Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK 6.6? Devlish? Surely you need a 6.6.6 :D
Morning all

It's a happy 5.7 for me on this fine sunny and warmish morning.
Have you got any medication for your UTI if not you could try D-mannose or cranberry capsules as the main 'sugar' in them is D-mannose and that helps to stop the bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract.
I didn't have anything yet. I've heard of those capsules but thought they are more for prevention, not sure if they work once you have an infection. I may go ask at the pharmacy.
I didn't have anything yet. I've heard of those capsules but thought they are more for prevention, not sure if they work once you have an infection. I may go ask at the pharmacy.
Anything cranberry is good for UTI
Morning everyone. 4.1 then 4.7 fotf then 5.9 after bfast & cappucino now 6.6 @3 hrs after waking up.
last insulin taken was the basal @ 0100
@Eternal422 @Pattidevans Following on from your posts… saw the dermatologist Wednesday this week. He said he’s referring me to a consultant dermatologist so I’ll be under a hospital for further investigation etc. Said it would be relatively quick to get the referral done and an appointment through.
Yesterday I had a notification from the NHS app that I’ve been booked in for a biopsy.
Checked my records and he’s said it might be a rare form of cancer. Which he didn’t mention at all to me on Wednesday.

I’m not in the least bit concerned though as the biopsy has been booked for October so it’s clearly not urgent.
Oh my goodness - October!!!! I think I would be keeping a close eye on it meantime! The NHS is definitely falling apart. I was told by my GP this week that although I have been referred to Osteo for my arthritic knee the waiting list just to see the consultant is over a year... that's before you get put on the waiting list for a replacement knee which is apparently over 3 years long. I shall be pushing 82 by then.
Morning All - 6.8 for me this morning. Turns out @eggyg you could have done my driving for me yesterday as 3 patients became one due to one being admitted and another deciding to catch a bus into town - I could have dropped him but as I'm a newbie I didn't want to lie and be told off - he was fine with that and I checked he was fit and able. Then decided that I was missing Waitrose now we live Oop North so I took a 7 mile detour and drove to the Little Waitrose at Gretna services (SO exciting and they had my Mum's favourite Waitrose own dark choc German biscuits in stock so I bought her 4 packets which I'll give her later). I then drove to Houghton Hall Garden Centre via a 9 mile detour as missed the blooming exit on the M6 but glad I went as I got a lightweight rigid rake and now I'm going out into the garden to do what I've been putting off all morning so far which is LOADS of gardening starting with planting my new bulbs in the green - have a great day everyone xxx


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I didn't have anything yet. I've heard of those capsules but thought they are more for prevention, not sure if they work once you have an infection. I may go ask at the pharmacy.
As of this week the pharmacist can prescribe antibiotics for various conditions. I seriously suggest you go and consult one today as UTIs frequently need ABs.
As of this week the pharmacist can prescribe antibiotics for various conditions. I seriously suggest you go and consult one today as UTIs frequently need ABs.
I wonder what the pharmacists think about that? I can imagine their workload is going to seriously increase and am sure that people will be taking antibx much more often than they should - although presumably there is some sort of control over that.
Afternoon all. I have no idea where the morning has gone! It's grey again! What a surprise - NOT! Aghhhh as I typed that a blue patch accompanied by a round yellow thing appeared!

11.3 again this morning. Noticed that for the last several days BG has been steadily rising from about 1 am to 7am so I've adjusted my basals for that period. Also over dinner-late evening as it's been a bit wonky there too.

Nothing social today but hopefully we'll get the vines pruned and the pots and tubs weeded this afternoon. Especially now the sun is out!

@zippyjojo regarding workload that's exactly what I thought. There are only 3 pharmacies in our town serving the town with a population of 21,000 and the surrounding villages (population unknown to me). Plus tourists in summer. Boots are going to close one soon. They are creaking under the load. It's necessary to put scripts in 2 weeks before they are needed. I don't think they'll be welcoming consultations. Having said that, they are clued up about not issuing ABs unecessarily.

Have a good day all...
Morning everyone. 4.1 then 4.7 fotf then 5.9 after bfast & cappucino now 6.6 @3 hrs after waking up.
last insulin taken was the basal @ 0100
7.9 4hrs after waking up!!! had 4g carbs (from milk in cappucino 3 .5 hrs ago)
I wonder what the pharmacists think about that? I can imagine their workload is going to seriously increase and am sure that people will be taking antibx much more often than they should - although presumably there is some sort of control over that.
Yes, that's a bit concerning. But as a patient I'll be grateful if I can get sorted with a quick trip to Boots instead of trying my luck ringing the GP. Last time it was also a weekend so ended up in the hospital A&E to get antibiotics. Which I felt sort of guilty about, thinking there's people with bigger emergencies, but I had abdominal pains too and was worried.

I'm on my way to the pharmacy now, because I'd rather not get to that point 😳
I didn't have anything yet. I've heard of those capsules but thought they are more for prevention, not sure if they work once you have an infection. I may go ask at the pharmacy.
I think it can be used for treatment.
As of this week the pharmacist can prescribe antibiotics for various conditions. I seriously suggest you go and consult one today as UTIs frequently need ABs.
Nothing says "respect for patients" quite like having to discuss your UTI in front of all the queuing customers because those in power defund the NHS seemingly as policy.
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Nothing says "respect for patients" quite like having to discuss your UTI in front of all the queuing customers because those in power defund the NHS seemingly as policy.
My pharmacy has a small private room that you go in when asking for medical advice