Group 7-day waking average?

6.6 this morning when I did my bolus for breakfast. Got the usual spike but it stubbornly refused to come down, so here I am 3 hours after breakfast, not had anything else to eat and it’s still 9.6 - grrrr. Just taken a correction to get things back into range. Maybe this is just some really slowly digesting food (!) or else some sort of bug, been feeling a little off which I have put down to over indulgence. Unfortunately I have my hospital DSN appointment on Jan 8, so the previous 2 weeks to that will include this period of over indulgence and high BGs, oh well, at least they can see before that in Libreview!

@Pattidevans - so pleased you got back home ok and that it wasn’t a stroke after all. Still sounds you went through it a bit but at least you know the reason and safely back home. It does make you wonder about the side effects of drugs and once you start on some it quickly snowballs into having others to counteract this and that.

Doing some work today, at least it is WFH (as I do 100% of the time), the rain and wind would put me off from venturing outside!

Take care everyone!
Good morning. 6.3.

We didn’t get into town yesterday because of the weather, today is supposed to windier, but “only” 90% chance of rain as opposed to yesterday’s 100%! This is when I could do with a sou’wester! Wish us luck.

Youngest pregnant daughter, the one with gestational diabetes, had a scan yesterday and the baby is big, they’ve put her on Metformin and have told her they won’t let her go past 38 weeks, she’s convinced she won’t last that long! Watch this space, could be sooner than we think! She’s not due until 18th February but Zara was five weeks early, and they’ve told her the chances of a premature birth once you’ve had one is likely. Think we’ll be more organised this time though!

Have a good day, it’s Thursday, I think.:confused:
Morning folks. 6.5 here. 🙂

We had a lovely Xmas at my mum’s, but after a week I think she was ready for us to leave LOL. The drive back to Pembrokeshire was filthy - windscreen wipers going at full pelt and the car being buffetted from both sides. Phew! Nice to be home.

I hope everyone had a good Xmas (and that no-one’s stuck in a snowdrift somewhere, trying to get home). 😱:D
A 6 on the nose this morning. 🙂 The weather is much calmer than yesterday.

Good morning everyone

We had a huge loud storm last night. Short lived but wild. Almost scary. Lots of lightning, thunder, tremendous heavy rain, gusts, wind, incredible.

An amazing 5.2 this morning.

Got up very late again this morning 7:30am!!! Had to rush about. Bins, shower, meds, panic....

Went to put the bins out, noticed that no one else had put their bins out. Checked on the council web site. Yup, wrong, it's tomorrow. Sigh. Rushing about for no reason!

Today rest and try to get my head back in gear. But I have nothing planned to do. Maybe try to write a new song....


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Safely back home, though the M25 was a stop-start nightmare yesterday. The ETA for home on our SatNav kept getting later and later. In the end we gave up on it and diverted off onto the M40. Storm Gerrit seems to have given us a miss down here, although it has been blustery and it's just started to rain.

Plumber here today to fix the leak above our dining room. He'll have to cut a hole in our eldest's bedroom floor to do it, so we've moved things out so the carpet can be rolled back. Has to be done. Fortunately it's not a bad leak, just the occasional drip, and the towels we've been stuffing into the hole in our dining room ceiling are only getting slightly damp rather than wet.

6.5 this morning, so still running a little higher than what's normal for me, but if I look back at my readings diary it's the same pattern over previous Xmas & New Year periods so I expect things to settle down once I'm back on the straight & narrow.

Our German friends surprised us yesterday by announcing that they got married over Xmas. We had no idea they'd been planning that - they've only been together for 30 years. They and their 2 boys, and our friends from over in Surrey and their 2 boys, are here tomorrow evening for a get-together so we now have an extra reason to celebrate.

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS. What I'd give..................

Hope the weather hasn't spoilt things for anyone. Pretty bad up north by all accounts.
5.4 No idea what’s going on with the spate of 5’s I’m getting recently but I’ll roll with it contentedly.

Two hours on the phone with mum yesterday talking her through changing her password on the NHS app was fun. Ended up just signing in to her account on my phone. Still I’m grateful that at 81 she’s happy to try these things. And that her new iPad arrives today so when I pop over tomorrow I’ll set up that for her with everything she needs.

@Gwynn Congrats on the HS! What a way to celebrate Twixtmass!

@eggyg How big is big?? Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly even if the baby’s ready to make an entrance early.
Well done @Gwynn on the HS. I would have left the bins out just to see if anybody else had copied you. :rofl:

Morning all. Almost a day in target yesterday (although extra units were given and i needed a 2u correction before bed) and woke to a 4.7.

Younger daughter is heading back home today. I hate it when she first goes, its horrible saying goodbye even though i know its only 3 hours away. Later on, we are off out for a meal and a show at a local theatre.

The wind was really bad around here last night. I haven't heard it like that for a very long time.

@Gwynn congrats on the HS.

@eggyg i hope everything goes ok for your daughter.

6.6 today, really hope it is food related and not coming down with a lurgy, I also have that horrible swooshing feeling and sound in my ears which can be a pre-cursor for a cold. I am ashamed to say I gained 4lb over the Christmas period and there was me thinking I had been reasonably good, and although I didn’t eat sweet stuff other than Christmas Day, I have been eating more carbs than usual including a small amount of mash on Boxing Day, so it probably confirms that carbs and me do not get on.

plans today are to go-visit mum, she says she had a nice rest yesterday after a long day with us Christmas Day and going to my brothers Boxing Day, oh and doing some indoor exercise as it is too windy to go for a run or even much of a walk.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS.
@freesia What are you going to see at the theatre?
I can't remember what its called, hubby booked it. Its a P.G. Wodehouse (sp?) comedy farce. There are only 4 people playing all of the characters. Its showing at a small local theatre.
How big is big?? Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly even if the
I asked the same question but they won’t say, but 5ft nothing daughter is looking like she’s going to burst soon! She got a new car last week, a lovely Audi Q5, I hope she can still get behind the steering wheel, short legs and a big tummy aren’t conducive to comfortable driving!
Good morning 7.0 today

congratulations on the HS @Gwynn
it certainly was a bit windy out there last night

have a lovely day everyone 😎
Morning all - much like the rest of the country - high winds and wet.

4.1 at 06:14 and a Dextro tab + half a biscuit, then 6.3 at 08:30 when I finally woke. Delighted to see BGs back to normal after the steroid injection.

Yesterday was somewhat stressful. I had 3 routine phone calls after vital signs checks, one of which came in whilst the District Nurse was here with a cannula hanging out of my arm taking blood. 1 extra phone call cos my temperature was a bit low and a phone call from the Dr's surgery making a phone appointment for me with the GP to discuss statins on 19 Jan. That came in on my mobile whilst the landline was ringing with another of the phone calls. No chance of statins thank you - I have just seen the result of ingesting chemicals that resulted in my stay in hospital! Am now waiting for the first phone call today and I really want to get in the shower and it's already 15 mins late. Still, can't complain I am being well looked after and I have nothing urgent to do.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.

Have a lovely day all.....