Group 7-day waking average?

yesterday was cake day [1], and I never manage to time the insulin right. Always too late. I must remember to take it 30 mins at least beforehand. So, 16.9 at bedtime, woke to 7.1, had my usual rapid, it continues to fall some 3 hrs later to 6.3 which is good.

[1] 3x per year, for birthdays :D
Good day all. Bit nippy innit? Brrr. 7.4 @ 7.05am not bad. Have a good day all. 🙂
Having a few issues with the forum today, I can like some posts but others it tells me an error has occurred, so maybe a glitch
Glad its not just me! I've just seen that my post has been posted several times, must have been from each time i tried!! Sorry everyone.
Just got back from the second half of my D review with the surgery. The nurse said the GP wanted to see me and i told her i have an appointment for tomorrow. I asked why (2 HbA1c have been done in the last 3 weeks, the first was 48, the second 46). She said that it might be about the liver reading which was a bit higher and he might want another blood test. I noticed this when the first results came back so if he does ask for it, why couldn't it have been done when i had the second bloods done? Bit annoying as in the last 3 weeks i've had 5 appointments!
Morning all. Thought it was just my phone but seems a few of you folks having problems as well.Its either coming up server errors or someone's message repeats two or three times .Blame the russians Anyway it was 7.2 for me this morning after another sleepless night with this chest infection.Stay safe folks
my last post duplicated 3 times, 4.1 this morning
Good evening pals. A 6'3 this morning, after a much needed lie in.

I went to pick the antibiotics this morning. The pharmacy only had 5 capsules, of the 14 I'm supposed to take. I took those and they gave me a paper to collect the other 9 capsules another time. The pharmacist asked me a couple times if I was okay with this. Sure, if the alternative is not taking any medicine home today. I won't be waiting another 2 days to start treatment.

I'm glad to report I was able to see my urine test results (the first ones, from the nurse) on the NHS app. There was a fun mix of stuff that should not be there. Including ketones, which surprised me a bit because my BGs are not unusually high. The only negative test was for bilirubin, which I've read is good news about my liver. Positive for protein, so potentially not so good news about my kidneys. But I'm not that concerned now that I've started taking the antibiotics and a more complete analysis is on the way.

Other than that, a reasonably relaxed day, free from phone calls! 😛

I am off from work tomorrow. Will try to post about a different subject, I'm boring myself telling you about this!
Good morning - 9.5

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning! Pleased with a 7 7 in the meter. I had to be removed for yesterday's MRI (see separate thread - will update later). Totally shattered as only got home five hours after declared good-togo despite living only 30 minutes away!

Physio this morning if I can stay awake! :rofl:

Raining as if you need to ask! (umbrella emoji)
Morning have to report a very unusual night which I knew would be different as did an Evening Meeting which was going to be very difficult to predict and time insulin usage.
Plus the Company was very good and food was lovely ( decent pub grub and fairly local) and basically why I keep on working just great social interaction and enjoyment.
Very high carb meal of Cheese and Onion Pie/ Chips/ Ice Cream etc and did really well up to about 11am( ate at 8-9.30) so stayed at 7.6 and then started to rise after I went to bed even after a 2u correction dose.
Peaked at 14.2 at 1 in morning and another 2u correction in night and was 8.8 when I first got up at 5.45 so that is my official reading.
Went back to bed for an hour after doing dog duty and when next checked it was would you believe it a 5.2 but I can’t claim that even with Dodgy Maths so will stick with 8.8.
Anyway more routine day today so should settle down but last night was great and well worth the variability in my normal fairly steady BG levels.
Have a good day all
Morning all, 5.8 here. Looks wet outside. At least it’s only rain, not snow, I have to go to the farmer's superstore to buy shavings for our pony's bedding, as he’s allergic to straw, (it’s cheaper to pick up a few bags every month than get them delivered). The store is a veritable Aladdin's cave of fascinating stuff I never knew existed, I’m always afraid I’ll end up buying something for the milking parlour or tractor that I don’t have.
Morning all. Forum still playing up for me. If I like anyone’s post it falls over so I’m not being rude by not liking or ‘caring’ etc I assure you!

6.2 this morning.

Nothing much to report other than booked tickets to see Billy Crudup in Harry Clarke.
It’s had great reviews for the Broadway run so I’m looking forward to that.
Morning all. Another drum roll please….5.2, again! And an almost flatfish AND a unicorn! I got the hat trick.

Yesterday’s Wainwright bagging fell at almost the first hurdle. We walked up a very steep hill towards Hayswater, this is a mountain tarn which we’ve visited twice before but usually just come back down. Got to the bit where we cross a bridge to get onto the fells, it had been washed away and the beck was raging. Some brave folks in front of us got over, and got wet. There was absolutely no chance I was even going to try because the last time we visited this area, nine years ago, I fell into this very beck, cracked my head on a rock, and split it open, and ended up waist deep in the water. I then had to walk an hour down the hill absolutely soaking wet with blood dripping down my face, and then had the indignity of sitting in my wet knickers in the car all the way home! So, no thanks. We walked back the way we came, ate our packed lunch in the car and went home. Still did 3 miles and 200 metres of elevation. Hence my fabulous BG control yesterday! Or was that because I didn’t have a Creme Egg?:confused:

Hair cuts this morning. Not quite as strenuous.

See forum not quite cured. Can like some posts and not others. So apologies. @Elenka_HM for some reason I couldn’t react to yours either yesterday or this morning. Glad you’ve got your meds, at last, but bloody annoyed on your behalf how long it took and the fact they couldn’t fulfil your prescription totally. Grrr!

Had a good one, frosty oop north.


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Morning all, 5.8 here. Looks wet outside. At least it’s only rain, not snow, I have to go to the farmer's superstore to buy shavings for our pony's bedding, as he’s allergic to straw, (it’s cheaper to pick up a few bags every month than get them delivered). The store is a veritable Aladdin's cave of fascinating stuff I never knew existed, I’m always afraid I’ll end up buying something for the milking parlour or tractor that I don’t have.
What are the shavings of?

A pizza and ice-cream induced 6.5, that was brought on by issues at work and still not feeling great. Note to self, take time off when not feeling well.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS. I’ll come back and give you a star later.

Docb did post yesterday that he was waiting for Mike aka everydayupsanddown to be back to see if he could fix it.