Group 7-day waking average?

What a day!

After being high overnight, they stayed high despite a correction with breakfast. I then needed another correction mid morning to bring it back in range. At work i've been rushing around like i don't know what before the long drive over to the hospital.

At the hospital i put my foot down, complained to a nurse about some of mums care and demanded to speak to a doctor. Sorted that out then finally got home at 6.30.

When at home, i'd had a letter from the DVLA to renew my licence. Apart from the diabetes form they've also sent me a form for epilepsy. I don't have epilepsy!!! I've told them this and send relevant letters confirming it the last 2 renewals. I rang them (yes, i actually got through!) and was told because i'd had seizures (caused by an ear infection) back in 2016 i still had to fill in the form as they can't dismiss it until i've been seizure free for 5 years. Well, i said, its been longer than 5 years as it was 2016. Oh yes he said, ok just fill in one form and he'll put a note on my renewal. Lets just hope he has done, though i'm not holding my breath.

I am exhausted! Oh no, my high alarm has just gone off again!

Sorry for the rant everyone, its just been a bit of a day.
Good early morning everyone. Bright and early this morning.

BG 4.8 nice

Exercise may be off today ... very gusty out there and I have blisters!!! However, knowing me ....

Yesterday I walked for just under 3 hours over 2 sessions. It's a lot of time and effort but the benefits are well worth it.

The stew, which itself took about 1.5 hours to prepare before the long slow cook in the oven, was delicious. A lovely tea was had by all.


Today I will try to get out. Maybe a rest would be better?

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning and happy HS for Colin and an extra special star as you did not need any dodgy Maths.
A 6.2 for me and another early start as one of hounds decides he likes the idea of getting up in the middle of the night (when the only people about are early joggers,late revellers) and the possibility of bumping into Michael McIntyre doing his Midnight gameshow( not that he will be coming anywhere near my house).
Off to Liverpool today so have a great day wherever you are going or simply staying at home.
GoodMorning 5.1 today

congratulations on your lesser spotted HS @ColinUK
maybe if I tested 10 min before later I might’ve joined you

Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone 😎
Morning all, 5.8 here.
Aargh! Should have had a Diabetes clinic appointment today. Spent some time yesterday morning uploading data from my reader to Libreview, looking up bus times from the Park and Ride to the hospital, checking the hospital map to find out where the coffee shop is now, all done and dusted by 11am…11.05, get a phone call, clinic is cancelled! Offered an alternative for next week on a day I’m committed to be somewhere else, so now I wait til they can fit me in. I know they can’t help it if someone’s suddenly off sick or something, but it’s frustrating!
Morning all. 6.2 on this wet, but not as gusty, day. Got to be thankful for small mercies. I may be able to fill the bird feeders up, after I’ve rescued them from around the garden!

Today we can FINALLY start our Grandparentnity Leave. Baby born and home, Zara back home too. Had lovely cuddles with baby yesterday, she didn’t wake at all so still haven’t seen her eyes. We also have a name. Eden Winter. Winter is the middle name not their surname! Eden is a “local” name as the Eden is the largest river that flows through our city. As I remarked, beautiful, strong, at times wild, and can cause widespread chaos! Very apt for any grandchild of ours! 😛

Congratulations to @Grannylorraine for yesterday’s HS and to @ColinUK and @Bloden for today’s.

Have a great day, we’re catching up with the domestic/garden (if it stops raining)/admin chores.

Last photos, I promise.


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Well done to @ColinUK & @Bloden on your results this morning. 🙂
A Heinz Special (5.7) for me.

A 5.7 for me as well.
I got my summons for the annual review, but can't be bothered to spend 40 minutes on the phone trying to make an appointment.
Morning all, 5.8 here.
Aargh! Should have had a Diabetes clinic appointment today. Spent some time yesterday morning uploading data from my reader to Libreview, looking up bus times from the Park and Ride to the hospital, checking the hospital map to find out where the coffee shop is now, all done and dusted by 11am…11.05, get a phone call, clinic is cancelled! Offered an alternative for next week on a day I’m committed to be somewhere else, so now I wait til they can fit me in. I know they can’t help it if someone’s suddenly off sick or something, but it’s frustrating!
Do you go to the Diabetes Centre at the Churchill? Brings back memories for me before I moved up here last year - if it is the Churchill I understand the need to work out where the coffee shop is now - I remember in the olden days when it was such a rabbit warren in there - before they built the new bit. Sorry your appointment was postponed x
7.5 for me this morning - up dressed (very unusual for me as usually live in my dressing gown (that I like to call a house-coat) till midday!, and off into the garden. It's much colder out there this morning. Taking my Mum on a trip to Appleby this afternoon as she hasn't been there yet since moving and it's quite close to her. Have a good day everyone - @eggyg we're all loving the photos 🙂