Group 7-day waking average?

Morning or is it can’t tell by how dark it is

5.5 this morning, was planning a walk in my lunch break, but not sure that is going to happen, maybe some indoors yoga.

@Pattidevans - pleased to hear Julian’s scan went ok.

@Lily123 - Might have given you the whole week, my granddaughter in infant school went back yesterday, the one in secondary goes back Monday, and my 2 other grandchildren who live in the next borough go back Tuesday.

@Robin - sorry to hear hubby has given you a cold.

@rayray119 - sorry to hear you have been in a&e, hope you are feeling better now.
Morning everyone

I’m happy with my 5.4 this grey day unfortunately rain is again on the horizon .

I went to the vampires yesterday, five phials of blood and went home with an empty arm, fortunately it’s full now as the finger prick worked this morning.

Have a good day everyone
After yesterday's drenching, when it rained non-stop for hours, it's dry and bright here this morning. Feel for those who've been flooded, though. We're very fortunate in that we're nowhere near a river or even a stream, though there's a small brook down the road, and we're also halfway up a slight incline so rainwater just runs away.

5.7 when I tested, and weekly BP check 112/78, so happy with both those.

Busy day ahead. Big Shop as usual on a Friday (Sainsbury's, Waitrose and garden centre greengrocer) and since I missed my usual Thursday swim on account of our plasterer being here I'm going to go today instead.

Dining Room ceiling is beginning to dry out but been told not to paint it for 3 or 4 days, so that looks like a job for next week. Painting ceilings isn't my favourite decorating job but at least the Artex has gone, which makes it a damn sight easier.

Hope no one's having to clean up after the storms.
Morning all. 8.8. Libre showing i had a massive high overnight. I had a hypo before bed which i treated. I must have over treated though i didn't think so. Shame, i had a much better day yesterday.

I woke in a panic this morning and with a cracking headache. I dreamed i was back at work but school was on a huge cruise ship and i was lost. I was panickinh because i couldn't get home and i didn't know where i was. I wonder what it means.

@rayray119 i hope you are ok.

@Elenka_HM glad you got there ok. Enjoy your trip.
Morning all and 7.5 for me. Prob due to chugging full fat coke during rehearsal last night to shift a sudden hypo which the dextrose tablets didn't seem to be touching.

It was a real pleasure rehearsing in a warm dry room after the dank dungeon we've been in.

Have a good day everyone.
It was a 4.7 for me this morning but needed 1JB to get there when the low alarm went off on 4.1, despite a half unit reduction in evening Levemir. I did inject 2 correction units at bedtime though when the high alarm went off. Oddly my graph shows a slow steady, uniform descent throughout the night from high 9s to 4.1 whereas I would have expected the Fiasp to drop me in the first 2-3 hours and then level out. I guess some of my dinner was still digesting. I did have quite a large plateful but no high carb foods and I did exercise afterwards, and injected plenty of insulin for what I had. Sometimes there is just no rhyme or reason to this diabetes lark as others are also experiencing today it seems.
4.7 this morning for me, pleased with that. Looks like my BG is starting to get back to normal after Christmas and the breakfast spikes are coming back down quickly again.

Have a good day everyone!
well they dont think anythings wrong really not really good though i;ve been in abouste angorgy
oh by the why i posted this well i was back on my parrents
oh by the why i posted this well i was back on my parrents
At least if they have ruled out a heart issue that should be reassuring even i it doesn't solve the problem.
Have you had a bad cough as sometimes violent coughing spells will strain the intercostal muscles which can take a while to heal.
Have they given you any treatment or advice.
At least if they have ruled out a heart issue that should be reassuring even i it doesn't solve the problem.
Have you had a bad cough as sometimes violent coughing spells will strain the intercostal muscles which can take a while to heal.
Have they given you any treatment or advice.
J have a cough (and did have a bad episode yesterday before it was just here and here now) they did give me co cordially which itaillty i thought might have helped a bit but now not so sure but I am only taking it every six hours instead of ever 4 hours because of dexcom saying not have more 1000mg of parecental every six hours (a dexcom adviser actually told me that). The pain was different and and lot worse then mu usual one that's why I rang 111 and they told me to go and someone from a group chat of a Facebook group I'm in who's a nurse was telling me to go get checked out.

Im trying to work out what else I can do rekuf the pain since I was told by a doctor before not to take any anti inflammatories
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Morning everyone

I’m happy with my 5.4 this grey day unfortunately rain is again on the horizon .

I went to the vampires yesterday, five phials of blood and went home with an empty arm, fortunately it’s full now as the finger prick worked this morning.

Have a good day everyone
As featured in Hancock's half hour! I often make that remark to the HCPs and they never get it... too young!
J have a cough yesterday (and did have a bad episode yesterday before it was just here and here now) they did give me co cordially which itaillty i thought might have helped a bit but now not so sure but I am only taking it every six hours instead of ever 4 hours because of dexcom saying not have more 1000mg of parecental every six hours (a dexcom adviser actually told me that). The pain was different and and lot worse then mu usual one that's why I rang 111 and they told me to go and someone from a group chat of a Facebook group I'm in who's a nurse was telling me to go get checked out.

Im trying to work out what else I can do rekuf the pain since I was told by a doctor before not to take any anti inflammatories
Also need to be aware of the side effects of co-codamol
Afternoon all - lovely sunny day today. Cold wind though.

9.6 at 8am. I took a correction and it dropped fairly quickly to 4.2 - since then it's behaved extremely well, not even a spike for lunch which was a large bowl of red lentil soup in a chunky format with lots of veggies and a bake it yourself bread roll that was 39g carb. Yesterday the same lunch took me up to 10. I don't understand what's going on since I had that steroid injection! Perhaps it's because I had half an arm of blood taken this morning??? Or perhaps because after lunch I rushed off to the Chiropractor who massaged it out of me? Then went round a supermarket? It really is odd:

Sorry to hear you aren't well @rayray119 and hope they can get to the bottom of it soon.

@Kskel glad to hear you finally have somewhere cosy and warm to rehearse in.

Hope you all have a good remains of the day.
As featured in Hancock's half hour! I often make that remark to the HCPs and they never get it... too young!
I could watch The Blood Donor episode over and over again and never tire of it. Proper comedy, long gone. Comedy these days seems to involve a lot of swearing.