Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all, a nice round 6 on this “normal” day. I bet we all think it’s Monday though.

Yesterday went well. Buffet was well received, not much left, the locusts! Enough to not have to make anything for tea for the next couple of days, so happy with that. My aim this month is to spend as little on groceries as possible. My two freezers are pretty full as are my dry goods and tin cupboards. I spent an absolutely disgusting amount on food last month, TBF I worked out I made an extra 55 meals between coming home from holiday on 8th December and yesterday! Apart from Zara’s lunches, I don’t count those as extras, we don’t have to feed or entertain anyone this month.

We will have a quiet day, not by choice really. Electric going off at 9 until 2 for the whole village, maintenance apparently. I won’t be able to Hoover, iron or do any washing. Oh dear! I’ll just have to snuggle up on the sofa in front of the coal fire ( no electricity no gas heating) and read my book. Gutted! 😉
Morning well was 7. Something when I happened to wake up around 5 I rose just above 10(it might have worth giving myself a little bit insulin when I woke at 5)yesterday wasn't good day. And perhaps should have resisted a pastel de nata i thought as on the lower end it might be okay and wouldn't spike so much. And the past 3 days haven't been good (maybe more actually). I think there's idea to go out for a German sausage before I go back on Friday and not saying a actually maybe right now it wouldn't be such a good idea would be understood(athough saying when I didn't have the content available at beginning last week my blood sugar behave better) and also there was a plan to go out for backfast on Friday but I don't think stuff I would get there would much different bg wise then stuff I would eat in the house. If I don't things settled this week I might be able I might be able to next week I have times like this before and I have got them settled. My cough and other wired things going on with my body isn't helping I think.


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Morning all. 🙂 6.3 here.

Looking a bit cold n damp out there. Not much on the cards today - hit the Welsh books, do some cleaning, nip to Tenby...this week’s going to fly by so I’m trying to work out how I can slow it down LOL. Any ideas? :confused:😛
Morning all. 3.2. Thats the second hypo i've wokrn to. Cough virtually gone. Time to reduce basal i think.

Nothing planned for today apart from cleaning the oven. I agree @Bloden this week will fly by and i'm so not looking forward to going back to work.

Its very dark out there atm, heavy rain forecast for all day so after cleaning the oven i shall be settling down with my book and/or doing some crafting.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. It’s odd waking to the sound of cars driving through standing water when it’s not been raining but that’s what it’s been like here for the last couple of days. There’s a stopcock in the middle of the road and it often leaks. It’s doing it again. Really screws with one’s perception of the weather as it sounds like it’s been pouring down when it’s really just a half inch of standing water. I’m not tempted to go for a dip!

7.9 this morning.
Morning everyone. A 5.8 for me. 🙂 My commiserations to all who have to go back to work today.

Back to normal! 4.6 🙂. Now all the goodies and rich food have gone, back to normal eating and hopefully normal BGs. I need a normal week before next Monday’s call with my DSN!

Even though I worked last week, starting back at work today felt wrong. Can’t grumble though, had a good break and now seriously counting down the days until we both finish. Undoubtedly there will be panic attacks and anxiety over losing a regular monthly salary, but lots to look forward to and the freedom of time in which to do it!

Take care everyone!
Good morning - 8.7 at 8:20

Have a great day everyone
Morning 9.9 for me. Seems as if the world is going back to normal after Christmas. Could do with another few days of Christmas really. Have a good day.
Still can't shake off those pesky 6s - a 6.2 on this grey and miserable Berkshire morning. It's been raining steadily for a while and no signs of it letting up, and that's on top of yesterday's soaking. We managed to do our long New Year's Day walk while it was still dry and ended up at a coffee shop, but then had to ask our sons if one of them could pick us up as the heavens opened an hour earlier than forecast and we were faced with getting drenched if we walked home from where we were.

My wife and our eldest are back at work today, although both working from home, and I shall be off to the pool later as I get back on my Tuesdays/Thursdays swim routine. Sainsbury's first, though - I have a long shopping list.

Some of our neighbours have their bins and recycling out. They clearly didn't pick up the changes to the schedule. Today is our usual day but it's Thursday this week, and Wednesday next week, before getting back to normal the week after. The changes were well publicised, too. As the old saying goes, you can take a horse to water..........

Have a good day, weather permitting.
Morning everyone

A 5.5 for me today - and it’s raining yet again.
Morning all and 7.7 for me. It looks like the salted caramel bomb pudding exploded overnight.

Back to the dank and dreary weather. Allegedly going to change soon. Want to do some work in the garden but the ground is saturated.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - another stormy day with high winds absolutely roaring round the house, but just now the skies have cleared and the sun has come out!

7.3 this morning which is a huge improvement - probably because I threatened to adjust basals yesterday. Never had time to do it though!

The buffet was a huge success except one friend was determined not to like gammon (she has to pick on something, she was determined to pass on the "caviar" until I insisted she taste a little, then she liked it), but there was plenty else for her to eat. I searched all over the house for the stollen I was convinced I'd bought but never found it. There was enough sweet stuff nevertheless.

Then we played a board game called RatRace that I've had since the 1970s where you have to work your way up from working class to high society via middle class by buying status symbols such as plaster busts of Beethoven, fur coats and acquiring money on the stock exchange, race track and via your business. I got divorced several times and ended up in working class again, whereas some of the others ended up with £100,000. I think the neighbours either side could hear the laughter it was so hilarious. The friends finally left gone 10:30 having come at 2pm. It rather made up for the non-existent Christmas. All over now, decorations coming down today.

Sympathies for those returning to work again today.

Have a good day all!
Good morning. 7.2.

Mr Wolf's met station (AKA the dog bowl) indicates that 2 centimetres of rain fell overnight. It is still falling. Springs have sprung where no spring sprang before... Quite looking forward to the projected cold period coming in at the end of the week.

Going out later for provisions. I can manage without many things but not butter. I hope the village isn't underwater as yesterday evening the roads were pretty well awash. I came back to watch the Winter of 47 - I was a new born baby in Yorkshire then and my father came home on compastionate leave to find my Mum trying to keep my 2 year old brother and I alive by lighting the gas cooker. She had managed to dig herself out with the fire shovel to meet the postman digging in... She hadn't any use for the shovel otherwise as no coal available...According to the program lows of 20 degrees were common for 3 months until the floods started.

Hope everyone doing well (and not flooding).
A better 6.8 for me. I have had enough of this weather. Can someone please turn the tap off!
I have had enough of this weather. Can someone please turn the tap off!
That would be nice. In the meantime we have a howling gale outside as Storm Henk barrels its way through Berkshire. I got blown to bits earlier just walking the short distance down to the swimming pool from where I'd parked.
Morning all. 6.3.

Got our Christmas tree and decorations down yesterday. It looks so much better. Other than that I didn’t do much at all. In the end we didn’t lose any power, we got a text at 9.30 to say the work was postponed to a later date because of ground work problems. ie too soggy! A nice quiet day.

We have Zara today as her other grandparents sail off to the Caribbean today. They will miss the birth of our new granddaughter as they’re away for five weeks and daughter only has four weeks left, at the most. She is working as long as she possible can but I hope this time her waters don’t break at the photocopier! 😱 She will get her date for induction, if she lasts that long, on her next midwife appointment on the 24th of this month. I feel I need to get organised, never mind her!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.