Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.4 today

Looks like it’s going to be wet Wednesday
Have a great day everyone 😎
8.5 for me today after a very long sleep..
10.1 after the shock of the alarm clock !
It feels like the middle of the night still. Have a good day.
Another Len Goodman this morning.
Morning all, 6.9 here. Peace is restored, both kids plus cat went back to their respective homes yesterday. Had to clear some branches off the bottom of the drive before they could leave, we had about an hour yesterday of +50mph winds, which is a lot for here, the wind has normally lost some power as it comes across the Cotswolds. Our neighbour with the weather station reported that it was a record high since he’s been measuring.
Morning all. 5.1. Off to the supermarket this morning. Hubby usually does the shopping on his way home from work as he has to pass the shop. Since i'm still off, i shall do it today so he can come straight home tonight.
Morning all

6.8 this morning, definitely have a cold or something coming as I ache all over, went to bed at 9pm last night and struggled to get up at 8am this morning. Will have to see if I am well enough for a run this evening.

we have a couple of fence panels down, not sure how high the winds got, but enough to close the bridge at the Dartford Crossing, so the whole area became a car park.

@Elenka_HM - it is a 7. Len Goodman was a judge on Strictly Come Dancing and had a particular way of saying 7 when awarding that score the the dancers.
Good morning everyone! 5'3, good start of the day.

Like @eggyg I took down my decorations yesterday. It was a bit early for my liking, as back home we have a last celebration the 6th of January and we keep the decs until then, but I thought when I am back from holidays will be late and maybe I get nostalgic.

On my way to the airport. My flight is 2h 30min long, I'll spend more than double that time to get there in the bus! A little nervous because I'm going to a big London airport I'm not familiar with, instead of my usual Bristol. On the other way, excited to fly with British airways/Iberia instead of my usual Ryanair. My managers at work were taking the mic so much about that, first saying now that I fly with BA I will feel too posh and important to speak to them. Then when they asked about the price and I told them (was a good deal) they started joking about me going in the hold with the luggage and paying cheaper because I'm skinny! :rofl:
Well 2023 ended as 2024 started...our daughter shut us out completely. No idea why but it has upset me greatly.

Still, it hasn't upset my BG 5.2

Not very motivated because of the daughter issues....
A 6.4 for me this am. 🙂

I'm glad you asked, as I have no idea who he is or what it means!
Someone had to do it! A few kind members have already answered, apparently he was a judge in the program Strictly (which I haven't watched) and he used to say "SEVEN" in a particular way. So it means a 7. We learn something new every day in this forum! 🙂
5.7, looks like I’m getting back to Fiveland 🙂

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS, didn’t know what like to use, a star for your HS or a care for the situation with your daughter shutting you out. So I ended up with a care as I can understand how it must be upsetting. I pray things will work out and she gets back in touch with you.

Looks very wet around here after Storm Henk, I can see water in the fields opposite and although I’ve not been down to the river I have seen pictures of flooding on Big Meadow (which is on the banks of the Avon here). Thankfully only fields and the odd few roads seem to be flooded and not anyone’s houses. Hopefully we’ll get a respite to let it drain away.

Take care everyone!