Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 close but no cigar (not that I smoke)

Last night I got up to go to bed and the front bit where my left hip is suddenly gave a rather nasty vicious pain. I could hardly stand on my left leg. I decided that must have been the way I had been sitting and I would be brave and say nothing about it to my wife (don't want to fighten her). I had something similar on both sides a few years earlier. It turned out to be prostasisis (however you spell it). I couldn't walk at all. The pain was too much, but a short course of some med sorted it out. Mind you I was on crutches for a week!!! This time a good nights sleep seems to have sorted things. Good job as I am playing at the church this evening and tomorrow. I play standing up!

Yesterday, despite the constant drizzle, I did get out for 142 minutes of exercise and today I am rewarded with zero weight loss! Doh!

The stew that I made on Monday is still going strong! Last day though!

Today, exercise, practice at home and the church.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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6.1 today, big shop then knit and natter on the horizon today. I’ll log back on and read everyone’s posts later as I have left my glasses upstairs and don’t want to wake hubby by going back for them. Currently wearing my sun glasses.
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5.7 on this (thankfully) dry and bright Berkshire morning. Wife and I are heading over to nearby Camberley later to do a bit of birthday shopping for her 60th next week, grab some lunch while we're there, and with it being the second round of Rugby's Six Nations this weekend I plan on settling down to watch England v Wales later. The Six Nations and Wimbledon are the two things on the sporting calendar that I most look forward to every year.

Enjoy your Saturday, weather permitting.
Good morning - 4.4


Flat fish! Flat fish!

Have a great day everyone!
7.3, that 3am correction worked nicely

Not sure if I’m feeling better or not today, think I feel a bit better. Want to get out of the house but will take it easy and just bus to my favourite cafe to do some admin


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Morning all. 5.7 for me. A wobbly line for me after two consecutive flat fishes. Three consecutive unicorn days though. 🙂

Lovely bright morning and the fells are in full view, we’re going to walk over to see Zara and Eden after lunch. Strip the bed, hang it out, and make a cottage pie, otherwise nowt exciting going on in the Eggy household.

Have a super Saturday.
A lowly 4.3 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning All - 6.7 here today. Clear sky out there which makes a nice change this week. Going to take my Mum to Acorn Bank this afternoon to see the snowdrops as they're open every weekend in Feb for it. Spent all day yesterday gardening and cursing the previous owners (they're lovely really) for putting in SO many roses - pruned 24 and that is only the tip of the iceberg. On my own this weekend as hubby off in the Scottish mountains with his brother so a quiet one with just me and the dogs. Have a good day everyone xxx
6.5. reply not feeling good cough. Really bad sore throat plus feel feverish but can't find my thermometer to check. Which always advertised my chest I have to keep reminding myself it has been like that before when Ive had a cough Nd things(the time id pain j mean)
Morning a 7.8 for me and a long lie in so off for big shop as had a lot of vouchers come through.
Then orgy on the Rugby and a lazy day,left over Pizza or as my dogs would say if they could talk Pawfect
Have a pawsome w/ end.
PS forgot the highlight of many of us of a certain inclination a trip to the Tip with a car full of cardboard to recycle.
Morning all. New sensor activated last night shows i shot up at 3am from 6s and have stayed between 13-16 overnight. On waking sensor said 14, finger prick 10. It had better start getting closer or i'll be ringing Abbott (there, i've said it so hopefully it will now start behaving - fingers crossed emoji).

Off out with hubby today as he has the day off work for a change then over to the hospital to see mum before home and packing for 4 days away. I feel bad going away while mum is in hospital but we booked it last year and we need the break. I'll ring her but i'm hoping someone else can visit, its really only been me going 3-4 times a week for the last 4 weeks and i'm exhausted.

Anyway, have a lovely day everyone. Its stopped raining here atm.

Ps. Just looked at sensor app, 6.9 dropping fast. Maybe the threat of Abbot worked. Although i had a correction with my breakfast so i'll no doubt end up hypo now (holding head in hands emoji)