Group 7-day waking average?

7.1 back home a bit stressed.
Had a weird dream where I’m wandering the streets of an unfamiliar city and I keep losing my shoes.
I’ll think on what it means later.
6.1 again this morning so no fallout from the Boxing Day spread round at my wife's niece's place - salad with leftover turkey and Xmas ham and a few profiteroles for me, plus nibbles in the evening. Heading home this morning and hopefully we can avoid Storm Gerrit if we leave early enough. That will require my wife to get herself out of bed, though. I've been up an hour and have had breakfast already.

@Pattidevans good to hear you're back home

Have a good day all, and recharge batteries ready for New Year's Eve.
7.1 back home a bit stressed.
Had a weird dream where I’m wandering the streets of an unfamiliar city and I keep losing my shoes.
I’ll think on what it means later.
I woke suddenly at 3.45 in an absolute panic and sweating . I dreamt I was driving a borrowed red mini along a country road in the dark and I was struggling to see. I had to pull up on a dodgy corner and ring for a lift back. It turned out I couldn’t see as I was wearing my reading specs ( which are very strong) instead of my varifocals. Then it was a race to find my other specs to get back to pick up this car which I’d borrowed without the owners permission. It took hours and I woke without finding them after looking in my former place of work at 11pm. I was struggling to use my phone to call Mr Eggy to come for me, that’s a common dream being unable to use my phone. The weird things you dream about.

5.7 today, so happy with that, no plans for today other than being weighed later, currently trying to guess how much I will have gained, but looking on the positive side I have had a good Christmas and definitely not eaten anywhere near as much treats as I have previously, and unlike my hubby I didn’t have to keep re buying things for the treat box, before Christmas where it had already been eaten.
Morning 9.3. it's now 10.2 I would do a correction but it sounds like my sister may be getting backfast ready so I'll add it to that. I didn't need any correction or hypo treatment after my meal out last night so happy days. I discovered yesterday the top of my finger pricker seemed to come off and I don't seem to have it with me. So looks like I might be silly going dexcom for a couple of days(leaving tomorrow). I will check with my meter if I really really need to.
Morning all. Another high day yesterday needing several corrections. Woke to an 8.0 after a 3u correction with dinner and another 2u correction before bed. When will this end :(...

A quiet day today. Hubby has had to go back to work, mum went home, younger daughter is catching up with friends while she's back here. I think i might read my book and do some craft.

Have a relaxing day everyone.
Good morning - 6.6

Have a great day everyone
Morning all - what a VILE day. Glad I do not have to go out.

10.6 this morning. Under the circumstances I can't complain. Actually had a "low" warning last night and had to eat a Dextro tab and 2 Florentines (what a penance, I love Florentines). Plus I did eat 2 segments of chocolate orange as well. I think basal needs upping though as it was a flat line overnight. Will do that shortly.

Julian cooked "Christmas dinner" yesterday and (my heart bled) he said it was "the most horrible Christmas dinner" he'd ever had. It really wasn't that bad, veggies needed more cooking, even for the way we like em, and the Venison was tough, despite marinating. I love him for trying though and I have to say he can usually do a simple meal well. Nerves I think.

Oh and our home is sooooo comfortable... the wind will be howling through the windows in the hospital tower block today.

Hugs @freesia it's horrible when you can't control T1 and don't know why.

Here's wishing you all a fabulous day and a dream-free night.
Morning all and it was a 5.6 for me.

What a vile day. Been to the vampires and didn't even have time to get my coat off before being called. I was the only one there.
No need to pop out again, still plenty of supplies in.

Have a good day everyone.
@Pattidevans bless Julian for trying to give you a christmas lunch. Make sure you rest and take things easy. Take care.
Morning all

And it was a happy 5.1 for me this dark grey wet morning.

Stay safe and have a good day everyone..
7.1 back home a bit stressed.
Had a weird dream where I’m wandering the streets of an unfamiliar city and I keep losing my shoes.
I’ll think on what it means later.
The last two recent dreams I had that also woke me up was that I was going to die. First time by heart attack, second because of the grief my feet have been giving me for about 12 months. No doubt the mental illness and being totally isolated doesn't help. But there you go.
Good morning. 6.6

That Dutch bloke Gerrit has dropped by, flattening shrubs, bending massive trees and causing the yard to run like a trout stream. He even cut the power off, which was uncalled for, but its back on now and all the appliances, including the modem, have come back up. The new sleeping policeman is working superbly so the highway water is flowing past brearing its load of mud and debris down the hill. Meanwhile the clean rain water continues wash the yard clean. I am glad the family drove home yesterday afternoon - this is not a day for the M4.

Fridge emptied - back to sensible eating. Not so sure about drinking - had a stiff brandy before bed last night and slept like the proverbial log 🙂

Glad to see @Pattidevans back home - and that it was not a stroke.

Hope everyone doing well post-Solstice indulgence.
Just e-mailed through from daughter : The Great Aberporth Boxing Day swim: son-in- law swam a good distance, Rowan enough to get thoroughly wet and Benjie had a quick paddle. Back here, and dry, they went to tell Peachy and me all about it...


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Good morning woke to 8.0 today
I skipped a proper dinner last night, having been eating to much in the daytime
then had a hypo (at 2am BS was 3.9)

It’s great to hear that you made it home yesterday @Pattidevans

have a great day everyone 😎
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Good morning! 6'6 today.

Weather here is also terrible, and I also had some dreams. One that sticks out is calling one of my work managers Brenda, then realising that's not her name, and spending a good time in the dream trying to remember her actual name. Not surprised the poor lady is in my dreams as she has worked non-stop over the festive period. A sadder one at the end, was after a funeral, eating crisps with some relatives and said "oh, grandpa would have liked these". Woke up with watery eyes...

I finally have a day off today! The only one this week, but I'm not making a fuss because I go on holiday next Wednesday. Plan is to relax and not leave the house. My man is probably coming over but I hope the rain stops a bit later so he doesn't have to walk in this condition. I do want to see him but I'm in no rush, still have to shower and get some food in me. See ya later!

Oh, and that's my Boxing Day charcuterie board. Even when it was just for me, was fun plating it a bit nicer. With a bit of leftover Christmas fizz...fizzy flavoured water, that's it 😛


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