Group 7-day waking average?

Morning Eggy presume you really find the Jag fun to drive as thinking about one when I next change cars.My wife has an SUV so prefer a sporty saloon but probably 4 doors.
Mr Eggy absolutely loves her. More than me I suspect when I’ve been nagging him all day! To me it’s a car to get me to Tesco/Aldi or appointments. I do like zipping down the motorway with her. It doesn’t take long to go over the national speed limit! She was in for repairs recently and they loaned us an FPace. Too sluggish was Mr Eggy’s opinion, too high ( I struggled getting in) was mine. Something in between would suit me, maybe a XE or XF. Sporty but four doors. Very stylish.
Morning all and 5.3 for me.

For some reason I bought a marching band lyre glockenspiel yesterday. Needs a bit of easy restoration but it was only £5.00. I wonder what it'd sound like through a guitar amp?

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - another grey day.

11.3 this morning. Was high all day yesterday despite corrections. I really don't know what's going on. We did have fish and chips for supper (from M&S at @Gwynn's recommendation). The fish was delicious, the triple cooked chips were stodgy as chips are and I didn't eat more than a few. Maybe it was the peas!

Off to meet the friends we normally meet on Saturdays this afternoon in town. Home for ham hock with celeriac mash and cheesy leeks. Need to make an appointment for the hearing aids whilst I am in town.

@TinaD I didn't mean bright yellow as in motorway jackets! I meant very pale, more like those white paints with a hint of colour. There are so many subtle colours available these days, probably worth checking out the paint departments in the DIY stores. We wanted a subtle grey for our bedroom and it took us several paint pot samples before we found the right grey. Some were more green. Possibly what you are looking for.

Have a good day all.
Good morning my dears. 6'7 today.

Laundry time, how exciting... Forgot my hand towel again, I meant to put it straight in the laundry bag after using the toilet but I guess I was on autopilot and hung it in its usual spot.

This new year I decided to change the way I track my money movements. I had a detailed spreadsheet with spending categories which was interesting (to me, at least) but didn't feel necessary and I wanted to simplify it. So I will add all the expenses together in one column. Should be easy enough going to the bank apps and getting the total expenses for the month, instead of looking at individual transactions. I started yesterday with January's accounts. It felt a bit awkward, being used to my old system, and it was an unusual month because I spent two weeks in Spain, so had to use two currencies and I paid cash more often than usual. But looks like for regular months it will be easy peasy 😎
5.1 then 6.4 fotf

edit: had the usual 0-carb breakfast with coffee & a drop of milk. 6.7 @3hrs after waking up
4.8 this morning for me which was pretty good considering we went out to a Miller & Carter last night with some family, thought I was being smart pre bolusing 12U after ordering (having checked back to last time we went to a Miller & Carter and had ordered the same). But, the needle bent on injecting and I really don’t know how much I had. Scared to have any more I left it and kept checking BG, it barely rose, so looks like I did end up getting at least the majority of the dose!

Discovered why it may not always be good to have the GP records displayed in the NHS app - I had a GP phone appointment yesterday for what I thought may be acid reflux. The GP did mention possibly having an endoscopy if omeprazole failed to do the trick, but seeing the 2 week referral for suspected upper GI cancer was a bit of a shock! I really don’t think it’s anything like that and more that the GP wanted to get it done quickly as I had told her about us going away in March and that I would like to get this sorted if possible before then. Luckily it’s not a constant issue, but when I get the heartburn sensation it can persist for a couple of days or so and is worse when lying down, so rather much like acid reflux than anything else. Oh well, I’m sure it’s nothing more serious.

Have a good day everyone!
It was a 5.7 for me much earlier this fine sunny morning.
Mr Eggy absolutely loves her. More than me I suspect when I’ve been nagging him all day! To me it’s a car to get me to Tesco/Aldi or appointments. I do like zipping down the motorway with her. It doesn’t take long to go over the national speed limit! She was in for repairs recently and they loaned us an FPace. Too sluggish was Mr Eggy’s opinion, too high ( I struggled getting in) was mine. Something in between would suit me, maybe a XE or XF. Sporty but four doors. Very stylish.
Thanks and the XF is on my radar.
It was 7.7 this morning. My dexcom reciver is here somewhere as I've heard it go off but still having trouble locating it shame the sound isn't continuous as it will be easier to follow that way..
Good morning everyone. Been up an hour. Had an early shave and shower. Feel really good

BG 5.1

Today exercise early on my own, later with my friend who is better now. A bit of keyboard practice. I may go to the church to hell them clean and tidy the place.

It sure needs a tidy ...

It is very sad that so many churches are going to ruin.
Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Well I guess it's 3.1 I woke to up to at around 4 and haven't fallen back sleep since
Morning a 6.7 at 6.30 when I got up after a nice sleep.
Pleased as was above 10 when went to bed after being in Pizza heaven and had to take 2u correction so decent overnight line.
Trip to one of favourite ( have so many ) garden centre today for lunch and left over Pizza for evening meal and just about to go out for a walk.
Great watching the Rugby last night so whatever you are up to have a great w/ end
Good morning folks! 5'4 at 5:50 am.

Woke up one hour early and the UTI didn't let me go back to sleep. Bloody thing, yesterday it seemed like I didn't have it anymore but is back. Needed the loo at 3 am which is very unusual for me, reminds me of the dark days pre-diagnosis. I thought maybe I had high BG but no. It is a minor illness but oh boy, so annoying! Especially when it messes with my sleep! And now I have a bit of a sore throat to add to the fun.

The other day I (half) joked about bringing a book and water bottle to the bathroom and just stay there. That's exactly what I did from 6 to 6:30. At least sir Terry Pratchett made me smile. Wish I hadn't picked up an extra shift this morning and could stay here chilling and reading.
Good morning! An 8.3 for me today. Feel a touch queasy - probably the antibiotics! :(
I’m on antibiotics so I also take a strong probiotic which has made a phenomenal difference to my digestive system. I opted for Bio-kult (I think the one I use is their “boosted” version) so maybe worth looking.