Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.0 very consistent

Yesterday had another farce at the pharmacy who had ordered the wrong med but were completely disinterested in correcting the error at first until I slightly forcibly pointed out their mistake!! They even suggested getting an appointment with a nurse to show me how to use the unusable injection pen they had ordered!!! Thankfully I eventually noticed a tiny bit of writing on the med box that clearly showed that it was the wrong med. They had definitely ordered the wrong thing!!! After a bit of fuss from them and time wasting they eventually agreed to order the right med. Should I complain? After all it could have been something dangerous like insulin. Rant over.

Got the songs through for next Sunday when I will be playing at the church again. 9 songs, 5 of which are new to me, so I had better get practicing!!! This will be a challenge!!!

Today exercise, keyboard practice.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. Drum roll please…5.2 ! That surprised me because I had a Creme Egg last night and shot right up to 11! I had barely had any tea, a small portion of my infamous, ( almost) crustless Quiche Elaine and that was it. I had bolused too much for it, pastry is hard to bolus for, and therefore felt obliged to have the aforementioned sugary snack! 🙄 NB: it’s not big and it’s not clever eating Creme Eggs for your tea, especially if you’re diabetic.

Today we’re off hiking in the Lake District. The aim is to bag two Wainwrights, Brock Crags and onto Angletarn Pikes. The forecast is bright and cold so it’ll be a tad chilly up there, it’s 0.4c here now, so thermals will be the order of the day. Fingers crossed my back/hips/pelvis holds up. Haven’t been up a height since December. Got homemade minestrone soup for the flask and quiche, plus plenty of snacks, no Creme Eggs though!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Good morning - 9.6

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning! A not ideal 9.3 this morning rising to 9.7 FOTF. It's all gone off track since I boasted about my IR of over 90%. It's that evil DF art work again.

MRI scan on my poorly leg/foot later today. It meant they could not use the silver dressings yesterday. A pity as there has been slight improvement with them. Review of MRI and redressing at hospital in a week's time.

Dark with rain dribbling down window!
Morning all. 5.3. Very late getting ready for work this morning but i can't seem to motivate myself. I want to go back to bed.

Second half of D review later. Why they couldn't do it in one go is beyond me. Also have a face to face with GP tomorrow who wants to discuss my results. Considering they repeated my HbA1C (which originally was 48, now come back as 46) i don't know what he wants to say. The only test that came back odd was a liver one and they haven't repeated that one.

@eggyg congrats on your HS. Enjoy your walk.

@Elenka_HM i wanted to give you a "care" but the site wouldn't let me. Glad you got a prescription.
Morning all. 5.3. Very late getting ready for work this morning but i can't seem to motivate myself. I want to go back to bed.

Second half of D review later. Why they couldn't do it in one go is beyond me. Also have a face to face with GP tomorrow who wants to discuss my results. Considering they repeated my HbA1C (which originally was 48, now come back as 46) i don't know what he wants to say. The only test that came back odd was a liver one and they haven't repeated that one.

@eggyg congrats on your HS. Enjoy your walk.

@Elenka_HM i wanted to give you a "care" but the site wouldn't let me. Glad you got a prescription.
Morning all. 5.3. Very late getting ready for work this morning but i can't seem to motivate myself. I want to go back to bed.

Second half of D review later. Why they couldn't do it in one go is beyond me. Also have a face to face with GP tomorrow who wants to discuss my results. Considering they repeated my HbA1C (which originally was 48, now come back as 46) i don't know what he wants to say. The only test that came back odd was a liver one and they haven't repeated that one.

@eggyg congrats on your HS. Enjoy your walk.

@Elenka_HM i wanted to give you a "care" but the site wouldn't let me. Glad you got a prescription.

Aargh! Now its not letting me post!
Morning all. 5.3. Very late getting ready for work this morning but i can't seem to motivate myself. I want to go back to bed.

Second half of D review later. Why they couldn't do it in one go is beyond me. Also have a face to face with GP tomorrow who wants to discuss my results. Considering they repeated my HbA1C (which originally was 48, now come back as 46) i don't know what he wants to say. The only test that came back odd was a liver one and they haven't repeated that one.

@eggyg congrats on your HS. Enjoy your walk.

@Elenka_HM i wanted to give you a "care" but the site wouldn't let me. Glad you got a prescription.

Aargh! Now its not letting me post!
Morning all. 5.3. Very late getting ready for work this morning but i can't seem to motivate myself. I want to go back to bed.

Second half of D review later. Why they couldn't do it in one go is beyond me. Also have a face to face with GP tomorrow who wants to discuss my results. Considering they repeated my HbA1C (which originally was 48, now come back as 46) i don't know what he wants to say. The only test that came back odd was a liver one and they haven't repeated that one.

@eggyg congrats on your HS. Enjoy your walk.

@Elenka_HM i wanted to give you a "care" but the site wouldn't let me. Glad you got a prescription.

Aargh! Now its not letting me post!
Morning all. 5.3. Very late getting ready for work this morning but i can't seem to motivate myself. I want to go back to bed.

Second half of D review later. Why they couldn't do it in one go is beyond me. Also have a face to face with GP tomorrow who wants to discuss my results. Considering they repeated my HbA1C (which originally was 48, now come back as 46) i don't know what he wants to say. The only test that came back odd was a liver one and they haven't repeated that one.

@eggyg congrats on your HS. Enjoy your walk.

@Elenka_HM i wanted to give you a "care" but the site wouldn't let me. Glad you got a prescription.

I share your frustration. I had a brief review with the GP, who is the Diabetic Lead, a couple of weeks ago. She said there was no need to repeat any bloods as they were done three months previously. I was keen to see if my eGFR had improved after stopping Furosemide and also if my HbA1c had dropped further. But no I have to wait! :(
It was 7.2 I left dexcom reciver downstairs it had fallen inbetwn sofa crosions and it looks like I was bit low for the lot of night least nigbt I remember chexking at one point in the evening(when u wasn't with my dexcon with a figer prick because i still felt bit funny and it eailer it had been 4.6. it said 6.9 pherherps ii should have rechecked. I don't think my awareness or warning signs are also what they use to be.(sometimes though i can still check it before. It might varry


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5.8 today, still not fully over this lurgy.

Having a few issues with the forum today, I can like some posts but others it tells me an error has occurred, so maybe a glitch.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS,

@Elenka_HM - glad you finally got a prescription, but how difficult have the last 3 days been to get the prescription.
Morning all. 5.3. Very late getting ready for work this morning but i can't seem to motivate myself. I want to go back to bed.

Second half of D review later. Why they couldn't do it in one go is beyond me. Also have a face to face with GP tomorrow who wants to discuss my results. Considering they repeated my HbA1C (which originally was 48, now come back as 46) i don't know what he wants to say. The only test that came back odd was a liver one and they haven't repeated that one.

@eggyg congrats on your HS. Enjoy your walk.

@Elenka_HM i wanted to give you a "care" but the site wouldn't let me. Glad you got a prescription.
Morning All - 7.6 this morning. Lovely bright, chilly morning here and I can see a red squirrel sitting in the sun eating a hazelnut. On my gardening course today we're working at Acorn Bank which is a local National Trust place. I haven't been there before and we're going in to do stuff before they open up for the season so it will be fun seeing behind the scenes. Heating up my soup to take in a flask and need to take one of the dogs with me (Wilbur) as hubby away today and can't trust him on his own at home so it's a day out for him too and he loves sitting in the front seat in a car park watching the world go by. @eggyg or should I call you Cream Egg? have a fantastic day in the hills and careful with your back. Mine keeps twinging so I'm trying out an SIJ belt (sacro iliac joint) that I got the other day - it seems to be good while I'm wearing it but then the back is worse when I'm not. Not sure about netball tonight but really love the fun of it. Have a great day everyone xxx
A 6.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning 6.1 today

Thinking I need to get in touch with Diabetic Specialists at hospital, will call in later today, it’s not an urgent problem, but thinking since I missed the phone call from the consultant I think it was back in November, I’ve called a few times but never get to speak to anyone who can book an appointment, and other than the letter they sent me and my GP berating me for missing that phone call , I still stand by that he didn’t ring at the agreed time, back in November / early December, when I missed his phone call (missed the call as he didn’t call at agreed time)

well done to those that have produced HS’s recently,
I'm still behind on catching up with posts on here,

Car came back from the garage on Friday,
relief but bill was over £2K (flywheel & clutch replacement on semi automatic gearbox)

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone 😎