. Very late getting ready for work this morning but i can't seem to motivate myself. I want to go back to bed.

Second half of D review later. Why they couldn't do it in one go is beyond me. Also have a face to face with GP tomorrow who wants to discuss my results. Considering they repeated my HbA1C (which originally was 48, now come back as 46) i don't know what he wants to say. The only test that came back odd was a liver one and they haven't repeated that one.

@eggyg congrats on your HS. Enjoy your walk.

@Elenka_HM i wanted to give you a "care" but the site wouldn't let me. Glad you got a prescription.