Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.5

I honestly can’t wait to get back to school next Friday.

Have a great day everyone
Back in more familiar territory with a 5.5 this morning after leaving the sweet stuff alone yesterday, bar the last slice of Xmas fruit cake (minus icing) with a cuppa for elevenses. I know one swallow doesn't make a Summer so it will be interesting to see what I get tomorrow. Friday is BP check day - 117/69 today, so that's OK.

Dripping CH pipe fixed and now just need the plasterer to come and fix the hole in the ceiling. He's going to de-Artex it at the same time. We have been gradually getting rid of our Artexed ceilings over the years so that'll be another one gone. Plumber also recommends a joiner to properly repair the hole he had to cut in our eldest's bedroom floor, but that can wait.

My wife will be busy today preparing party food for when our friends are round tonight. We went and got all the things she needs yesterday. Nothing I can do to help so I might as well get out of her way by going for a swim later.

Unlike further north it's mild and dry here at the moment and only a low risk of a shower later.

Whatever your plans, enjoy the day.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

@Martin.A yes we had artex and wood chip everywhere. It took ages and a lot of effort to get rid of it all!!! It all looks so much better without.

Today, walk, find something for new years day meal (might wait until tomorrow for that)..put the bins out this morning on the 'corrected over Christmas' day. I noticed that no one else in our street had put their bins out. The rubbish has been promptly collected already and bins are back in their normal place.

Quite blustery out there this morning. I was a bit concerned tgat the bins would blow over/away...

download (8).jpeg

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

6.6 again today after a good day eating wise back to my eating plan, so I shall wait and see if a lurgy arrives. Shopping today, for the weekend and New Year’s Day get together, that will be mainly pizza, garlic bread and a few savoury nibbles, ham sandwiches for mum as she said she will still have her cooked meal at lunchtime and some suitable things for me, including vegetable skewers. Currently dry and bright here, so might go for a walk after we have been shopping as have done nothing since Boxing Day.
Morning all

After a hypo yesterday and waking to a 4.1 this morning I’m going to have to start eating more chocolate me thinks..

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Good morning early birds. 5.7. Storm Gerrit is blowing a hoolie in these parts, ancient sash windows have rattled all night, so I gave up and got up at 5.15.

Got the three youngest grandchildren today. Two because mum and dad are working, and Zara ‘cos she can! There’s no show without Punch! TBF, it’s Sadie’s 6th birthday tomorrow and I said we’d throw a wee party for her. Just me and her Gaga, her sister Poppy, Auntie Abby and Zara. We’re having homemade pizzas, I’ve just put the first lot of dough on. Good old bread maker, marvellous invention. Daughter can’t have pizza obviously, so I’m going to make curried parsnip soup for her. I’ve never made it before, mainly because I’m not fond of parsnips, but we’ve a garden full of the damn things. I know they’re quite carby but as she’s pregnant she can’t go full low carb , a nice compromise I hope. We’ll put her in another room away from temptation! Poor lass.

Have a fab Friday, the last one of the year. I’ve already made my NY resolution, don’t make NY resolutions! 😉
I made some parsnip, celeriac and stilton soup yesterday, experimental but tasted delicious.
Morning all. 5.6 for me this morning. Well back to normal go and get meat for weekend. Dogs getting a bit sick of turkey. Go and do a food shop this afternoon Hopefully there will be something left in marks and Spencer. Have a good day folks
Morning all - what a beautiful day.

10.7 at 08:30. A correction has brought it down to 5.9. It's still a little bit flaky from the steroid injection.

I was expecting my regular call from the Virtual Ward this morning, but I got a call from the Doctor's receptionist saying the Dr wants me to make an appointment to review my meds because "your Sodium is a bit low". HA! I said "well the hospital has already done it!" So we left it that I'd keep the appointment on the 19th when she wants me to have Statins. Though I said "I've already been made ill by ingesting prescribed chemicals, I am disinclined to have any more e.g. statins with nasty side effects". I then got the Virtual Ward call, they laughed at the proposed medication review. We shall see!

May venture out to Lidl this afternoon if the nurse isn't coming to take blood. Shan't know until lunchtime.

@ColinUK you are a naughty man... your mum isn't that ancient, no reason why she shouldn't understand technology. We have people younger than us come round so we can sort their tech stuff out and I'm not that much younger than your mum.

@eggyg FWIW curried Parsnip soup is known at Queen of Soups. It was quite popular when we had the restaurant. @Leadinglights your soup sounds delicious!

Have a lovely day all!
6.7 today - in a rush xxxxxxx
I made some parsnip, celeriac and stilton soup yesterday, experimental but tasted delicious.
I’ve made the soup. I like it actually, not parsnipy really. Eldest daughter took some for her lunch, youngest daughter will have some for her lunch and Mr Eggy and I will have it for our tea.
FWIW curried Parsnip soup is known at Queen of Soups. It was quite popular when we had the restaurant.
I’ve made it and like it. Roasted the parsnips first, along with onions and garlic. The recipe called for honey I didn’t add that. Added the veg to stock and cream and whazzed it in my trusty food processor.
5.8 for me this morning, starting to get back into normal territory for me after Christmas!

We survived the winds yesterday thank goodness, although a strip of felt was blown off a neighbour’s shed.

Still trying to do some work, now entering a period of documenting as much as I can before leaving at the end of Feb - gulp! Getting much closer now!

Take care everyone!
GP appointment yesterday was interesting. She thought the cyst might be infected so prescribed me a course of Doxycycline. Quite a long course. Six weeks with the possibility of extending it.
6 weeks? Blimey - I was prescribed the same antibiotic for my sinus infection recently, but only a 5-day course. Seems to have fixed me, though. All my symptoms have gone.
Minor update.

I decided to go out for a walk with my friend at 2pm, even though dark clouds were gathering. We got half way and the heavens opened...

Oh dear, got drenched and hailed on. My friends umbrella gave up the unequal fight. We gave up on the walk.

Then I decided not to go home but brave it back to shops.

I decided to be brave and get some food things we need whilst I was out. Went in the first shop got some stuff but they were out of the bits I needed. Went in the second shop at the other end of town. Got the stuff and got soaked.

Then I remembered what I really needed that was in the first shop But forgot at the time. A short drenching later got that stuff and came home.

I enjoyed the walk even tho a thorough drenching was the order of the day.


I am hoping that that is just 2023 spitting it's goodbye and that 2024 will be a good year. In fact I hope that it will be a good year for all of you here and your families.
Afternoon all. Late posting but it was an 8 something this morning.

Last nights show at the little local theatre was really good, very funny and clever. I can't do a CCC @ColinUK but here is the synopsis provided by the theatre...

It’s been a tough year and the Jameson family are all planning to enjoy a Christmas Eve getaway at their soon-to-be sold country home. The catch is, everyone planned to do it in secret; the daughter is with her lover, the mother is with the daughter's fiancé, the father is with the neighbour, the maid is with the local oik, and the underpaid butler is eyeing up both the housekeeper and the valuables.

Just four actors play multiple roles with lightning quick changes in this fast talking, fast-paced farce inspired by P.G. Wodehouse, Noel Coward, and classic British comedy presented with New Old Friends’ trademark flair.

We' ve had a lovely day out today too, walking and lunch in a pub. Now home, feet up and relaxing.

I hope you've all had a good day.
Good evening folks! 6'2 this morning, many hours ago.

Yesterday I had a bit of a frustrating evening, spending more hours and coins that I'd like trying to dry my laundry at home. But that's in the past, I finished the day with a relaxing shower and woke up today in a better mood with clean hair and the laundry out of the way. And I arrived to work 5 minutes early! To be honest I woke up a few times, with the worry of repeating last morning...