Group 7-day waking average?

And it was a 5.1 for me on this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Good morning. Bother, back in the 6s - 6.2.

After last nights rain I am glad to see blue sky with white cumulus. If the blue prevails Peachy may get out for an hour or two - thankfully the paddocks drain quite quickly.

@MikeyBikey Sorry to see you are having a rough time. Hope things settle down soon.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

I am trying to find my Covid tests just in case. There are quite a few cases about in the area!
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4.8 for me today and no JBs or corrections required through the night and actually slept the best I have for quite a while. Despite needing 1JB the night before, I decided that I would inject an extra half unit of Levemir last night at 9pm (ie 3units) on the condition that I would not do any corrections at bedtime. Of course my levels started rising and I couldn't resist jabbing a single unit correction when the high alarm went off at 10.30pm on 9.3. Half an hour later I checked again before heading to bed and I was 10.6. I was really tempted to inject another unit but decided to head to the bathroom and clean my teeth to give the previous correction a bit more time to start working. 5 mins later, with cleaned teeth, Libre said 11.2 and an upward sloping arrow which was quite a surprise! I definitely wasn't leaving it at that so I jabbed another 2 units and went to bed. Levels dropped nice and steadily to mid 4s (low alarm is 4.2 and it didn't go off) and then started to rise slightly just before I woke up. Sometimes with my diabetes there is no predicting it or sticking to plans and winging it is the only way. 🙄 :confused:

@Gwynn Congrats on your HS but really sorry to hear about your daughter. (((HUGS)))

@MikeyBikey (((HUGS))) to you too. Sounds like you are getting a really rough ride at the moment.
Well it's 8.8 when I actually woke up after 3.9 ( which got lower) I'm manged to lose the top of my figer pricker again permrntllu this time. I'm doing something to check when I needed to but it's not the best.)
Also forgot to say I we had the take away and cake last night as we didn't end having it Thursday night because of going to and e. i didn't rend going home yesterday because of that going tomorrow
Also forgot to say I we had the take away and cake last night as we didn't end having it Thursday night because of going to and e. i didn't rend going home yesterday because of that going tomorrow
i mean because i gotr back at around 8am yesterday soi needed to rest
Morning all. Missed yesterday. Didn’t bother testing as frankly just couldn’t be arsed.
Sometimes we just have to give ourselves a break.
This morning it’s a 6.8 for me.
Yawning morning. 6.3 on a very cold morning -3c! Brrr!

Had a rubbish night as the person I share a bed with, no names to protect the not so innocent, snored all night. I actually went into Zara’s bed at 5am, I usually just get up but I was so tired, can’t remember the last time I slept in a single bed. Think I’ve just undone 300 quids worth of osteopath sessions! The mattress is very soft and bouncy, not designed for plump grandmas, that’s for certain! I did actually get a couple of hours on and off. Mr Eggy is now doing dry January, one beer and one glass of wine plus the start of a cold is definitely not conducive to my sleep! 😳

Today I’ll mostly be having nana naps, I’m joining @ColinUK on the “ can’t be arsed” step!

Have a great day.
Morning folks. 🙂 12.2 here. You tweak your doses, everything’s hunky dory for a few days, you tell yourself you’ve got this diabetes lark sussed...then it’s back to the drawing board LOL.o_O😛 Oh well...🙂

Lots to do today - work admin, lesson planning, supermarket run. Good thing I like being busy!

5.7 did eat a few cream crackers last night so pleased with that figure, might not be so pleased when I get on the scales on Tuesday, but they are the last of the Christmas goodies, which were un opened and best before date was after Easter so was going to put them away for Easter when we do the hunt for the grandchildren, but hubby opened them yesterday and by the evening I had caved.

busy day today for a Sunday, off for a walk and coffee with friends, going to be a cold walk. Then a visit to the crem as it is 5 years since mum in law passed and 3 since father in laws funeral today. Then big shop in Tesco as hubby was too tired when he got home from work yesterday, finally tak8ng Dow the rest of the decorations the didn’t get done yesterday, and outside lights.

sending hugs to @ColinUK and to @eggyg - I fully understand the sleepless nights due to snoring, mine depends of what shift he is on, whether he gets a dig to wake him up, if he is 9n earlier and needs to be up just after 4am, I leave him be as he needs the sleep more than me, then I get about 3 hrs after he is up to get some sleep, if he is on late shift he gets a dig as he can sleep on once I am up.
“It may just be a drop to you but it’s life and death to someone” and “I’m not walking around with half an armful for anyone” (or something like that! Remember it well, used to love Hancock’s Half Hour!
It's available on YouTube for anyone who fancies a trip down memory lane.
Morning All - 7.9 for me here on this cold Cumbrian morning. Sorry I've been AWOL - we were in Scotland for new year and over to Harris for a few nights afterwards with my hubby, Mum & brother (and the dogs of course), which was lovely. I only had my phone with me and can't type easily on that so hence the radio silence. My TIR has seriously reduced and I'm not sure why. I did really well for the two days with no insulin but then it started creeping up - maybe it was catching up with itself. Anyway, it's a 7.9 this morning. I spent all day yesterday either sitting on the ferry or in the car and eating fish & chips & then sausages & soup with a late night snack bowl so it could have been so much worse. Hubby's birthday today which is always a bit of a flat fish so close after Christmas - I've got him a card :rofl: Taking the Christmas decs down today then moving out of our bedroom & bathroom as builders arriving tomorrow to start ripping out the bathroom so we'll be in the spare bedroom for several weeks which luckily has the family bathroom next door (and no family here at the mo to share it with!). Have a great day everyone xxx
Morning all, 7.6 here. This cough and cold is still messing with my BG, I stacked so much novo yesterday, I lost count. Stuck my basal up by 33.3% last night and just about held on to a straight line.(sounds a lot, I just went from 3 to 4 units)