Group 7-day waking average?

I can't remember what its called, hubby booked it. Its a P.G. Wodehouse (sp?) comedy farce. There are only 4 people playing all of the characters. Its showing at a small local theatre.
There’s probably a prize pig in there somewhere knowing PG W. Enjoy!
Morning all 5.9 for me with a nice straight line all night Unfortunately got some tweaking to do As from early evening till bedtime it keeps rising to 12 Correction doses aren't working Took 6 units before bed . Gonna have to see how the liver tests go in New Year. Don't think it's working properly Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Good morning - 6.4 at 9:30

Have a great day everyone
There’s probably a prize pig in there somewhere knowing PG W. Enjoy!
I'll let you know :rofl: .

We've booked the cinema for New Years Day to see One Life and next year have got tickets for both And Then There Were None and The Drifters Girl. I doubt i shall do a CCC but i'll let you know what they're like.
Morning all and 7.2 for me.

Been working on some song ideas giving my rudimentary guitar skills a work out. Lots of noise involved and even a bit of bottle neck. Not sure what the others will make of it.

Have a good day everyone.
9.8 for me today
Been unusually high since starting folic acid (5mg) and once a week vitamin D (50,000iu) on 22nd (gp prescription). At the mo I'm hovering 9-18 ish.
Have only over indulged a small amount (a quick bolus should be able to take care of that), been out for walks, hydrated well and nothings working to bring it down. May as well be injecting water at this point.
Vit D is supposed to improve insulin resistance etc but I wonder if the tablets are aggravating tummy. Only thing more noticeable is frequency and intensity of pains on my lower right abdomen (one of the usual location I get pain).

In other news, my Brother and Sis in law and dinky nieces are due to arrive at any point now for a few days so I am so looking forward to spending proper time with them.
We had them over on Xmas eve for a few hours but this time should be more laid back.

Hope you all have a fab day x
Morning all

It was a 5.6 for me earlier this fine sunny morning.
A disappointing 7.4 this morning for me and then after the breakfast spike, stubbornly stuck around 10 - so correction bolus just gone in, let’s see if I can get back into range before I feel the need to have lunch! Something’s definitely not right at the moment with me, although I feel better today than yesterday, so hopefully it’s just the body taking its own sweet ( :rofl: ) time to settle back into range!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS - totally jealous!

Stay safe everyone on this Very Blustery Day (as Pooh would say).
6.7. Hope everyone is well and is having a nice break - if off work. No idea what day it is ! That seems a good break to me !!
Good afternoon! Late posting, as being late seems to be my theme today. A whooping 3 hours late for work (didn't hear my alarm, I swear I set two of them at night). Finished late as well and rushed to the laundry place to get my laundry done, as I don't know when I'll have time again, and they have reduced hours this week. On time for the washing machines, but then had to wait 20 minutes for a dryer to be available, and the clothes will have just 24 minutes in there.

Oh, no morning reading. In fact no BG reading at all today cause Libre expired last night and didn't get around to apply a new one or do a finger prick.

It's very windy and looking miserable out there, I planned to get some stuff to the recycling centre but I think when I'm home from the laundry I'll just stay there. Didn't finish my Christmassy book from the library and that with a hot drink sounds like a great plan...

Stay safe and cozy, everyone 🙂
Good morning 🙂 7.9 for me today 🙂 Going through on of those annoying phases when my insulin requirements are changing and swinging up and down whilst I try to find the GZ (Goldilocks Zone, newly-invented abbreviation :D ) 😱 Until recently I was on a TDD (Total Daily Dose) of around 15 units, yesterday was 38 😱
Good morning early birds. 5.7. Storm Gerrit is blowing a hoolie in these parts, ancient sash windows have rattled all night, so I gave up and got up at 5.15.

Got the three youngest grandchildren today. Two because mum and dad are working, and Zara ‘cos she can! There’s no show without Punch! TBF, it’s Sadie’s 6th birthday tomorrow and I said we’d throw a wee party for her. Just me and her Gaga, her sister Poppy, Auntie Abby and Zara. We’re having homemade pizzas, I’ve just put the first lot of dough on. Good old bread maker, marvellous invention. Daughter can’t have pizza obviously, so I’m going to make curried parsnip soup for her. I’ve never made it before, mainly because I’m not fond of parsnips, but we’ve a garden full of the damn things. I know they’re quite carby but as she’s pregnant she can’t go full low carb , a nice compromise I hope. We’ll put her in another room away from temptation! Poor lass.

Have a fab Friday, the last one of the year. I’ve already made my NY resolution, don’t make NY resolutions! 😉
6.2 this morning and just a mild breeze blowing outside.

Popped to the folks yesterday afternoon to get mums new iPad up and running which only took five hours of her saying “but I can do this on my phone so why can’t I do it on here?” and tested my patience somewhat! But at approaching 82 I’m happy she’s confident enough to embrace new tech and give it a go. Now if only we could get her hearing aids to actually register what dad says…

GP appointment yesterday was interesting. She thought the cyst might be infected so prescribed me a course of Doxycycline. Quite a long course. Six weeks with the possibility of extending it. She also said she’d see whether it’s a referral to dermatology or plastics that’s required and will call me to let me know.

18:30 the phone goes. It’s the GP. Funding models for this treatment have changed and they have to lodge a case for treatment on a case by case basis but have to have been treating the issue for at least six months through multiple flare ups. No referral. Instead she said to book appointments when it flares up, send photos, keep a diary etc and send it all over regularly as it’ll help build a case. Otherwise it’s private.

Mum said “Something like that won’t cost much, we’ll pay”. I said it was likely £1,000 plus. “Well we’re not paying that!”

So it’s a waiting game. Wait and see what the doxy does. Wait and log everything. See perhaps if I can find a reasonable price for a private consultation to at least give me a better idea of likely £££ of going private.

I won’t wait to protect my gut biome however so I’m researching what I should use to give some safety to the millions of good gut flora in the face of the heavy bombardment that long term doxy will unleash. Suggestions welcome.
Morning 9.3 today
Morning folks. 🙂 Dawn and the Phenomenons kicked off their jamming session at around 6am - 13.7, eek! What on earth...?

It’s meant to be a bit drier here today, so we’re venturing out. Everywhere’ll be rammed, I’m sure, but there’s errands to run before the big weekend.

I was thinking of you yesterday @Michael12421 - I hope you’re doing well and going home soon.
A 4.4 for me this morning. 🙂
