Group 7-day waking average?

I can bring you the squirrel if you want, or the fox that roams in the garden 😉
No room what the elephant and the hippos though.
Good morning - 8.6

Have a great day everyone
@eggyg I’ve occasionally seen a wood pigeon rest on the olive tree on the balcony. But there are huge London Plane trees lining the street plus lots of small parks dotted around the area as well as the canal and a couple of small nature reserves so they’ve got plenty of places to go other than my balcony. Which is good as the elephants really don’t like pigeons!
8.7 this morning.

Almost sleepless night. Full range of flashbacks etc. I’m assuming that getting an email last night from the new SOIT introducing herself and the new OIC and asking for suggestions of when I’m free for a face-to-face has brought stuff back to be the fore again.
I feel exactly how I did when I filed the police report initially. I know therefore that things will ease back to an uneasy normal but the spikes in anxiety, hyper-vigilance, having to deal with visual, olfactory and auditory flashbacks is exhausting.
Add to that I’m off to the hygienist for part two today and hopefully having Cyril removed on Wednesday and it’s a lot to deal with. I know that the Cyrilectomy is simple and relatively minor surgery that shouldn’t take more than a few minutes but it’s still surgery and will need stitches and a dressing etc that I’m have for a week or so they reckon but it’s also a source of anxiety. Of course things will settle down over time, or my new normal threshold will adjust up to accommodate the renewed police activity but either way it will normalise. But meanwhile it’s exhausting.

/Rant over
Greetings all on this frosty Monday morning. 6.3 pour moi.

I ended up having a very pleasant day yesterday, no nana naps were had as we went for a walk in the crisp frostiness, we had sunshine, honestly, pic below for proof. It wasn’t very long, only three miles as I hadn’t tried my back out for a week. We did two miles just before New Year and it was agony. It held up quite well, the odd twinge going over the two stiles ( twice as it was a circular walk) so happy with that. But the most exciting thing we did was book our annual two weeks in Scotland for the beginning of May. We’re going even more remote than last year, and much further north to the Assynt area. Can’t wait, need to get some training in so hoping back fully recovers, got four months. Excited. Apparently the wildlife is in abundance, deer in the garden, otters, eagles, puffins amongst other things. Would love to see a pine martin, we never got to see one last year even though they were in the area our cottage was in. Just unlucky. Don’t think you’ll ever get one of those on your balcony @ColinUK.

Today we are definitely going to get to the park with Zara, no wind and no rain, I’ve told her mummy to bring her hat, scarf, gloves etc. because it’s very chilly.

@Northerner I’ve given you a star for your 5.1, is it all the running you’re now doing?
@freesia theres a company called Roamwild and they sell amazing bird feeders, I have one stuck on my kitchen window, they are robust and waterproof and they do a squirrel/ big bird proof hanging feeding. It’s pricy at £30 but you’ll save on the seed as the squirrel/ pigeons won’t be able to empty it all out. Have a look at their website, I’m tempted to get one as the jackdaws empty ours in hours, they can have the fat balls and leave the seed for the little birds.
@ColinUK big hugs. Xx

Have a Happy Monday all and good luck to those returning to work today in the world of teaching. You can do this and it’s a short half term this time.

Here’s a rare glimpse of something that has been sadly missing for quite a long time. It was there in the morning and in the evening. Hoping to spot it today too.


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A Heinz Special (5.7) for me this morning. Some snow possible this morning.

Morning all - I'm not sure what it's like outside as still dark but it doesn't seem to be frosty. Yesterday we looked down on clouds all day from our house on the hill which was a beautiful sight. We live in a Cumbrian long house which with the building works we've been doing to access the barn is now a Cumbrian F***ing long house - I hit 10,000 steps yesterday just putting the Christmas Decorations away :D Builders about to arrive - I missed them when they first left before Christmas but now I've got used to having our house back to ourselves so it's going to be a bit of a shock especially as they're doing upstairs - the dogs will be pleased and no doubt Wilbur (the boxer) will start jumping into the skip again after their scraps. Hoping I can get my TIR to go up again - it's plummeted and I'm surprised how quickly it does this even when I've still been happy with my scores on the doors. Have a great day everyone xxx
Morning everyone. A 5.4 for me after a partially disturbed night. The hounds were ganging up on me with tag team untimely toilet requests.

Say hello to your balcony elephant from me @ColinUK and mind it doesn’t tread on the naturally growing carpet of rare orchids. Thinking of you, hoping you can have some rest, and that the anxiety flashbacks etc subside. Hope the op goes well and that recovery is speedy and comfortable.
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4.7 for me with a remarkably straight horizontal line in the 4s all night which required a JB not long after I went to sleep, but otherwise tootled along unaided. That said I was far too hot and slept remarkably badly for me. In fact I woke up at one stage assuming my levels must be very high because high levels always cause me to feel really hot and restless like that.

I was right yesterday that that extra breakfast insulin would come back and bite me and require JBs whilst I was fencing in the afternoon. This morning it went the other way and kicked in almost before I could get coffee and breakfast made! Some consistency would be nice. It hammered down here again last night. I am sure someone promised me that we were going to have drier more settled weather for a few days.... maybe they meant in the summer! Rather jealous of your sunny walk and photos @eggyg

A high 6.9 for me, I did have a couple of roast potatoes with my dinner last night, I only have potatoes when doing a roast. Like everyone else very dark here, supposed to get some sleet later, so not sure if we I’ll be running tonight.

@ColinUK - sending you hugs.
It was 9.3 earlier. I'm actually off to a foot clinic today i was referred to because of of wind before which actual wood seems to healed now(well the thing the actual that was referred to has kind of anyway) apart from some kind of mark. But they wanted to see anyway because of what the doctor said I'm concerned about some other things as well so well I'm there I'll asked them to ch check that as well
5.9 on this rather cold Berkshire morning. No frost but barely above freezing when I went to get a newspaper and it seems we might get a bit of snow this afternoon, if the forecast is to be believed.

Our reserve Xmas turkey went down well for tea yesterday, although I miscalculated the cooking time and we ended up eating 30 minutes later than planned. My post-prandial was a surprising 4.3, and that's an average from 3 fingers. I always switch hands and retest if I get a surprisingly low or high first time. Tempted to buy another one if that's what I get 2 hours afterwards.

Managed to squeeze in a long walk yesterday and clocked up just over 10,000 steps, well above target, but it was bitterly cold in the wind and we were glad of a coffee in town before heading home.

Full house today - wife, our eldest and his girlfriend are WFH and our youngest doesn't work Mondays.

Hope the Monday Blues don't hang around and everyone has a good start to the week.
I have not tested in a while as I was following the doctor's advice that they usually give type 2s. I did randomly last night and this morning at 11.8 this morning. My Last meal was 4pm yesterday as I am trying to do the 18:6 fasting. I had fish but threw in some oven baked potatoes so that must be why numbers after the meal were 16.9. I am still taking the metformin, 500mg per day so I expected that should have even out after an 18-hour fast this morning. I have an appointment with the diabetic specialist later today to renew my metformin.

I am also still waiting on my GAD and C peptide results. It is now nearly a month.
I have not tested in a while as I was following the doctor's advice that they usually give type 2s. I did randomly last night and this morning at 11.8 this morning. My Last meal was 4pm yesterday as I am trying to do the 18:6 fasting. I had fish but threw in some oven baked potatoes so that must be why numbers after the meal were 16.9. I am still taking the metformin, 500mg per day so I expected that should have even out after an 18-hour fast this morning. I have an appointment with the diabetic specialist later today to renew my metformin.

I am also still waiting on my GAD and C peptide results. It is now nearly a month.
I am gobsmacked that if there is a possibility that you may be Type 1 or LADA that they did not advise regular blood glucose testing as things could change very quickly and you could become seriously unwell.
Fasting may not be the best regime as it might make diagnosis harder but also when you don't eat the liver will release glucose to give you energy and for your organs to function. That low dose of metformin won't have much impact and is a medication which works in the background helping the body use the insulin it is producing, if it is, better and helping reduce output of glucose by the liver but that may only happen on a much larger dose.
Do you have a means of testing for ketones as with blood glucose in the high teens that is worth keeping an eye on, urine dip sticks can be bought from the pharmacy.
You should be doing more regular testing.