Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Happy Christmas.

BG 5.6 good enough

Yesterday was 'full on' all day, but a good day none the less (hence no posting). And to cap it all I got up late at 7am. I had to be at the church for 8:30am. It was a rush... and then never stopped all, day.


Today, I am playing at the church Chtistmas day service this morning followed by rushing about preparing the christmas supper. Then ... rest. (God rest ye merry gentlemen')

It's all great fun as long as I don't feel stressed, which I don't.

I've decided to go get a Christmas house regardless of my wayward BG! Nothing 'over-the-top' of course.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Merry Christmas one and all. Reporting in with a 7.8 after our traditional Christmas Eve curry, rice and homemade naan.

Been up since 5.45, awake since 3. Turkey out getting up to room temperature. Stock for the gravy for the ham reducing, bacon and grilled tomato butty devoured! I shouldn’t eat tomatoes as they really don’t agree with me but, hey, in the words of the great Noddy Holder, It’s Christmaaaaaaaas! :rofl:

Have the bestest day you can have. And remember, it’s just a roast dinner with little sausages. Don’t stress the small stuff. I really should take a lesson from my own book!
Happy Christmas all! 6.2 here. Just having a cuppa in bed, one of the benefits of having grown up kids but no grandchildren is that you get a lie in on Christmas day. Oh, and eating in the evening. No early start to put the turkey in.
Happy Christmas,

4.9 today after a small binge on after eights last I must of eaten about 6 of them.

Today I will be mainly cooking and washing up and as a mum and nanny making sure everyone else is stuff silly and having a good time regardless of whether they want to or not, as I am sure is the same day planned for many of you.

Have a good one everyone no matter how you are celebrating for those that celebtrate.
***Merry Christmas Everybody*** First Christmas in our new home and it's full of family which is lovely, but I do love this little bit of peace and quiet with my first cup of tea of the day. Child 2 & 3 made supper for us all last night (spaghetti puttanesca) and it was delicious and weirdly didn't do anything to my BG. I ferried everyone down to our local pub for a drink which was fun and had a good sleep. Back very twingey yesterday probably from Pickleball the day before (@eggyg I'll explain it one day!) so I must be careful when manhandling the turkey today. Have a lovely day everyone, whatever you're doing, and I don't think Eggyg could have put it better. xxx. PS: 6.7 this morning
Good morning - 8.1

Merry Christmas!

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone 8.6. meal out last night I did over estimate a bit as u got to 4.9(I didn't end chrcking with a figer pick it's possible that I could have been low as I feeling things but I was heading down and sometimes I do feel things when I'm heading down). Glucose tablets sorted it though. And according to dexcom I didn't get below range 🙂
Morning all. 8.7.

Merry Christmas everyone. Have a lovely day.
Merry Christmas everyone. A 4.9 for me today. 🙂

Have a wondereful time!
On coming to the house, they saw The Child with His Mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of goal, Frankenstein and mare.
Matthew 2:11

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Morning all and a Merry Christmas.

A happy 5.5 for me today and no snow to be seen.

Have great day everyone, stay well and don’t overdo the Christmas carbs…..
Morning all and a Merry Christmas.

A happy 5.5 for me today and no snow to be seen.

Have great day everyone, stay well and don’t overdo the Christmas carbs…..
Here’s some snow. TBF that’s from three weeks ago, but we can pretend. 😉


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Morning all. Nadolig Llawen!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!! We've been stuffing our faces since we arrived at mum's on Thursday, so a nice long walk's in order this morning to make room for Xmas lunch...

Have a good one, folks. :D😛🙂:D
Morning all 7.2 for me.

Turkey cooked on a low heat over night. Looking and smelling good.

Right, there's veg to peel, pigs needing blankets and gravy to make.

Have the best day you can but don't stress about it.

09:11 BS 5.6 & I had to give up on getting any sleep as my BS had been falling all night & have breakfast before I go too low! 🙄😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Merry Christmas! 😛😉

I was up past 3am doing dishes & having a last minute tidy up as I’m doing the Christmas roast with my sister & BIL coming round! I SHOULD have done it earlier, & not at 22:30 ish, before going to bed! It took me a lot longer & exhausted me more than I thought it would so, it was just as well I’d under bolused the dinner dose & after 6 hours BS was still in the 11’s: knew at some point the dishes needed to be done! Well, I went up at first as I kept monitoring but, started to fall to the high 9’s around 01:50 ish but, it held in the 9’s until I was finished, with loads of rest stops, just after 3am. I tried to sleep but, I was pretty wired & my BS has just kept dropping all night! The exercise effect plus my ear is almost back to normal: last day of Otomize today; 3 times a day for 7 days!

But, I’m now munching ramen for breakfast & I’m all ready to do the turkey later!

I’ll sign off & eat now!
5.9 on this mild and rather damp Bedfordshire morning. More like Spring than Winter. Travelled up last night and had a completely clear run on a remarkably quiet M4, M25 and M1, which was a bit of a novelty. Same run last year was a nightmare.

Merry Xmas all. Hope everyone has a really good day.