Group 7-day waking average?

5.1 then 5.6 fotf now 5.9
this is the result of basal at bedtime rather than after wakening.
About 5 days so far into this, might be more.
Provided I'm near "target" bg at bedtime, no more dips below 3.2 at night, so far.
Still have to gauge the amount of rapid needed to counter the after-getting-up liver dump


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SO exciting @eggyg - crikey she did well to get into the delivery suite! What a lovely surprise for when they come to collect Zara and great for your daughter that the baby wasn't huge with the gestational diabetes. I was very impressed from the photo that she'd gone to the trouble to get her hair done into a beehive for the birth 😉.

@freesia really hoping your Mum can come home soon x

8.6 for me this morning but now down in the 7s - heading out into the garden again shortly. Have a great day everyone.
Morning all

A happy 4.9 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe and well.
Good afternoon everyone. 6,6 today at (almost) 6 am.

"The NHS 111 service is experiencing very high call volumes at this time. Please stay on the line. You are in a queue and we will get to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience". That´s what I have been hearing for the past 24 minutes. We are getting there, tho, the expected waiting time is down from 20+ to up to 5 minutes.

Funny enough, I tried 111 online first to avoid this journey. I requested a callback from a nurse, which I got but apparently went to voicemail, I don´t know why. So they said to call back if I still needed advice. I can´t escape the 111 phone queue! :rofl:
Good afternoon everyone. 6,6 today at (almost) 6 am.

"The NHS 111 service is experiencing very high call volumes at this time. Please stay on the line. You are in a queue and we will get to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience". That´s what I have been hearing for the past 24 minutes. We are getting there, tho, the expected waiting time is down from 20+ to up to 5 minutes.

Funny enough, I tried 111 online first to avoid this journey. I requested a callback from a nurse, which I got but apparently went to voicemail, I don´t know why. So they said to call back if I still needed advice. I can´t escape the 111 phone queue! :rofl:
remember that covid and its consequences are still happening. Add that to an already underfunded NHS.
Well done on your 6.6
Good afternoon everyone. 6,6 today at (almost) 6 am.

"The NHS 111 service is experiencing very high call volumes at this time. Please stay on the line. You are in a queue and we will get to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience". That´s what I have been hearing for the past 24 minutes. We are getting there, tho, the expected waiting time is down from 20+ to up to 5 minutes.

Funny enough, I tried 111 online first to avoid this journey. I requested a callback from a nurse, which I got but apparently went to voicemail, I don´t know why. So they said to call back if I still needed advice. I can´t escape the 111 phone queue! :rofl:
I try to think of it in hours rather than minutes. Which doesn't really help. Good luck.
Thank you. I did speak to them. Now I have to collect a urine sample and wait for another call from a local out of hours the next 6 hours. I couldn't wait to be sick on Monday and have my normal GP open, could I ?!?

I reckon is time for paracetamol and something light to eat.
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
This year I decided to monitor and adjust my T1 with greater care. So far so good with a average of 8.3. Waking reading around 8.0
One change I made was to record my levels, which made such I difference, as when you get reasonable levels it spurs you on to get even better results.
One negative is I test more often and run out of test strips and need to buy extra. But that's a small price I guess if you delay any further complications of health.

Another reason for better levels is I've been more adventurous with my insulin intake.
P.S. Diabetes isn't my new rodeo, as I've been T1 for 40 years.
Good luck to any new riders
This year I decided to monitor and adjust my T1 with greater care. So far so good with a average of 8.3. Waking reading around 8.0
One change I made was to record my levels, which made such I difference, as when you get reasonable levels it spurs you on to get even better results.
One negative is I test more often and run out of test strips and need to buy extra. But that's a small price I guess if you delay any further complications of health.

Another reason for better levels is I've been more adventurous with my insulin intake.
P.S. Diabetes isn't my new rodeo, as I've been T1 for 40 years.
Good luck to any new riders
Hello @Keithjdonnelly, as a T1 you should not need to purchase your own test strips. That should very much a bit of D history. I see from an earlier post you were asking about Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM). Did you get that sorted out, or is this still "admin in progress"?
Got annoyed! (angry emoji) Was treating myself to lunch via Just Eat. It was advertised as Free Delivery but when I went to CheckOut there was a £2.99 delivery charge bless I spent £30. As I was only half way there I decided against a roast lunch so having an open low fat cheese and tomato sandwich on wholemeal. BG 5.9 with down arrow!
This year I decided to monitor and adjust my T1 with greater care. So far so good with a average of 8.3. Waking reading around 8.0
One change I made was to record my levels, which made such I difference, as when you get reasonable levels it spurs you on to get even better results.
One negative is I test more often and run out of test strips and need to buy extra. But that's a small price I guess if you delay any further complications of health.

Another reason for better levels is I've been more adventurous with my insulin intake.
P.S. Diabetes isn't my new rodeo, as I've been T1 for 40 years.
Good luck to any new riders

Hi Keith,

As a Type I on insulin you are entitled to CGM under NICE guidelines. I'm sixty year Type I and it took four years of arguing to get Libre. Last year I emailed pointing out the guidelines before my appointment. Diting the appointment a further appointment was made for my intro and first sensor with the DEAN. So much easier than finger pricking bar s few when you start a new sensor or have a hypo of note

P.M. me if you want a cut 'n' paste email for your team.
Think I forgot to check in this morning but it would have been something on the high side, looks like about 12 maybe! Have stuck to fairly low carb as advised by the weight program for a month now but really not got on top of the bgs with it. It just never does work well for my bg. Weight loss is something I need and want though so just been ignoring the bgs…


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Thank you. I did speak to them. Now I have to collect a urine sample and wait for another call from a local out of hours the next 6 hours. I couldn't wait to be sick on Monday and have my normal GP open, could I ?!?

I reckon is time for paracetamol and something light to eat.
Sorry, I need a little vent. They told me 6 hours at 12:30. They called 9 hours later, 21:30, when I totally assumed I wouldn't get a call today. Okay, they are saturated, I understand. But then it was just a confirmation that my symptoms remained the same and I had some food and was drinking plenty of water. They told me the next call I would receive would be from a consultant. I'm sorry, next call?? When would that be, 2 in the morning? The lady said she doesn't know about the waiting time, that if I wanted to go to bed "go ahead, just leave your phone on high volume". Asked if I'll be supposed to leave the house, she didn't know either. Well, unless is a very close location I don't think I'm willing to go anywhere at this time. Or if I'd be even able to get there, without a car.

In perspective I could have waited for tomorrow and call my GP straight away when they open. Sigh. I'm going to take a shower, see if that triggers the phone call...
Morning all. 5.5 when Zara got up at 7.15 after “twittering” on from 6.15. It could have been worse.

Anyhoo, glad tidings. Granddaughter number five ( grandchild number 6) arrived unexpectedly at 7.55pm last night. Daughter only dropped Zara off at ours at 5 and left at 5.30. Her waters broke at 5.45 just as she got home, by 6pm her contractions were coming thick and fast, got to hospital 7pm and they were barely one minute apart. They were in the middle of a shift change and they told her to wait, son-in-law told them she couldn’t wait any longer. Straight into the delivery suite, minimal pushing and she arrived, 7lbs 11ozs and the spit of Zara. Son in law sent us a photo at 8.30 with no message and we thought it was a prank and it was from Zara’s birth! Mr Eggy was even trawling through photos from that time to see if daughter had the same hairstyle! Then we got a message with all the details. In the rush Abby ( daughter) didn’t grab her phone but she called us from her husband’s phone and sounded elated. She said she was running on adrenaline. She’s asked us not to tell Zara as they want to surprise her when they come for her. Abby had to stay overnight because of the gestational diabetes, she has to have her BGs monitored for a few hours. No name yet, they’ve only known they were having a girl for 18 weeks! Very relieved it’s all over and she doesn’t have to go through being induced. We’re still in shock at the moment. Nice shock though.

Have a super Sunday. We will.
So pleased everything went smoothly in the end, much better than having to go through an induction. But how quick!!!!
Sorry, I need a little vent. They told me 6 hours at 12:30. They called 9 hours later, 21:30, when I totally assumed I wouldn't get a call today. Okay, they are saturated, I understand. But then it was just a confirmation that my symptoms remained the same and I had some food and was drinking plenty of water. They told me the next call I would receive would be from a consultant. I'm sorry, next call?? When would that be, 2 in the morning? The lady said she doesn't know about the waiting time, that if I wanted to go to bed "go ahead, just leave your phone on high volume". Asked if I'll be supposed to leave the house, she didn't know either. Well, unless is a very close location I don't think I'm willing to go anywhere at this time. Or if I'd be even able to get there, without a car.

In perspective I could have waited for tomorrow and call my GP straight away when they open. Sigh. I'm going to take a shower, see if that triggers the phone call...
I've worked in a call centre. Staff sit around doing nothing while calls stack up in the queue. Not saying this is necessarily the case, just sayin'.