Group 7-day waking average?

It was 10.8 this morning. Here's my graph from yesterday tomorrow to when I woke up this morning which I'm quite pleased for Christmas saying that though they didn't really end being any sneaky delayed carbs and there were a jelly babies and glugose tablets involved.. Found out yesterday going out for another meal at my Going out for another meal tonight at my sister's there's not carb information at but I can manage if I get it wrong I'll sort it out 🙂 and if things go wrong this week i can back on track next week or so 🙂


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GoodMorning 7.5 today

congratulations on the HS @ColinUK
hope today is a great day for everybody

Morning all. A horrible 14.3. I've increased my basal since being off work, was very restrained with what i ate yesterday (though i did have a couple of extra glasses of wine than i would usually have), had loads of insulin in corrections every 2 hours but nothing brought my levels down through the day or overnight. I don't know whats going on any more but i feel rubbish with this cough and high levels. Blood test coming up in 2 weeks so no doubt i shall have a talking to from the nurses. Anyway, 3u taken and no breakfast.

We had a lovely day yesterday (despite levels). Younger daughter home from Devon, older daughter and son in law round along with mum. We laughed all day. Today is much quieter. I'd like to go for a walk but i can't leave mum on her own as she struggles to walk around. Maybe tomorrow.

@eggyg What lovely news. Congratulations to you all.

@ColinUK Well done on the HS. Very impressive!

@Pattidevans i hope you feel much better and are able to escape back home today.
Morning all. A horrible 14.3. I've increased my basal since being off work, was very restrained with what i ate yesterday (though i did have a couple of extra glasses of wine than i would usually have), had loads of insulin in corrections every 2 hours but nothing brought my levels down through the day or overnight. I don't know whats going on any more but i feel rubbish with this cough and high levels. Blood test coming up in 2 weeks so no doubt i shall have a talking to from the nurses. Anyway, 3u taken and no breakfast.
I feel your pain. After I had a nasty bug in November, my BGs were out of whack for about three weeks after I'd recovered, sometimes it just felt I was injecting water. My TIR dipped below 70% for the first time ever. Then suddenly, they fell back to normal, taking me by surprise and having me hypo all over the place, and my TIR shot up to 90% (again, unprecedented , it’s never been that good) til I’d adjusted everything (including my mindset) back downwards. I then had my blood tests a couple of weeks later and was amazed to come out at 47, it just shows that the HbA1c is weighted towards the last couple of weeks, I guess.
Hopefully yours will start suddenly behaving itself like mine did, and in time to get a good TIR before your tests.
Morning all and 9.2 for me. May need a basal tweak or perhaps it was a delayed reaction to yesterday's plateful of Christmas goodness?

Any way nice and bright here and no big meal to cook.

Have a good day everyone.
Found this out about carol singers and thought I’d share…
Morning all

And it was a happy 5.4 for me much earlier this fine sunny morning - makes a change.
14:30 BS 9.6 when I FINALLY got up & put in meds & tresiba: vaguely remember slapping the phone alarm off at midday & went straight back to sleep; in a clear case of psychological association, as is often the case, I dreamed about having a wild bender, a la Phyrene Fisher swinging from the chandeliers, of a Christmas Day party that I threw at hone, getting seriously drunk (I only ever got drunk once at 19 on a quarter bottle of Moet Champagne Austrian Airlines gave me when flying to Salzburg during Christmas week & had SUCH an awful time of it throwing up in intermittent bits for 5 hours that I swore NEVER again & never did), conked out on the sofa in a drunken stupor & didn’t respond despite my neighbours ringing the doorbell repeatedly on Boxing Day as they could see me through the open blinds & curtains of the living room! 😱 :rofl: Well, THAT eventually made it through my brain & I woke up! 🙄 I’ve often had dreams when, in reality, I really need to go but, am too reluctant to actually get & go, when I DREAM that I’ve done so so, after a couple of times of THAT, I reach the point where I eventually REALLY do wake up absolutely BURSTING & go! 😳🙄:rofl: Oh, the brain works in mysterious ways! :rofl:😉

A Very G’day Mates & wish you all A Wonderful Day! 😉

Yesterday tuckered me out as it was a second day in a row of frantic, for me, activity! But, I woke hungry & put on the lamb stew for breakfast straight away: in the pressure cooker before I’m posting! 😛 The only leftovers from yesterday are half a bag of carrot batons, 1 pack of stuffing meat loaf & a bag of baby potatoes which, I all put in the stew apart from the stuffing meat loaf!

I had a relatively GOOD Christmas, as in angelically good, insert Nudge, Nudge, 😉😉, & only used 44 NR for a quarter bit of the stuffed roast turkey breast in bacon joint for 4, 6 rosemary, thyme & garlic roast baby potatoes with the skins on, a scoop of mash potato, 2 stuffing meat loaf squares, honey glazed carrot batons, honey glazed parsnips, chicken gravy, 2 glasses of white peach & jasmine soda & 1 salted caramel mini tart! Then, I had some leftovers of about half that amount just before bed for 36 NR & my overnight graph has been very bumpy, after active NR, going from 11’s to 7’s as I slept! 🙄:confused: Yep! I enjoyed myself & really don’t think I was TOO naughty or BAD? Micheal Jackson’s music video is going through my mind! 😎😛:rofl:😉

I’m back to normal today & stomach grumbling for this lamb stew! 😛
Good morning all, 6.7, and it’s Boxing Day, my favourite day of the festive season. Why? Because I’ve got absolutely nowt to do, no where to go and no one to see! Bliss! But I’m still up at 6am! 😱

Had a lovely, if chaotic day yesterday. Our daughters sure know how to shock/surprise us. We all gathered at ours about 11.30. I offered drinks as you do, Bucks Fizz, wine, beer, soft drinks etc etc. Daughter number 2, who loves a Bucks Fizz, just came out with, I’m not drinking at the moment, temporarily confused I asked why, her reply, well, it’s not only the Turkey that’s in the oven! She’s pregnant, 18 years after she announced her first pregnancy when she was only 18. I think I was more shocked yesterday than I was then! Her husband has never had children and Rosie always said she didn’t want anymore children, as a very young single mother she missed out on such a lot and is/was enjoying her life. But obviously she met Paul 7 years ago and they married during Covid and here we go. Grandchild number 7 due next year 5/6 months after grandchild number 6 arrives! We were all in shock, in a good way obviously, then the crying started, me, and her sisters eventually got over the shock and started talking about midwives and scans blah blah blah. Mr Eggy paled and checked his wallet was safe! :rofl:

After we all recovered, the present giving and receiving commenced. Youngest first, etc etc. Mr Eggy and and I were last of course and we were handed a very small and thin beautifully wrapped present. Two nights in Brighton, a place we’ve wanted to visit for a long time, and two tickets to see the Gipsy Kings, who are a family favourite and Bomboleo is the Eggy family anthem. We all dance like nutters at family events, weddings, etc. Another fantastic surprise. I drank a bit too much Prosecco after these announcements and parts of the dinner were a tad caramelised ( pigs in blankets). But we all enjoyed it and I finally sat down at 9pm last night after clearing away the carnage! I’m hoping for a quiet day without any shocks/surprises as we’ve run out of Prosecco to claim me down! :rofl:

Hope everyone had the best day they could.
We didn’t get many photos at all, but I took a few of the mess and when looking through them last night, this one of Zara sitting in the middle of the chaos made me laugh. It’s as if she’s saying, I think I’m sitting in the wrong place here! :rofl:
Awww! Mr Eggy’s reaction made me laugh hardest but, baby Zara’s expression is PRICELESS too, as the sating goes! 😛:rofl:😉😎

I was actually discharged yesterday, but it was a bit of a disaster and by the time I got home I was too exhausted to post. On Christmas eve I was given a sleeping tablet which was a welcome relief. I woke a couple of times to visit the loo and surprisingly the ward was really quiet and still for the first time - I wonder if they all got a sleeping pill?

Anyway the Dr came at 11:30 am and said she was discharging me, despite my sodium level being 127 when it should be 128 but I'd be under the "virtual ward" i.e. a team of nurses who would ring 3 times a day whilst I recorded my vital signs and visit home every other day to take bloods until Sodium levels were right. I was jubilant and shouted to the whole ward that I was going home. Then Julian and I waited for nearly 2 hours. Meantime I got the Christmas lunch. It was the worst meal I had in there. Very soggy sprouts, rancid stuffing, dry turkey. Only the carrots were edible + the pudding. As an aside there was not a single carb count available the whole time! However most of the meals were palatable, if too carby. Also at the time I was struggling BG wise due to the steroid injection (fortunately levels have dropped to more reasonable levels today.)

After 2 hours I went to see the staff nurse who said she'd chase it up. It turned out that the Dr hadn't submitted the discharge papers to the pharmacy (which was closing shortly!). So the staff nurse chased the Dr who was on another ward and to cut a long story short I got the meds at 2:45 and was so glad to be in clothes (after 5 days in PJs I have got used to been seen in nightware!) and on my way home. T'was 3:30 when I collapsed on the sofa - to find Julian had bought me a gorgeous bunch of flowers on the Friday when he thought I was going home.

Today a male nurse came to register me for the "virtual ward" and loan me lots of equipment. I was once again in my PJs since I had slept 12 hours overnight and only just woken when he visited! I discovered (from the discharge papers and the internet - no one has exlained it to me) that I have not had a stroke, but an episode of Hyponatremia which I've described in the forum. Very dangerous and I'm annoyed that I was subjected to this condition as a result of my BP pills.

The staff were every one of them lovely, kind and so helpful. Left them with a carrier bag of Christmas goodies but I can' stress how wonderful they were.

We ate the Christmas eve gammon last night and Julian is cooking the venison today bless him!

Soooo normal service resumed and 5.5 just now.

@eggyg what wonderful news to receive on Xmas day! Congrats on a new grand-baby.

@ColinUK congrats on the HS - what an achievement at Christmas.

@Gwynn so sorry to hear how sad you are regarding your daughter. Let us hope the new year can mend relationships.

@Grannylorraine absolutely gorgeous cakes. What talent you have.

Happy Boxing Day
@Pattidevans - pleased to hear you finally made it home on Christmas Day, even if it was late in the day. It is annoying no one explained what had happened to you, hope you continue to improv, I have read your other post and the warning as I am on blood pressure meds.

I was actually discharged yesterday, but it was a bit of a disaster and by the time I got home I was too exhausted to post. On Christmas eve I was given a sleeping tablet which was a welcome relief. I woke a couple of times to visit the loo and surprisingly the ward was really quiet and still for the first time - I wonder if they all got a sleeping pill?

Anyway the Dr came at 11:30 am and said she was discharging me, despite my sodium level being 127 when it should be 128 but I'd be under the "virtual ward" i.e. a team of nurses who would ring 3 times a day whilst I recorded my vital signs and visit home every other day to take bloods until Sodium levels were right. I was jubilant and shouted to the whole ward that I was going home. Then Julian and I waited for nearly 2 hours. Meantime I got the Christmas lunch. It was the worst meal I had in there. Very soggy sprouts, rancid stuffing, dry turkey. Only the carrots were edible + the pudding. As an aside there was not a single carb count available the whole time! However most of the meals were palatable, if too carby. Also at the time I was struggling BG wise due to the steroid injection (fortunately levels have dropped to more reasonable levels today.)

After 2 hours I went to see the staff nurse who said she'd chase it up. It turned out that the Dr hadn't submitted the discharge papers to the pharmacy (which was closing shortly!). So the staff nurse chased the Dr who was on another ward and to cut a long story short I got the meds at 2:45 and was so glad to be in clothes (after 5 days in PJs I have got used to been seen in nightware!) and on my way home. T'was 3:30 when I collapsed on the sofa - to find Julian had bought me a gorgeous bunch of flowers on the Friday when he thought I was going home.

Today a male nurse came to register me for the "virtual ward" and loan me lots of equipment. I was once again in my PJs since I had slept 12 hours overnight and only just woken when he visited! I discovered (from the discharge papers and the internet - no one has exlained it to me) that I have not had a stroke, but an episode of Hyponatremia which I've described in the forum. Very dangerous and I'm annoyed that I was subjected to this condition as a result of my BP pills.

The staff were every one of them lovely, kind and so helpful. Left them with a carrier bag of Christmas goodies but I can' stress how wonderful they were.

We ate the Christmas eve gammon last night and Julian is cooking the venison today bless him!

Soooo normal service resumed and 5.5 just now.

@eggyg what wonderful news to receive on Xmas day! Congrats on a new grand-baby.

@ColinUK congrats on the HS - what an achievement at Christmas.

@Gwynn so sorry to hear how sad you are regarding your daughter. Let us hope the new year can mend relationships.

@Grannylorraine absolutely gorgeous cakes. What talent you have.

Happy Boxing Day
Glad to hear you are home , take care!
Morning all. 6.7 ( and a unicorn) on this windy and wet day. Storm Gerrit, we’ve definitely Gorrit!

Up at the crack again, woke at 3.45 not been asleep since. RLS doesn’t help but mind whirring as usual, today it’s birthday presents, one of our granddaughters is six on Saturday. I’ve bought her some clothes but I always wait to see what Santa didn’t bring her to get the rest. Apparently, Santa brought her everything she wanted, even her parents don’t know what to get her. We’re going into town later, I have three books to take back, one I’ve already got, and two swaps. Mr Eggy and our eldest granddaughter both got me the latest Strike book and Hamza’s How to be a Bird Watcher. We’ll pop into the Entertainer for some inspiration but I’m not hopeful, she got so much for Christmas I don’t want to buy her stuff for the sake of it. I may give her money, she quite likes having cash and buying the odd magazine in Asda or even something for her pony when they’re in the equestrian shop. I’m sure we’ll get sorted, we always do, let’s hope we don’t get blown away before we do!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, it is Wednesday isn’t it? :confused:
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Good morning everyone

BG slightly higher after pigging out again yesterdsy 5.7

Today no plans at all. Very unusual for me. I shall enjoy the rest before the new year celebrations are upon us.

A bit windy out there. I guess the storm is gathering...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
An early start for me. I was woken by the rain lashing against the windows so decided to get up.
It was a 4,8 for me when I did. 🙂
Great news @Pattidevans on your release. Wishing you a speedy return to good health.

