Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

Astonishingly BG 5.2 anyone want to buy my blood glucose meter. Guaranteed (it seems) to give over the odds HS's.

Not good news from my daughter yesterday. Basically, and without reason or discussion she texted to say she wants nothing more to do with us. No idea why. Very upsetting. Her text was in response to my trying to arrange a visit to her to give her (and her family) birthday and Christmas presents. A very odd reaction.

And in response to someone here who asked why my daughter was distancing herself and thinks badly of her upbringing ... I actually have no idea why. As far as I can tell she had a good, happy childhood. Every need provided for. We even provided thousands, off the cuff, so that she could buy her first house and settle down. I thought things were good. So so strange.

Have a good day today whatever you are doing
Good morning fro Boris and me!

I have posted for a while as my morning BGs have gone totally haywire and also been quite variable through the day - one day staying between 6 and 7, and the next refusing to go below 10. No idea if it's the pneumonia jab, the change in pain meds or the new antibiotics. Things seem to improve after starting the antibiotics but after physio on Thursday I developed a nauseous migraine! In the evening my BG peaked at around 17. Yesterday became a duvet day as totally washed out with BG hovering around 10 despite hardly eating anything. This morning woke to a 5.3 and phantom pain at 4'30. Now 7.2. Heartily sick and tired if it all - feel like I am existing and not living! :(
5.5 for me on a rather damp and gloomy Berkshire morning. Just me and our eldest up so far as he's shortly off to do his usual Saturday Park Run.

Managed to get a swim in yesterday, having had to give it a miss on Thursday. Got my 20 lengths in despite having to share the lane with people who don't seem to understand what a "Lane Swimming" session involves, ie swimming up and down in lanes rather than splashing around in the shallow end. Found a fiver in the park while walking down to the pool but there was no one around, so no idea where it had come from. My wife checked local social media later but no one's posted about losing any money. I don't want to profit from someone else's misfortune so will give it to charity, there being no police station here to hand it in to.

Have finally de-Christmas'd the house for another year apart from the outside lights, which I'll take down today if it's not too cold. Could barely feel my fingers after putting them up. House does look a little bare now, especially the lounge.

Didn't manage the usual Friday Big Shop yesterday. Got to Sainsbury's and realised I'd left my phone at home, so would have had to miss out on Nectar Prices and Nectar Points if I'd done an old-style trolley shop through a checkout. Then I got to the garden centre greengrocer and found that it was shut and wasn't opening again until today after the Xmas & New Year break. Guess what I'm doing this morning.

@Gwynn - another HS - congrats!

Whatever your plans, have a good Saturday.
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Morning all.6.3 on this frosty and misty morning. As I got up so late, 8am, I can actually see what’s going on. Skiddaw has totally disappeared and everywhere is white. Not a breath of wind either. Ahh.. the great British weather. It loves to mess with us.

Today is a quiet day and I’m going to do some proper cooking, ie nothing involving turkey, ham, cheese etc. We’ve eaten leftovers for almost two weeks, they have been in the freezer, don’t worry! Stuffed pasta Bolognaise tonight for tea. Looking forward to it. Nothing else doing, so will read my book.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS and sorry to hear about your estrangement from your daughter.

Have your best day everyone.
Morning all

6.3 today, but after a 3.5 before bed, I ate some jelly babies, started with two, then had another 4 as I had the taste of them, so thought it might be higher this morning, I was unsure whether to take any as not being on insulin I thought I might be ok during the night, then decided not to risk it.

today going out for a run as although very grey it does at least seem to be dry, might have to put in a few layers.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS today. I am sorry to hear about your daughter and her wanting to cut contact with you. I have a son who doesn’t speak to any of our family me and his dad included, Also had lots of money from us and defaulted on a loan we were guarantors for which he never paid us back for. I do at least kniw why he doesn’t talk to us, so sorry to hear that she won’t even discuss with you what The issues are. I also hope it is not because she has someone else controlling her that is making her cutcontact with you.

@Martin.A - that is what I always fo if I find money see if I can find out if anyone has lost it and if not give it to charity as I wouldn’t feel comfortable using it for personal gain.
Morning all. 8.1. Since i've reduced my basal back to how it was before i was ill, i've started having overnight spikes again. Honestly, i can't win! Increase basal and have no overnight spikes but hypo early and in the morning. Or decrease and have overnight spikes. Yesterday i kept needing corrections through the day until after dinner when it suddenly dropped into the high 4s. Getting very fed up now. I shall wait until i'm back at work on Monday, hopefully it will sort itself out one way or another.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn. Sorry to hear about your estrangement from your daughter. Hopefully she will come round in her own time and contact you.
A 5.9 on this cold and frosty morning. 🙂

Good morning everyone. A 6'7, which came from a very gentle descent from a bedtime 15. Not used to this number but had a similar one the night before. I know the reasons: pizza one night, churros the other. When I come on holiday my food choices tend to be less than ideal...might need to open the Novorapid.

Today is Día de Reyes. You could define it as a Spanish Christmas n°2. There's big meals, family reunion and presents. Gotta move now, my parents and brother must be waiting to open theirs! Have a good day everyone.
As featured in Hancock's half hour!
“It may just be a drop to you but it’s life and death to someone” and “I’m not walking around with half an armful for anyone” (or something like that! Remember it well, used to love Hancock’s Half Hour!
5.1 this morning for me on this frosty morning here.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS and so sorry to hear that your daughter is cutting contact with you, how upsetting.

Must dash, trip to parents via an M&S to get puddings for Mum, something of a chore now, but we have found that some of the ones she liked can be frozen, so intend to get her stocked up with some so we don’t have to do this every weekend!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning - 5.8

Have a great day everyone
Good morning. Bother, back in the 6s - 6.2.

After last nights rain I am glad to see blue sky with white cumulus. If the blue prevails Peachy may get out for an hour or two - thankfully the paddocks drain quite quickly.

@MikeyBikey Sorry to see you are having a rough time. Hope things settle down soon.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.
Well it's 8.8 when I actually woke up after 3.9 ( which got lower) I'm manged to lose the top of my figer pricker again permrntllu this time. I'm doing something to check when I needed to but it's not the best.)
Good morning everyone

Astonishingly BG 5.2 anyone want to buy my blood glucose meter. Guaranteed (it seems) to give over the odds HS's.

Not good news from my daughter yesterday. Basically, and without reason or discussion she texted to say she wants nothing more to do with us. No idea why. Very upsetting. Her text was in response to my trying to arrange a visit to her to give her (and her family) birthday and Christmas presents. A very odd reaction.

And in response to someone here who asked why my daughter was distancing herself and thinks badly of her upbringing ... I actually have no idea why. As far as I can tell she had a good, happy childhood. Every need provided for. We even provided thousands, off the cuff, so that she could buy her first house and settle down. I thought things were good. So so strange.

Have a good day today whatever you are doing
@Gwynn Sorry to hear about your daughter. Sometimes you just don't know what people are thinking. My Dad always used to tell us as long as you are happy that's the main thing. A bit simplistic but true. I don't have kids but if I did and they are in anyway not happy I would want to know why. I hope things become more clear. Once people have time to think about it they sometimes realise it wasn't the best of moves. I hope things workout anyway but very upsetting.
Morning all - what a lovely day, blue skies with fluffy white clouds and a light breeze. Rain forecase later.

7.2 when I woke, it's now dropped to 5.9. At least it's back in the ball-park with 92% TIR.

Going into town this afternoon to meet friends and then home for Venison steak for dinner - courtesy of a gift from a friend. I hope it's more tender than the venison haunch we had at Christmas!

Sorry to hear @MikeyBikey is having a rotten time. Hope things improve very soon.

Same to @Gwynn despite the HSs. Here's hoping your daughter re-thinks her decision. I hope it's not caused by the scenario that @Grannylorraine suggested i.e. she's not being controlled by someone else.

@Elenka_HM hope you are enjoying Dia del Reyes.
hope it's not caused by the scenario that @Grannylorraine suggested i.e. she's not being controlled by someone else.
Not good. I worked at dpd Christmas 2022 parcel sorting and there was this guy that deliberatly put pallets and other large objects in my way. Then bragged to his mates doing a thing with his hands like he was playing PS4 with a remote. I avoid controlling behaviour like the plague.