Late posting it was 8.8 this morning. Found out yesterday were going out for dinner tonight as a early birthday thimg for me(which is on Wednesday) I asked if we can go somewhere where I know what's In and I can get something relative.easy(by.that.inkranf.whereni.donthave.think of split dosing). I know genuinely as types we can eat what we want and dose for it but think there are probably times where some things arnt such good idea like if you were having a diffecult time.before and I was at the start of the week(I think they probably was something's I should have avoid then (we had great a few meals out in the time I been here) were also going out for breakfast(which I ad origally my idea but I don't think that there will be anything I eat then will be really any different form whats in the house). I will be going back home tomorrow. But I think there's sausage and chips at church again Sunday. I don't think I get my weekly time in range back up to 70% by Sunday but there's always next week. On positive side dex us saying the past 3 days is much better then previous 3