Group 7-day waking average?

it was 9.9 for me this morning yesterday was a better day blood sugar wise i did sipke but didnt need extraa injections to bring things down i've changed my evening ratio and that seems to work just need to work on timeings now. theres some wired stuff going on with my boody on the monet and which i'm going tpo try snd go to doctor when i get back if i could i would try to see a docotor today but not at home.
@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.

@Elenka_HM - just make sure you go to the right terminal number, after that it is still just an airport yes there might be more people ther.
Still stuck the wrong side of the border with a 6.2 this morning, same as yesterday. Nice and calm (and dry) outside after yesterday's storm and there's lots of blue sky around. Still mild for the time of the year, though - no frost and pleasantly cool when I went to get a newspaper. Didn't even need a jacket.

Quiet day ahead, although it's a washday so the washing machine and tumble dryer are going to be busy. Plasterer here tomorrow to do our dining room ceiling so we'll need to clear everything out before the morning, but that can wait until after tea.

@Gwynn congrats on your HS, but sorry to hear about the situation with your daughter.
Good morning - 6.1

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone! 5'3, good start of the day.

Like @eggyg I took down my decorations yesterday. It was a bit early for my liking, as back home we have a last celebration the 6th of January and we keep the decs until then, but I thought when I am back from holidays will be late and maybe I get nostalgic.

On my way to the airport. My flight is 2h 30min long, I'll spend more than double that time to get there in the bus! A little nervous because I'm going to a big London airport I'm not familiar with, instead of my usual Bristol. On the other way, excited to fly with British airways/Iberia instead of my usual Ryanair. My managers at work were taking the mic so much about that, first saying now that I fly with BA I will feel too posh and important to speak to them. Then when they asked about the price and I told them (was a good deal) they started joking about me going in the hold with the luggage and paying cheaper because I'm skinny! :rofl:
Safe journey and have an amazing time with your family. You’ll be glad you took your decorations down when you come back I promise. It’s supposed to be bad luck keeping them up after the 6th. One year I left a fairy hanging in my kitchen and didn’t notice it for days. I left it up all year to try and ward off any bad luck! I’m not usually a superstitious person, touch wood ( as I throw salt over my left shoulder)! :rofl:
Safe journey and have an amazing time with your family. You’ll be glad you took your decorations down when you come back I promise. It’s supposed to be bad luck keeping them up after the 6th. One year I left a fairy hanging in my kitchen and didn’t notice it for days. I left it up all year to try and ward off any bad luck! I’m not usually a superstitious person, touch wood ( as I throw salt over my left shoulder)! :rofl:
Oh oh! I did leave a small decoration hanging on the window! The rest of the year this place is taken by a heart shaped decoration with coloured crystals, gifted by a friend. The Christmas substitute has a couple of white houses and trees and a snowflake. Is pretty neutral really, hopefully passes as just wintery decor and doesn't trigger the bad luck! 😳 :D
Morning all - it's windy, raining, sunny - all of 'em.

10.3 again this morning. Don't understand why exactly (looks around innocently), couldn't possibly be the leftover Christmas pud and caramel cream we ate after dinner could it? I told J to get some "fancy cream" when he did the shopping before Xmas, by which I meant brandy or rum - not caramel! I guessed the carbs. Oh well, all the Xmas leftovers have been more or less finished off now. Er... except the Panettone we were given on NY day.... but we don't have to eat it.

Got most of our decorations down yesterday, except the tree lights got in a real tangle and we still have to try to untangle those, bit of a job as there's 600 of em. Off to meet friends in the pub early evening and then home to eat up the ham in a pie.

I'm very glad @Elenka_HM asked about Len Goodman as I had googled it and still not got a clue! All manner of things came up except 7.

@Elenka_HM Bon Voyage ! Enjoy your journey, it's all part of the holiday.

@Gwynn congrats on your HS but so sorry to hear about your daughter. Do you know why?

Aha.... we have donated the Panettone next door for her church coffee morning today since I wrote that comment earlier!

Have a good day all...
Didn’t realise that my Len would cause so many issues!
@Gwynn and @Colin g congrats on your HS.

@Elenka_HM enjoy your time away. Safe journey.

@ColinUK i think its just the ones who watched Strictly with Len Goodman who get the reference.

I've not long comr back from shopping. Its flooded everywhere in the fields, footpaths, cycle paths. A friend also sent me photos of the place where i work. All the streets around there are flooded badly as well.
Interested in what you had to eat at Chinese and welcome tips,on counting carbs.
I haven't seen Tumble in this thread for a long time @Daisydiamond . The comment on the Chinese was made in 2011. Hopefully others will be able to help you. I always cook my own Chinese meals so I know what's in them.
Interested in what you had to eat at Chinese and welcome tips,on counting carbs.
I usually estimate as best I can before the Chinese meal, even erring on the generous side for amount of insulin and end up taking more insulin just afterwards as well to tame the spike!

When we have had ready meal versions of Chinese that do have carb counts on the packets you would be amazed at just how many carbs there are - a rice with sweet & sour chicken, spring rolls and prawn toast can easily reach 130g or more of carbs. It also depends on how your body digests this food as well, you may find a delayed spike of BG or even a double spike if something like sweet & sour sauce hits fast followed by the rice later on. I would take a look at the ready meal versions of the various meals to give you an idea of carbs, but be prepared to add corrections after eating.

Hope this helps!
Evening all

Rather a busy day today hence this late posting of my morning BG of a 5.2
¡Que lo pases muy bien con tu familia! @Elenka_HM. :D
¡Muchas gracias! 🙂

I am pleased to announce I arrived safely to Spain. They did send my carry on suitcase to the hold due to lack of space, but I was allowed in a regular seat 😛