Group 7-day waking average?

Another cold and frosty morning. A round 6 for me. 🙂

Morning all. 5.7 for me.

Last day of the holidays and i'm not looking forward to going back tomorrow. I love being with the kids but we are so short staffed with so much to do, its exhausting.
Good morning - 6.4

Have a great day everyone
Morning all.5.4 for me this morning.Well off up to newbigin by the sea for a Bedlington terrier walk Hope it's not raining up Northumberland like it is here . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all.
Had first full Indian meal last night for a long time as we invite family around to enjoy so really not sure what effect it was going to have on BG.Guessed at 4 units of NR and then was just going to add more afterwards if required but did not need to and woke up to a 6.1 so pleased that I can add that to choice of meal.
Colin G your post made me reminisce being very local to the places you mentioned and used to walk to Newbiggin for a night out when you could always get served under age at the Coble Inn and the Ship.
Hope your Bedlington Terrier day( had many nights there as well) goes well and we did a dachshund dash in Delamere Forest a few years back and it was great
5.7 on this cold, bright and (thankfully) dry Berkshire morning. Fridge temperature outside so will need to wrap up warm when I head down to Morrisons shortly for a Sunday paper.

Nothing special on the calendar for today but Sunday's a washday and the oven needs a clean, so that'll keep me busy. I have already set a self-clean programme running but still have to Brillo Pad the racks.

Planning on having our back-up Xmas turkey for tea tonight. We always have one in the freezer just in case something happens that means we can't have our usual family Xmas away in Bedford. Xmas dinner all over again, but without the crackers and Xmas pudding.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your Sunday.
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Morning everyone

Bright sunny morning here in Bedford but only 3c without any wind so just fine for a bike ride.

Almost forgot it was a 5.3 for me earlier today. Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Good morning everyone! 5.8 today for me.

Yesterday’s visit to my parents was a bit different, Mum was still in bed as she decided she was warmer and more comfortable there and no point in getting up. Very unlike her, so I think the arthritis and poor blood circulation must be making things harder for her. Dad was really worried and upset about her and talking about how sad this was their end of life. Very hard to hear from your parents who were always strong and there for you. But, she seemed ok and was chatty, so nothing particularly wrong.

Take care to all those who are struggling at the moment, this is indeed the worst part of the year now that Christmas and New Year are over.
Good morning. 5.7.

Blue sky, a skim of ice on the pond, grass crisp underfoot. Wild birds eating enthusiastically. There are always numerous tits, sparrows and finches devouring fat balls while robins and blackbirds head for the seed. They are not very shy, fliting away to a conveniently placed hedge until they see me heading for the barn and then nipping back to fill their beaks. Shyer visitors are the Great Spotted Woodpecker and his demure wife. They never come together which suggests a chilly matrimonial alliance of convenience..He was on the ball feeder yesterday to my great delight as I hadn't spotted him recently.

I am finding life a bit trying at the moment. Torn muscles make coughing painful but no coughing makes breathing impossible. Off to the cardio/respiratory clinic on Wednesday evening for a 45 minute to 2 hour function test. Not looking forward to night driving and fear I may be a bit "testy" if they ask me to do anything which annoys the ribcage. Not sure why they bother checking me for anything as the results do not emerge afterwards - now approaching 4 months since my bone scan and still nothing. Finding Mansfield Park depressingly prosey and preachy so may abandon re-reading Austen and revert to Terry Pratchett...

Hope everyone is having a peaceful Sunday.
Morning all - flawless sky and little to no wind. I wish I could describe the bird life as beautifully and poetically as @TinaD but sadly it's mainly seagulls squabbling noisily on the roofs the other side of the stream.

4.9 this morning after an early morning Dextrose.

Whilst the weather is so nice I think I'll give the ironing a miss and we'll go for a walk along the sea instead this afternoon. Then I am going to cook the "One pot chicken with vermouth, roast grapes and butter beans" recipe that's in my Delicious magazine this month. That should feed us for a couple of days and then I can do the boring ironing tomorrow.

Sorry you're struggling @TinaD HUGS.

@Eternal422 I know just what you mean about seeing your parents failing, it's hard when you realise you're the strong "grown up" now.... even harder when you start to realise you're the age your parents were when they started to fail...

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
6.2 for me with a washing line graph which just grazed the red line but I didn't do anything about it and it came nicely back up. I always sleep really well at that level. Unfortunately I have had a very strong FOTF this morning and basically my levels have gone up instead of come down despite a generous 7 units of Fiasp. Got sick of waiting for my breakfast so jabbed another 3 units but wishing I had gone for 5, as it's still not budging. Will likely need a lot of JBs this afternoon whilst fence repairing. 🙄
Afternoon all and a 6.1 for me.

Been putting a big dish of Bigos together. Smelling good. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring as Mrs khskel isn't feeling too good.

Zoom call interview this evening.

Evidently we were number 42 in VIve Le Rock's 100 best albums of 2023.

Have a good day everyone.
There are always numerous tits, sparrows and finches devouring fat balls while robins and blackbirds head for the seed. They are not very shy, fliting away to a conveniently placed hedge until they see me heading for the barn and then nipping back to fill their beaks. Shyer visitors are the Great Spotted Woodpecker and his demure wife. They never come together which suggests a chilly matrimonial alliance of convenience..He was on the ball feeder yesterday to my great delight as I hadn't spotted him recently
Sounds lovely to watch @TinaD. Our birds seem to have stopped, we haven't seen them on the feeders for a while. Maybe due to the fact that the squirrel has worked out how to get his paws on their feed. The feeder is hung in the middle of a wall. We've been coming home and finding it on the floor, completely empty, but we didn't know what was happening. We'd watched the squirrel before and he hadn't been able to reach it. The other day, the squirrel appeared, reached as far as he could as usual, then did a giant leap hanging onto the bird feeder and wriggling. Thats how its ending up on the floor. Very clever, but very annoying seeing as i put other nuts out for him.

I hope you feel better soon.
. Then I am going to cook the "One pot chicken with vermouth, roast grapes and butter beans" recipe that's in my Delicious magazine this month
What time do you want us? Sounds delicious!

Very hard to hear from your parents who were always strong and there for you
I agree. Its hard to hear. I dropped mum at the doctors the other day and waited in the car. I saw her come out and it was horrible to see from a distance how frail she looked.

The grandchildren couldn't wait to get back to school and it was only Boxing Day
Nice to know that they obviously enjoy school.

Evidently we were number 42 in VIve Le Rock's 100 best albums of 2023
Talking of birds. We’ve had a delightful flock of long tailed tits this last couple of days. Such comical but beautiful little things. Mr Eggy has just filled the feeders up, three of sunflower hearts, 3 of mixed seeds, two fat balls and two peanuts. They’ll maybe last until Tuesday, if we’re lucky. @TinaD our Mr and Mrs Woodpecker haven’t been seen for a couple of weeks. There’s obviously another garden with better quality nuts!
Morning it was 9.9 at around half 7 after doing a correction for 12.9 at around 6.30. i had been high for a while i was low and awful lot yesterday. Weekly time in range was 63% although the it might be higher because the whole of Thursday night was reading higher.
Talking of birds. We’ve had a delightful flock of long tailed tits this last couple of days. Such comical but beautiful little things. Mr Eggy has just filled the feeders up, three of sunflower hearts, 3 of mixed seeds, two fat balls and two peanuts. They’ll maybe last until Tuesday, if we’re lucky. @TinaD our Mr and Mrs Woodpecker haven’t been seen for a couple of weeks. There’s obviously another garden with better quality nuts!
This morning I went out to feed the red squirrels and birds as we'd been away for a week - we were worried they were going to report us to the RSPCA! Rather nice seeing the squirrels actually eating the hazelnuts rather than going off and burying them, but that does mean they were hungry. Also woke up to a huge group of frosty herdys in the field over our garden wall - such a lovely sight 🙂


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I’ve checked on my balcony and there’s not a woodpecker, blue tit, squirrel or sheep. I feel left out.
I’ve checked on my balcony and there’s not a woodpecker, blue tit, squirrel or sheep. I feel left out.
I can bring you the squirrel if you want, or the fox that roams in the garden 😉
We get robins, magpies and sparrows, do have a fox that sleeps on the shed roof and has caused some destruction in both our and the neighbours gardens.