Group 7-day waking average?

Well done @Lucyr on your weight loss! I must try harder myself I would love to lose a few pounds!
Thankyou, my goal is to lose a second stone by Easter.
Morning all.7.8 for me this morning.Not much sleep with the coughing.Looking out this window there's some dark clouds heading over .Get this dog out for walk and call in local tea room for a coffee and a read of me paper.Noticed my county Durham neighbour rebrascora hasn't been on for a while.Hope your ok barbera Have a good day folks and stay warm
And a 5.4 for me on this very very windy morning.
Morning all.7.8 for me this morning.Not much sleep with the coughing.Looking out this window there's some dark clouds heading over .Get this dog out for walk and call in local tea room for a coffee and a read of me paper.Noticed my county Durham neighbour rebrascora hasn't been on for a while.Hope your ok barbera Have a good day folks and stay warm
Colin sounds like my perfect morning apart from the coughing.
I was made for pottering about and stopping for tea/ coffee.
Morning all (well nearly!). 6.7 for this morning - helped by the fact that sent hubby shopping and one of the items which was for supper last night was a Higgidy quiche - turns out I needed to say which size so we shared a mini individual one - I bulked it out with teeny tiny jacket potatoes and a lot of salad & salmon. Feeling a bit achy after a full weekend of gardening but very pleased to have done it - only two things ticked off on my "Things to Do in the Garden" list though. Off to help with two back to back sessions of Walking Netball in a bit - we had so many last week (52) for the first session that the coach has decided to split it in ½ which is a relief as it was chaotic to say the least. @eggyg what GORGEOUS pics and what a lot of hair! @Gwynn I keep meaning to say that I look forward to and love your photos. Have a great day everyone xxx
Good afternoon everyone! 6'4 for me today.

Didn't get anywhere with Out of hours GP yesterday and my regular GP didn't have any appointments for today. I did get a call later from someone related to the Out of hours who told me I should try to get to see my GP, and that she would transfer my case details to the surgery so they would know why I had to go. She said if I didn't have luck with the GP to look for a walk-in centre or call 111 again. Yeah...I had enough phone calls in the last 24 hours. I went again to the 111 online service and this time they referred me for a pharmacy consultation. Now we are talking! I'm glad to be able to see someone, and it is very close to my house. Yesterday my options for urgent care centres were like 45 minutes away with public transport and I didn't feel strong enough.

I will also venture to Tesco later. Last week didn't do any food shop, had enough left from the previous one, but now there's just enough for one proper meal. Plus I resisted buying bread last time and I quite fancy some comfort toast. And chicken soup.
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Morning all.7.8 for me this morning.Not much sleep with the coughing.Looking out this window there's some dark clouds heading over .Get this dog out for walk and call in local tea room for a coffee and a read of me paper.Noticed my county Durham neighbour rebrascora hasn't been on for a while.Hope your ok barbera Have a good day folks and stay warm
She has actually posting on other parts of the forum.
It was 10.somthing. that was due to unneced jelly babies at 4am I should have known that dawn phenomenon would probably kick in. My time in range has gone down fair a bit but I only found my dexcom reciver Saturday so hopefully know I got that back I can use it to work out what I need to do to get it back on track. Athough I do bleed in row Saturday and I did remove them so not sure if dexcom will replace them or not.

One thing I Is get back in havit of prebolusing
Evening all - no change with the weather, just dreary. I am getting sick of this.

9.4 again. Been wondering what's wrong and I think I know, got on the scales this morning and I have gained 4lb, so obv I need a bit more insulin. Not well pleased with the weight gain as it's going on at roughly 1/2lb per day and I am not exactly stuffing my face.

Been to St Ives on the bus with my friend today. Had a nice lunch in a restaurant overlooking the harbour. Starter portion of Prawns with Aioli and a shared side of nice crispy chips. Then walked around, but lots of the shops were closed and there were few people out and about. Not surprising since it was very cold. So we went up the hill and into the Pedn Olva Hotel which is perched on a headland and has lovely sea views to have a cup of tea, get warm and wait for the bus home. My legs are now killing me but I hope to sleep well after the exercise.

@eggyg what gorgeous photos! She is beautiful!

@Elenka_HM sorry to hear you've had such a run around and hoping you get something decent to help at the pharmacy. Chicken soup is wonderfully comforting when you feel unwell. Try to get the one in the chiller in a polythene container rather than a tinned one.

So... off to change my pod. Hope you have all had a good day and have a good evening.
I had finally weakened and encouraged by some on here to see the doctor about my shoulders, I saw him today to get the results of the x-rays/, the gist of a lot of complicated words is I have arthritis in both shoulders and rotator cuff disease in both shoulders, one worse than the other but he basically said there was nothing that could be done as it was just old age so tough tities.
I have a physio appointment in 2 weeks and an increased dose of Naproxen.
Trouble is all my hobbies involve movement of my shoulders, gardening, bellringing, cutting glass, so hopefully the physio will help.
@Elenka_HM sorry to hear you've had such a run around and hoping you get something decent to help at the pharmacy. Chicken soup is wonderfully comforting when you feel unwell. Try to get the one in the chiller in a polythene container rather than a tinned one.
Thanks for the advice. I picked the type of noodle chicken soup that comes in sachets, actually, because that's my childhood idea of soup. But I did take a veggie soup from the chiller to have another easy meal. I was looking at tinned meals too, for convenience, but I'm not convinced about them...
Update on my quest for a treatment. I spoke to a lovely pharmacist who really seemed willing to help. @Pattidevans mentioned pharmacies are now able to prescribe antibiotics and there was a poster saying the same, including UTIs in the list of conditions. Unfortunately she couldn't prescribe them to me because they have to follow protocols and are only able to treat very basic and mild cases. Because of some of my answers to the mandatory questions, she had to refer me back to the GP. She even went with me to the surgery (that's next door) to see if that helped, bless her. The receptionist told me the same as in the morning, they don't have any appointments available today, but they did take a sample and said they are going to test it and call me back if I need antibiotics.

The receptionist said if I still feel I need to speak with a GP I should call first thing in the morning to try and get an appointment. I'm not sure if I should call. They already have the sample so what else is the GP going to do? Would you call?
I'm not sure if I should call. They already have the sample so what else is the GP going to do? Would you call?
I would call anyway to chase up an answer. You might be left waiting longer else.
Update on my quest for a treatment. I spoke to a lovely pharmacist who really seemed willing to help. @Pattidevans mentioned pharmacies are now able to prescribe antibiotics and there was a poster saying the same, including UTIs in the list of conditions. Unfortunately she couldn't prescribe them to me because they have to follow protocols and are only able to treat very basic and mild cases. Because of some of my answers to the mandatory questions, she had to refer me back to the GP. She even went with me to the surgery (that's next door) to see if that helped, bless her. The receptionist told me the same as in the morning, they don't have any appointments available today, but they did take a sample and said they are going to test it and call me back if I need antibiotics.

The receptionist said if I still feel I need to speak with a GP I should call first thing in the morning to try and get an appointment. I'm not sure if I should call. They already have the sample so what else is the GP going to do? Would you call?
Yes I would call. You are experiencing distress and severe discomfort which is impacting on your ability to lead your life in a normal manner. Do call.... if they don't have the results of the test then they will tell you and suggest your next steps.