Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all.


The highlight for today is taking stuff to the dump!
Good Morning,
Colin equally I find it very therapeutic to take things down the tip which amuses my wife who thinks I prefer to spend more time there than at home.
A 6.7 when up at 4.30 with the hound and a 6.1 at 6.30 before my tea and toast so pretty happy with that.
Out to family lunch as son will join us as his partner is working today.
He will collect his big parcel which arrived at our house from Spain( he gets them delivered here as he worries about it being left outside his own). We wondered what it was but apparently it is a cabinet which prevents him from spraying paint around the house( he loves painting war hammer figures and was lucky enough to win a few Golden Demon awards as a teenager).
Anyway whatever you are up to have a good day
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5.1 today, off for a walk and coffee with friends, then some housework followed by knitting and maybe some reading.
Morning all. 5.5 when Zara got up at 7.15 after “twittering” on from 6.15. It could have been worse.

Anyhoo, glad tidings. Granddaughter number five ( grandchild number 6) arrived unexpectedly at 7.55pm last night. Daughter only dropped Zara off at ours at 5 and left at 5.30. Her waters broke at 5.45 just as she got home, by 6pm her contractions were coming thick and fast, got to hospital 7pm and they were barely one minute apart. They were in the middle of a shift change and they told her to wait, son-in-law told them she couldn’t wait any longer. Straight into the delivery suite, minimal pushing and she arrived, 7lbs 11ozs and the spit of Zara. Son in law sent us a photo at 8.30 with no message and we thought it was a prank and it was from Zara’s birth! Mr Eggy was even trawling through photos from that time to see if daughter had the same hairstyle! Then we got a message with all the details. In the rush Abby ( daughter) didn’t grab her phone but she called us from her husband’s phone and sounded elated. She said she was running on adrenaline. She’s asked us not to tell Zara as they want to surprise her when they come for her. Abby had to stay overnight because of the gestational diabetes, she has to have her BGs monitored for a few hours. No name yet, they’ve only known they were having a girl for 18 weeks! Very relieved it’s all over and she doesn’t have to go through being induced. We’re still in shock at the moment. Nice shock though.

Have a super Sunday. We will.


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Morning all. 5.5 when Zara got up at 7.15 after “twittering” on from 6.15. It could have been worse.

Anyhoo, glad tidings. Granddaughter number five ( grandchild number 6) arrived unexpectedly at 7.55pm last night. Daughter only dropped Zara off at ours at 5 and left at 5.30. Her waters broke at 5.45 just as she got home, by 6pm her contractions were coming thick and fast, got to hospital 7pm and they were barely one minute apart. They were in the middle of a shift change and they told her to wait, son-in-law told them she couldn’t wait any longer. Straight into the delivery suite, minimal pushing and she arrived, 7ln 11ozs and the spit of Zara. Son in law sent us a photo at 8.30 with no message and we thought it was a prank and it was from Zara’s birth! Mr Eggy was even trawling through photos from that time to see if daughter had the same hairstyle! Then we got a message with all the details. In the rush Abby ( daughter) didn’t grab her phone but she called us from her husband’s phone and sounded elated. She said she was running on adrenaline. She’s asked us not to tell Zara as they want to surprise her when they come for her. Abby had to stay overnight because of the gestational diabetes, she has to have her BGs monitored for a few hours. No name yet, they’ve only known they were having a girl for 18 weeks! Very relieved it’s all over and she doesn’t have to go through being induced. We’re still in shock at the moment. Nice shock though.

Have a super Sunday. We will.
Fantastic news and yes if all shocks were as nice as you got today the world would be a much happier place.
Good morning! Woke about 7:00 with a full headache as if I had had an overnight hypo. Libre said I had not and my BG was 6.8. 15 minutes later after taking my first meds and making a cuppa it was down to 5.3. Now 6.2 - very strange!

Overcast and gloomy!
Good morning 6.6 today
yesterday was unexpected high wake up BS at 9.1
but Friday was amore reasonable

off for a swim and relax / recharge shortly
Congratulations @eggyg on your new grand daughter.🙂
a 5.7 for me this am.

Morning all. 4.1 for me.

@eggyg congratulations to you all! What a lovely picture.
Good morning - 4.6

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all and 5.2 for me.

Damn need to buy some decent in ear monitors. One pair went AWOL in the States, one pair have vanished in the upheaval with our studio and my last half decent pair packed in yesterday.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and another grey grim day.

7.3 this morning which is better but no prizes. May have been last night's chocolate ingestion or basal might need tweaking a little more, but I'll leave it and see what tomorrow brings.

Didn't get pruning done yesterday because the round yellow thing disappeared almost as soon as I finished typing yesterday and a cold wet mist came in. Doubt it will get done today either. On the bright side I did book a 2 day escape to Exeter using the hotel voucher our friend gave us for Christmas.

Congratulations to @eggyg on your new grandaughter. It's a lovely photo! One worth a nice frame!

Have a good Sunday all