Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.4

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 again, that's three in a row.

It's a bit windy/gusty out there but I need to get out early for a walk. At least it's not raining.

Plans for today? I have to make my famous beef stew, exercise in the storm, keyboard practice, rest (?)


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 5.8 on this very gusty morning. Was the same all day yesterday and set to continue for the next day or two.

My sensor was hanging off when I got up to see to Zara at 6am. Four days left, this is very unusual for me. I’ll report it online.

Zara still here, she did leave yesterday as mummy and baby were told they could leave at 3pm. Then they said they had mixed her birth time and had put 3pm Saturday not 8pm and they had to stay in for 24 hours! So Zara came back after meeting her little sister, who she loves, and I went to visit with middle daughter at 6pm. We’d been there five minutes and they said they could leave! TBF it was nearly 7 by the time they’d done all the checks! Didn’t get much of a cuddle because midwife was doing obs and she was fast asleep and then middle daughter hogged her! Going round to theirs later today for quality cuddles.

Have a Happy Monday all.


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Morning all. 10.8 after not much sleep. BG was very up and down yesterday, a couple of hypos followed by highs. Monday again and i really don't want to get up, i'm exhausted. Another week of work, hospital and a couple of GP appointments. Roll on Friday when its half term.

@eggyg really gorgeous photos. She's beautiful. Zara looks a very proud big sister too.
Morning a 6.2 so happy enough after a late night munchies attack and again a 2u correction which seems to be working well.
Walked the dogs,had breakfast and awaiting a furniture delivery so a quiet day today.
My busiest time of day is usually between 7 and 8 in morning so have my coffee ready to see what a new week brings.
Have a good one.
Good moaning! For reason unknown to me (bar i injected in my leg rather then stomach in the evening) got a large FOTF followed by a reverse DP so averaging out at 13.2! :(

Nothing on today but podiatry, MRI and physio the next three days. I had an appointment on Friday but managed to move it on a couple of weeks as could not face Patient Transport four days in a row!

Dark clouds!

5.2 today, where did the weekend go? Hopefully I’ll get to go for a running this evening, other than that only work.

@eggyg - beautiful photos,
Congrats on the HS @Grannylorraine

Awwww what a smasher @eggyg - enjoy your cuddles!

I’m BG twins with @Wendal with a 6.2 to start the day
Morning all. 🙂 Back in range...6.7 here. Glad to say Dawn only stayed for the weekend!

Wow, awwwww, beautiful baby @eggyg. She DOES look like Zara, two peas in a pod. Congratulations to your daughter and hubby. Did the hospital staff really say “you’ll have to wait”??!! The mind boggles...enjoy your cuddles with the new arrival today. :D
13.8 here, weekly weigh in day and 3 lbs down this week, though I was up 1 last week. Still, right direction overall.

Lost the bit of my wireless mouse and keyboard that goes into my laptop today, so off to the office to borrow a mouse I think
5.6 today for me after a whirlwind weekend doing lots of odds and ends.

Only 4 days working this week as we are off to Ireland for the weekend, flying over on Friday, to see my wife’s aunt who isn’t doing too well since her husband died last October. Hoping we can help bring some comfort and cheer to her.

Well done @Lucyr on your weight loss! I must try harder myself I would love to lose a few pounds!

Congratulations @Grannylorraine on your HS!

@eggyg - love the pictures! Enjoy your cuddles!

Take care everyone!
A 6.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning 5.0 on the nose today
weighed myself this morning, happy with what weight I lost in January (about 3.5KG)

congrats on the HS @Grannylorraine

Happy Monday Everyone 😎
Morning all and 4.9 for me.

Had to shave some off my breakfast bolus ratio as the last two mornings have seem mild hypos two hours later. Seems to be doing the trick.

Need to prep some tracks for a song writing session tomorrow evening

Have a good day everyone.