Group 7-day waking average?

A lower than usual 5.3 for me at 5ish - I rarely post as the time I test varies so much both in actual time and time after waking.

Found the very infrequently used whole cloves and nutmegs for the bread sauce, which are the things I most often stress about, so the milk is now infusing with the clove-studded onion and bay leaves, and everything else seems to be going to plan - and if I feel the need to change to Plan B or C, I can without a problem!

I hope everyone has a joyful and blessed Christmas.
Morning all. Still incarcerated. A few bitter tears were shed when I was told I was 1 point short of release yesterday. Waiting again today for results. Looking on the bright side!

Woke at 6:45 at 17.5. TIR 2 percent

Never mind. Have a wonderful time folks
Morning all. Still incarcerated. A few bitter tears were shed when I was told I was 1 point short of release yesterday. Waiting again today for results. Looking on the bright side!

Woke at 6:45 at 17.5. TIR 2 percent

Never mind. Have a wonderful time folks
So very sorry to hear that chuck Were all gunning for you . Get well soon ❤️
Morning all. Still incarcerated. A few bitter tears were shed when I was told I was 1 point short of release yesterday. Waiting again today for results. Looking on the bright side!

Woke at 6:45 at 17.5. TIR 2 percent

Never mind. Have a wonderful time folks
Very sorry to hear that Patti. On the other hand, you're well enough to be annoyed, which is probably a good sign. Make the best you can of the day.
Good morning 6.9

thinking of those we love and miss today (more than usual)

I hope you get that extra point then can be released @Pattidevans
then you can have a restful Christmas at home

I’ve attached a picture of our Mr Christmas
he’s on a stool so he can see out the window

TC x


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Morning all. Still incarcerated. A few bitter tears were shed when I was told I was 1 point short of release yesterday. Waiting again today for results. Looking on the bright side!

Woke at 6:45 at 17.5. TIR 2 percent

Never mind. Have a wonderful time folks
Sorry to hear you are still in hospital, hope you get out soon.
As we have just eaten our dinner, dishwasher is on, I decided now is the right time to post the pics of my Christmas cakes/bakes as hopefully by the time you see this you will all have eaten your dinners and wont be tempted by cake. I made 16 Christmas Cakes, forgot to get a picture of a couple of them, 2 Christmas cake Rocky Roads and 8 mince pies with homemade mincemeat. also made my own Christmas pudding but everyone is too full to eat that.


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Next batch


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Feliz Navidad/Merry Christmas to all! 6'3 at 10 am after a well deserved lie in. I'll be working from 13:30 after the end of the day but I was happy to have a few hours before to get ready slowly, enjoy my Christmas brunch and have a short video call with family. My man gifted me some shower gel and deodorant yesterday (not very romantic but useful!) so I was able to use my presents this morning 🙂

Fun moment, he actually put 2 different deodorants in the bag, a roll on type and a spray one. I appreciated the thought of the gift but couldn't avoid mentioning "darling...TWO deodorant?" Like, are you trying to say something... He said it was just one. Turns out he didn't read the label in the spray and thought it was some perfumed body mist. Well, I shouldn't need to buy deodorant until the summer now :rofl:
A little late but Merry Christmas to All. Hope you’ve had / are having a lovely day.
7.8 on waking this morning.
I just finished roasting & oven off to keep everything warm! Waiting for my sister, who’s not a great time keeper & always late, with just the asda extra special mash to ding in the microwave & the gravy, has to be Bisto Best DESPITE the inevitable lumps as it a powder rather than the granules but, tastes SO much better! Bridget Jones mum arguing about sieving the gravy or just continuo to stir it? :rofl:

I started late as I just conked out some time after breakfast, midday alarm went off & I STILL dozed off as I took too long to respond. Then, just before 2pm my eldest brother, family of nephews & grand nieces too, called & woke me up so, had meds & tresiba a bit late. Then, put in the turkey at 2pm for an hour & a half!

It’s actually not THAT late for our family as we worked late & got up late during the restaurant years so, it REALLY was Christmas Dinner for us as we ate at about 5 or 6pm: midday, High Noon, we’re still having a lie-in; start getting up to cook around 2 or 3pm! 😳

I deliberately under bolused again for breakfast going by the effort of last night so, my BS was initially high in the 14’s after active breakfast NR & not after all the cooking, & juggling timings, BS is in the 8’s…..just now 15:51 BS 8.0 & a bit of space to drop, yet, while waiting for sister & BIL! 🙂

Hope you’re all having a Wonderful time & not TOO stressed out? 🙄:confused::D

And I’m sorry to hear you’re still stuck in hospital @Pattidevans Hopefully you’ll get a decent Christmas meal? :confused:
@Grannylorraine those pictures are amazing and i'm sure they taste as good as they look. You are so clever!

@Pattidevans so sorry you didn't make it home but its a good sign you are feeling better that you're cross about it. I hope you get home soon. Take care.
Happy Christmas to you all.

It was 6.9 for me this morning but had a busy day and only just catching up now. Do feel like a weight has been lifted though! I really hope that feeling lasts!
Breakfast was a coffee with cream, lunch was another coffee with cream, half an apple and a chunk of smoked cheddar and my only concession to Christmas, a dark chocolate ginger biscuit. Dinner tonight was some olives with Manchego followed by left over pork mince with carrot and swede mash and savoy cabbage. I have also cooked a big roasting pan of Halloumi topped ratatouille, but I was late getting it in the oven so opted for leftovers and the rat will heat up for another day.
I spent the morning helping Ian feed the cattle up at the farm, well 2 farms actually and then fed my animals and had my lunch and then we had a lovely drive out with Ian's horses this afternoon which was something we could not have done if we had been having traditional Christmas dinner and the weather was too good to pass up, although it did cross my mind that there was a lawn which could have done with mowing and the weather would have been perfect for that too. 🙄 Anyway, we sang Christmas carols as we drove round the country lanes, so we at least did something Christmassy!

Really sad to hear that you didn't get released today @Pattidevans and I dread to imagine the meal you got served in hospital😱 Definitely well below your culinary standards I am sure. Fingers crossed for you to escape tomorrow. (((HUGS))) and hoping those levels come down soon.