Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

It's raining again, heavily. I am so looking forward to spring, my favourite time of year.

Incredibly my BG is really behaving itself, a great start to 2024. BG 5.2 again (what happened to all the houses? They seem to have almost disappeared.)

I guess I'd better award myself a house, a nice fixer upper set in the countyside...


Today no plans. I spent most of yesterday upgrading my App.

And... I noticed that Easter eggs were already out on display in some shops yesterday!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning 10.1
Cold and wet today. Have a a good one.
Good morning all. 6.3 and a flatfish overnight.

Yesterday was fun with Zara, that child is hilarious, she regaled us with We wish you a merry Christmas, both verses and a new song she only learnt from nursery on Tuesday, involving Mousey Brown, I think, a tall white candlestick and his Grandma who’d gone to town! She hums and sings all day. We’ll certainly miss her when we go on Grandparentnity Leave in a couple of weeks or so. What will we do with ourselves? Don’t worry, we have plenty planned!

I can’t tell what the weather is doing as it’s still very dark. The sun doesn’t rise until 8.30 up here, I can’t wait for the lighter mornings, and like lots of others, spring is my favourite season. Storm Henk has stayed away from us, thank goodness, but the ground is so soggy. We had a walk to the river yesterday and it had obviously burst it’s banks sometime in the last few days, the ground was just a bog and we couldn’t do our normal circular walk, but we still managed to do Pooh sticks, there was plenty of sticks about so Zara was happy.

Today is staying at home catching up with the dreaded housework. Mr Eggy is dying to use our new Vax, which has sat in its box since I bought it last month. I have a mammoth pile of ironing, wihich includes, a large tablecloth, a dozen of so linen napkins, a duvet cover and six pillow cases and two dress shirts! I’m going to catch up on the festive editions of Sewing Bee and Bake Off.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your double HSs and @Barrowman for the late entry yesterday.

Have a good day.

Zara playing Pooh sticks with the biggest stick she could lift!


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Good morning - 9.8 at 6:00

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. :D 4.6 here.

Off to my mum’s to help take down the Xmas decorations and a few other bits and pieces. Making the most of the last few days of the Xmas holidays - the further away from my work laptop the better! 😉

5.6 today, other than work not much planned today as yoga classes don’t start until next week. I could do some at home yoga of course. The stretching might do me good, as I literally have a pain in the bum, bit like sciatica but not as bad.

@Gwynn and @Barrowman - congratulations on HS
And a 6.2 for me today. 🙂

3.9 when I woke this morning after bumping along in the red sand from about 1am according to the Libre graph. Still got an issue with breakfast spike not coming down but at least generally BGs are behaving.

We walked down to the bridge yesterday evening to see the flooding. The bridge is closed and the force of the water coming through the arches is amazing. A lot of Big Meadow is flooded as well as water in a couple of car parks by the side of the river. Luckily no houses have been flooded.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS and @Barrowman for yesterday’s HS.

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning. 5.8

Yesterdays bit of blue sky turned out to be a scam - as soon as I went out it rained. However not the unrelenting heavy falls we have been having and by evening the flooding stream over the lower road had returned to its proper course. This morning there was even a light ground frost and such cloud as can be seen is high cirrus.

Car went in for delayed MOT yesterday and happily passed. There are 2 non urgent advisories which I shall get done when my much loved mechanic has time. He is definitely one of my reasons for not wishing to move house: collects and returns car without charging for it and does a good, sensibly priced, job on the mechanics. Altho' this is somewhat illogical of me as I shouldn't need a mechanic if I lose my licence...still no word from DVLA.

I seem to have torn a muscle with coughing but otherwise doing OK. Othere than a quick trip to the feed merchant no plans for today.

Hope everyone doing well.
Morning all. 6.1. My sleep pattern is all over the place. I go to bed but can't sleep then my alarm goes off in the morning and a turn over and go back to sleep. I've only just woken which is very, very late for me. I need to get back into a routine or i'll be late for work next week.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn.

@eggyg Zara is so cute. The water looks very high there.

Its flooded around here, the river has burst its banks and the fields and paths around are under a lot of water. The weather is sunny and cool today, no rain, so i might try and get some washing out for a change.

Have a good day everyone and i hope you are all ok.
I've escaped sixland like Steve McQueen on this bright & sunny Berkshire morning (affectionados of The Great Escape will know what I mean) with a 5.0, and it is right as I double-checked by switching hands and doing a second test just to be sure. Cold rather than cool when I went to get the newspapers and we have a yellow weather warning in place for heavy rain from mid-afternoon, so looks like we're due yet another soaking.

Plasterer's here and has started work on our dining room ceiling so I'll have to skip my usual Thursday swim as my wife and our eldest are in their offices today. Had to clear the room last night, so everything's been moved into the lounge and the kitchen. Looking forward to losing the Artex and having a nice flat ceiling, same as the lounge and the kitchen. How did we end up with a mixture of Artex and flat? Water leak above our lounge brought down part of the ceiling back in 2014 and our kitchen was extended in 2016.

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS, and @Barrowman on yours yesterday.
Morning all - wet and horrible again. No wind though. It's funny, we live on reclaimed marsh, with a river (well a very small river) across the road and it's been as wet as anywhere, but there is no flooding so far! I expect the actual marsh is well full - it's famous for it's birdlife and attracts lots of twitchers, but I haven't been up the road in that direction for a while.

6.5 this morning - assisted by a Dextro tab and a bit of ginger cookie at 3am. I am keeping my fingers crossed that things are returning to normal after the steroid injection.

Got to go to the county town today for Julian to have a scan. Fingers crossed there are no nasty surprises and the lump the GP detected has gone and was indeed just an infection as he said.

Congratulations to @Gwynn for today's HS and @Barrowman for yesterday's.

Good luck with the zoom meeting with the police @ColinUK .

Have a good day all.
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

After quite a session of moving equipment yesterday. Today should be more sedate.

Rehearsal tonight, unfortunately in the local pay by the hour studio. Hopefully we'll get sorted with a space of our own again reasonably soon.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - wet and horrible again. No wind though. It's funny, we live on reclaimed marsh, with a river (well a very small river) across the road and it's been as wet as anywhere, but there is no flooding so far! I expect the actual marsh is well full - it's famous for it's birdlife and attracts lots of twitchers, but I haven't been up the road in that direction for a while.

6.5 this morning - assisted by a Dextro tab and a bit of ginger cookie at 3am. I am keeping my fingers crossed that things are returning to normal after the steroid injection.

Got to go to the county town today for Julian to have a scan. Fingers crossed there are no nasty surprises and the lump the GP detected has gone and was indeed just an infection as he said.

Congratulations to @Gwynn for today's HS and @Barrowman for yesterday's.

Good luck with the zoom meeting with the police @ColinUK .

Have a good day all.
Fingers crossed for Julian @Pattidevans