Group 7-day waking average?

Late posting it was 8.8 this morning. Found out yesterday were going out for dinner tonight as a early birthday thimg for me(which is on Wednesday) I asked if we can go somewhere where I know what's In and I can get something relative.easy(by.that.inkranf.whereni.donthave.think of split dosing). I know genuinely as types we can eat what we want and dose for it but think there are probably times where some things arnt such good idea like if you were having a diffecult time.before and I was at the start of the week(I think they probably was something's I should have avoid then (we had great a few meals out in the time I been here) were also going out for breakfast(which I ad origally my idea but I don't think that there will be anything I eat then will be really any different form whats in the house). I will be going back home tomorrow. But I think there's sausage and chips at church again Sunday. I don't think I get my weekly time in range back up to 70% by Sunday but there's always next week. On positive side dex us saying the past 3 days is much better then previous 3
6.2 for me this morning. Absolutely sick of the mud! My field is a quagmire and being on a hillside doesn't help! No sign of it getting any drier either. Still I am fortunate that my house is not flooded. Really feel for people whose homes are overrun. Surely this spell of wet weather has to come to an end soon. At least the reservoirs should be well replenished now..... not that we worry about that up here in the north anyway, but last summer levels were getting down a bit. Would just welcome some proper winter weather now as this is really depressing.
Surely this spell of wet weather has to come to an end soon. At least the reservoirs should be well replenished now..... not that we worry about that up here in the north anyway, but last summer levels were getting down a bit. Would just welcome some proper winter weather now as this is really depressing.
And we're currently getting the soaking that the yellow weather warning forecast. It's been pouring with rain for the best part of 2 hours now and shows no signs of stopping. I did tell our plasterer that he didn't need to wash our drive where he'd splashed stuff on it as the predicted rain would do it for him but he insisted, saying that he always cleaned up properly after a job. Top man.
And we're currently getting the soaking that the yellow weather warning forecast. It's been pouring with rain for the best part of 2 hours now and shows no signs of stopping. I did tell our plasterer that he didn't need to wash our drive where he'd splashed stuff on it as the predicted rain would do it for him but he insisted, saying that he always cleaned up properly after a job. Top man.
Looks like my mum's brought cake though so hope my glugose behaves
Another busy day, so, it was a 5.8 on waking many hours ago - could do with a sleep now...
Fingers crossed for Julian @Pattidevans
Thank you for thinking of us @freesia . I am very pleased to report that nothing nasty was found. I was more worried than he has been I think, but he's had prostate cancer and the lump was in the same area. So we are very relieved.

@Elenka_HM I meant to say to you earlier, I hope your hand baggage didn't have insulin in it when they put it in the hold. If it did then there is a chance that the insulin could have been too cold and now not be much use. I always explain that I am carrying medical supplies etc. and tthey have always relented except once when they told me to remove my medical items. At which point I removed virtually the whole contents of my cabin bag and packed them in a folding nylon shopping bag I carry in my handbag, but that was pump supplies etc etc. So the bag I carried onto the plane was very little smaller than the cabin bag!
@Elenka_HM I meant to say to you earlier, I hope your hand baggage didn't have insulin in it when they put it in the hold. If it did then there is a chance that the insulin could have been too cold and now not be much use.
Not to worry Patti, I know not to send insulin to the hold thanks to this forum 🙂 maybe even read it from you!

I actually checked in my cabin bag voluntarily in advance, as I got an email saying the flight was very full and I could do that for free. It meant I had to wait a bit longer to collect it, but also meant I didn't carry it around the terminal.

I didn't expect they would offer me this option, but I know sometimes they take your bags in the boarding gate if they are short of space. So I put all the diabetes stuff in my backpack to avoid last minute panic. Bit annoying as the backpack was full of stuff I didn't need at the moment, but to be fair, I didn't have any space left in the suitcase either! Is small and was half packed with presents.
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That’s better, for you, isn’t it? You seemed to be creeping up a bit recently, and you said you’d had to increase your TDD. Have you gone back to more usual doses as well?
It's actually gone in reverse! I'm back to where I was after a few days of needing more - perhaps I was ill and didn't notice! 😱 🙂 I've been trying to be better with my evening levels so I don't go to bed in higher numbers, means I am more likely to experience a small 'low' in the night, but since I don't have background insulin that is nothing to worry about, it's natural and normal, but I sometimes get obsessed with the statistics and don't like to record lows, however innocuous. Trying to be more relaxed about that 🙂
It's not a waking reading because Im in a and a and e because of getting cheast pain that was different and worse to the usual pain. Eventually rang 111 and they told me to go in I'd feel bad if they told everything was okay. Dec said 10.4 finger prick says 7.4(I been checking with finger because it's been being reading hishet then it actually was since last night which unusual behaviour for me. I'm going to change it when I get back I think this one did bleed alot when I inserted this it so it might be because of that.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Post Christmas/post New Years day feels a bit empty. Nothing planned today. Even my walking buddy is off doing something else. Sigh. I need something else to do/to achieve...

Hmm I have an Amazon order arriving today. A squirrel feeder. Needed because the pigeons have discovered where I normally feed the squirrel. I like squirrels. I dislike pigeons.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 7.1

Back to school today

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 5.9.

Dark and damp, as per. Like everyone I’m sick to death of rain and mud. Those poor folks who’ve been flooded, again, terrible. According to the BBC weather App, it’s going to get colder from tomorrow and we may actually get a glimpse of sunshine for the next week. I do hope so.

We’ve got the company of the gorgeous Zara today. Wonder what she’ll sing for us today? Trying to keep her occupied isn’t easy in this weather, it’s too wet to go to the park or play in the garden and I don’t like to rely on the TV, although it can be a Godsend when we’re getting a bit tired! There’s nothing more soporific than children’s telly!

@Lily123 ooh that’s cruel sending you back to school on a Friday.
@Pattidevans glad all went well with Julian’s scan. Must be a relief for you both.

Have a fab Friday folks.

Call with the police was to apologise and tell me that the officers assigned are both ill so they’ve not yet been briefed fully.
Good morning. 5.8

I give up - there is no understanding diabetes. Had a very high carb day yesterday and literally no sleep last night before 5 a.m. Even Jane Austen couldn't lull me off and, lets be honest, the plot of Persuasion isn't rivetting. Crawled out of bed and, as you see, found myself back in the 5s.

Grey skies but not raining - yet.

Take care everyone.
A 5.8 for me today. 🙂
Main task today undeck the halls.
