Group 7-day waking average?

Morning first time posting terrible reading 15.8
Reading your other posts I want to welcome you to this thread specifically and let you know that we all have shitty readings sometimes.
Sometimes we can hazard a guess why they’re not so good and other times it’s because the Diabetes Fairy has paid us a visit and decided to meddle.
Morning all. A nice round 6 at 6am.

We’re having our Sunday full English today, don’t worry I haven’t totally lost the plot, I do know it’s Saturday. The reason being, Zara is coming for a sleep over as mummy has to go into the maternity ward tomorrow morning, early doors. As much as Zara loves a bacon sarnie, a full English isn’t for her, so we’re having it today and it’s porridge for her and Mr Eggy tomorrow. I’ll just have my usual one slice of toast and peanut butter. Not sure if she’ll be here for one or two nights, depends how quick daughter responds to the inducement treatment (s)! Busy few days whatever happens. 😱

Have a good day and I’ll see you all tomorrow morning, bright and early I suspect!
Morning all, 5.0 here, maybe I should check again in a few minutes and see if I can hit the magic number.:confused:😉
My arms ache! Either the pruning and lopping I did in son's garden on Thursday or that my pony pulled like a train all the way round yesterday's hack because it was bright and breezy and the other horse we were with was quite fresh. Son is back here now, and is taking me to a garden centre for tea as a thank you, so I will have a lazy day today.
@eggyg Fingers crossed for tomorrow! And I hope any baking at Eggy Towers includes this today!

A pizza, pain and marzipan induced 7.7 today, if I was to write a school report on my post Christmas eating it would be must do better, works very hard for most days but totally gives up on others.

Yesterday I started to get a terrible pain in my left calf, paracetamol eased it at the time, but at 3am it came back worse, but instead of getting up and taking painkillers straight away, no I left it u til 4.30, and for reason other than I could when I got up to take paracetamol, I ate a huge chunk of marzipan that has been in the cupboard since I made the Christmas cakes. Oh well paying the price now and at least there is no more in the cupboard and no reason to buy any more, until later this year.

@eggyg - enjoy your full English and hope everything is goes well with your daughter.
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@Grannylorraine Try not to beat yourself up over one day. You work so hard at managing your diabetes that of course sometimes something has to give.
Morning all. 🙂 6.7 on the Libre.

It’s wet n windy out there, but Gwen needs her walk. Well, me too. I go a bit loopy later on in the day if I don’t get an airing...I’ll certainly get a blast of air this morning!

Oo, how exciting @eggyg. 🙂:D😱
Morning first time posting terrible reading 15.8
Hi Seales.Welcome to board and it is light hearted but please feel free to comment or ask any questions as there are some great informative threads.
Eggyg.It sounds like Mr Eggy is as well looked after and as contented as I am and that should ensure no arguments whilst driving in the sporty 2 door.
Good morning - 5.2


Have a great day everyone.
Well done @Lily123 on that HS. 🙂 I'm on the next step down with 5.1.
It's a lot milder today and no rain forecast. 🙂

12.9 and going to put basal up today. Not much planned this weekend, well nothing planned in fact. So think I’ll go out on a bus adventure.
12.9 and going to put basal up today. Not much planned this weekend, well nothing planned in fact. So think I’ll go out on a bus adventure.
As a passenger or you going to hijack it and take everyone on an adventure?!
As a passenger or you going to hijack it and take everyone on an adventure?!
:rofl::rofl: I think I’ll stick to being a passenger. I have a free disabled bus pass so sometimes I like to get on a bus to another town for no real reason just for a ride, change of scenery, wander around etc.
4.8 this morning for me which was pretty good considering we went out to a Miller & Carter last night with some family, thought I was being smart pre bolusing 12U after ordering (having checked back to last time we went to a Miller & Carter and had ordered the same). But, the needle bent on injecting and I really don’t know how much I had. Scared to have any more I left it and kept checking BG, it barely rose, so looks like I did end up getting at least the majority of the dose!

Discovered why it may not always be good to have the GP records displayed in the NHS app - I had a GP phone appointment yesterday for what I thought may be acid reflux. The GP did mention possibly having an endoscopy if omeprazole failed to do the trick, but seeing the 2 week referral for suspected upper GI cancer was a bit of a shock! I really don’t think it’s anything like that and more that the GP wanted to get it done quickly as I had told her about us going away in March and that I would like to get this sorted if possible before then. Luckily it’s not a constant issue, but when I get the heartburn sensation it can persist for a couple of days or so and is worse when lying down, so rather much like acid reflux than anything else. Oh well, I’m sure it’s nothing more serious.

Have a good day everyone!
I had exactly the same referral @Eternal422 it turned out I had an ulcer in the aesophagus. I thought it just as well it was looked at because if it had been cancer it would have been better found sooner than later whilst there was something they could do about it. However I think it is a standard referral. Try not to worry.
ooh a mini Cultural Corner!

Went to a general rehearsal at Covent Garden yesterday for Tosca.
I’ve seen this production before and will be going to see it again later in the year when Angel Blue takes the title role.
Wasn’t sure if I was going to make this rehearsal or not when I booked so opted for seats in the amphitheater. Also this really was more for the music than the acting so didn’t feel the need to be close.
Still was a decent view though officially it’s an obstructed view. What it could be obstructed by I’ve no idea.

Music was great. New conductor I’ve not experienced before and she fair galloped through it! Director found some little bits of humour in some scenes that worked really rather well. Little things like sideways glances, Scarpia applauding Tosca’s impassioned plea for Mario’s life, even the early scenes where she’s teasing Mario for painting the M Angelotti with blue eyes not brown has found a lovely light touch of sarcasm that’s riven with distrust. They all worked nicely.

It was a rehearsal though so I won’t dwell on the fact that the gate to the sacristy got stuck so Tosca was outside until Mario climbed the stairs and wrenched it open! And the loop fell off of Tosca’s train so she had issues with her dress getting in the way sometimes but that’s easily resolved and it was quite funny her having to stomp wide legged around the stage and haul her train after her whilst clearly getting exasperated a bit.

It could even have been a deliberate thing to give her a physical objective rather just an emotional one.

But it is a great opera and this is a great production.
@Eternal422 @Pattidevans Following on from your posts… saw the dermatologist Wednesday this week. He said he’s referring me to a consultant dermatologist so I’ll be under a hospital for further investigation etc. Said it would be relatively quick to get the referral done and an appointment through.
Yesterday I had a notification from the NHS app that I’ve been booked in for a biopsy.
Checked my records and he’s said it might be a rare form of cancer. Which he didn’t mention at all to me on Wednesday.

I’m not in the least bit concerned though as the biopsy has been booked for October so it’s clearly not urgent.
Good morning folks! 5'4 at 5:50 am.

Woke up one hour early and the UTI didn't let me go back to sleep. Bloody thing, yesterday it seemed like I didn't have it anymore but is back. Needed the loo at 3 am which is very unusual for me, reminds me of the dark days pre-diagnosis. I thought maybe I had high BG but no. It is a minor illness but oh boy, so annoying! Especially when it messes with my sleep! And now I have a bit of a sore throat to add to the fun.

The other day I (half) joked about bringing a book and water bottle to the bathroom and just stay there. That's exactly what I did from 6 to 6:30. At least sir Terry Pratchett made me smile. Wish I hadn't picked up an extra shift this morning and could stay here chilling and reading.
Have you got any medication for your UTI if not you could try D-mannose or cranberry capsules as the main 'sugar' in them is D-mannose and that helps to stop the bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract.