Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all
Just for a change, the sun is shining today, how long it will last is anyone's guess.

A happy 5.2 for me earlier this morning, I've had my porridge and now I'm going to
brave the wing and go for a bike ride.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe......
@Barrowman - congratulations on your HS today.

@TinaD - that is a good idea of when to post pictures of this year’s cakes.

well shopping is done, Tesco was not too bad, but then I only needed a few bits of veg, I did have frozen veg just in case so that can now be used up during the next couple of weeks, got sea bass for dinner tonight as didn’t want chicken this close to Christmas, ham, egg and treating myself to some chips tomorrow, been to the crem, made the Christmas cake rocky road, pastry for the mince pies is chilling, so just finishing off the housework as won’t be going to daughter in laws to drop stuff off until this evening.
butter chicken curry tonight.
We always have a curry on Christmas Eve. This year it’s homemade lamb Madras. I made it last month and froze it so it’s one less job tomorrow. The tradition started as we wanted something far removed from a gravy dinner as we could. Because, as you know, from Monday we’ll be eating meat, potatoes and veg for the foreseeable. :rofl:
13:30, because I forgot to reset alarm to midday & I guess I was tired anyway so, the alarm DID wake me, BS 8.1 Getting lower! 🙂

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉 OR should I say TRY, being the operative word, not to have such a FRANTIC day! :rofl:😉

Just finished prepping lamb stew in the pressure cooker so, again a bigger gap between waking & eating today! An initial DP rise before I stuck in my tresiba 13:51 BS 10.3 as I ALMOST dozed ff again I was SO sluggish to get up but, fallen again to BS 9.8 where it has steadily stayed at for the last hour! Lamb stew will be ready about 15:50? & I’ll see where BS is at then? :confused:

I’m really having to cut back the NR now as I’ve been a bit distracted with longer gaps in between meals so, the basal has been tested, kind of, with my BS holding steady so, I know it’s the NR that I’m still tending to use too much of. I only used 40, 30 & 28 yesterday although, I was a bit high for most of the night before coming down a bit to the 8’s so, maybe 30 for dinner would have been better? I just suddenly realised, last night, that I’m only eating about half the size of portions I used to eat so, that’s why less NR is needed! :D

Last scan before I sign off 15:22 BS 11.1 & I know to go about 42NR as it might be pushing 13 before stew is ready? :confused:

Oh yes, might as well update my NR doses on health centre website now as I’m definitely NOT using as much! 🙄
Good morning all on this Christmas Eve. 5.7 for me.

Busy day ahead, but I enjoy the prep on Christmas Eve. Got a good start yesterday, cooked the gammon and glazed it with my home made grape jelly, recipe courtesy of chef extraordinaire @Pattidevans. Tastes delicious, and smelt very Christmassy when it was cooking. I also made mince pies as we always have visitors on Christmas Eve. Today I will make 1000 pigs in blankets, prep the veg, make the stuffings, and of course make the puddings, citrus cheesecake and tiramisu. No one goes a bundle on Christmas pudding in our family, except Mr Eggy, he loves it but it is too heavy a pud after two courses. Oh and I’m going to attempt to make blinis to go with smoked salmon for the canapés at 11am when the hordes come round for present giving. I saw Jamie Oliver do it and they looked easy. If they don’t work I’ll just put the salmon and cream cheese on crackers!

I might not find time to pop on tomorrow so Merry Christmas to all that celebrate, to those of you who don’t, have a fab weekend.
Morning All - 6.2 this morning which is the lowest early morning I've had for a long time so very pleased with that, although when I glanced at my phone before getting out of bed it was 5.3 - been a lovely flat line all through the night down in the 6's. It was my youngest son's 24th birthday yesterday so we made a non-Christmassy fuss of him. Someone in the village below us makes sushi which is one of his favourite foods so I ordered some in for his birthday supper last night. Off to take Winnie (the Scottie) for her Christmas haircut this morning - everyone's a bit annoyed as she looks gorgeous and fluffy at the moment but hey ho. Have a lovely Christmas Eve xxx
Morning all. 6.9

Christmas is stressful for many people and for many reasons. If you’re stressed by it or find it depressing perhaps then remember that it is only one day.
8.1 for me.
Still on a trend of higher number, upped basal and still rubbish. Putting it down to tummy really acting up again atm.
Started on super drs dose vitamin d and folic acid as they were both low. I was expecting the folic acid but never been short on vit d before. Related to tummy issues...maybe?

Anyway, super excited for today.
So my brother, his wife and my nieces are heading to Edinburgh to stay with her cousins for xmas and planning on coming here on 28th for a few days. They had an overnight stay on the way so are an hour away and have decided to swing by for brekkie on the way to Edinburgh.
Unexpected but totally welcomed visit for niece hugs <3 My older niece is looking forward to seeing us (shes 3 1/2) and my 2 year old niece is wanting to see "doggy" and we probs wont get any attention from her at all 😛
Haven't seen them all since we went over at the end of October.

Also today is the family tradition of all day xmas movies, PJs, blankets with hot chocolate and snacks :D (and prep for dinner tomorrow).
BG goal - keep things under 13-14 and we will call it a success 😉. Reality is my tummy will probs limit my eating more than my libre today but I am going into it with a hopeful spirit :rofl:

My Brother In Laws birthday today too so need to drop round his card and present but they live round the corner so 100% will be walking round in PJs :rofl:

If I don't post tomorrow, wishing you all a lovely day if you celebrate and sending many hugs to those who are struggling when it comes to Christmas time.

I'm off to shower and get into fresh PJs and kiddy-proof the house <3
Morning it's 8.5 right now. Travelling to parents tonight. My weekly time in range is 66% so a tiny bit off the 70% target (so i may have manged it if i haven't scdrntlly let it stay high the other night i may have managed it. It's Christmas week now so may not meet it next week either. I'm going out for a meal tonight where the carb count isn't available. Then going out for a 3 course meel today and then going to my sister's for a couple of days booking day where I suspect there might be roast involved)(Also when I go to my parents meals ofen tend to be quite carby)
Good morning. 6.9

Very cold last night, couldn't get warm, had to get up and turn up central heating. Didn't help much as still had sleepless night. No matter - I've now got time to run up another batch of mince pies for elevensies )put the pastry to rest in fridge last night), and "put the lunch forward" so that I can spend time with the family instead of being stuck in the kitchen making focaccia etc.

Wishing everyone a lovely Christmas Eve.
:( Morning all. No idea of the weather today. Have been in hospital since last Weds. Had a mild stroke, more than a TIA but not severe, as a result of low sodium brought on by Losartan BP meds.
Hope to go home today but not sure it will happen, have hoped every day. Christmas plans scuppered really. Poor Julian. Though he's had plenty of offers. 17.6 this morning. Hopefully you will all have a lovely Christmas.
Good morning everyone! 5'3

@Pattidevans so sorry to hear about your hospital stay, hoping you are fine and back home soon xx :(

Tonight I'm serving dinner to around 170 people. Glad I don't have to do any of the cooking! :D Wish me luck.

Happy Christmas Eve. In Spain we call it Nochebuena, which means "Good Night" (and New Year's Eve is Nochevieja, "Old Night"). So feliz Nochebuena if you celebrate and if not, feliz domingo (happy Sunday) 🙂

PS. Added a little touch to my uniform today. Tomorrow will have that plus a Santa scrunchie for my hair.
Morning all, 4.7 here.
Had 'that' letter in the post yesterday, the 'signs of background retinopathy ' one. It was a bit of a surprise because the person doing the screening said she thought they looked fine to her, so I’m assuming it’s marginal, and possibly because my blood sugars were all over the place in November, but they’ve settled now.

Oh no, @Pattidevans , just what you didn’t need, and especially just before Christmas. I hope you escape soon, and that there aren’t any lasting effects.
:( Morning all. No idea of the weather today. Have been in hospital since last Weds. Had a mild stroke, more than a TIA but not severe, as a result of low sodium brought on by Losartan BP meds.
Hope to go home today but not sure it will happen, have hoped every day. Christmas plans scuppered really. Poor Julian. Though he's had plenty of offers. 17.6 this morning. Hopefully you will all have a lovely Christmas.
Sorry to hear this hope you are home soon.
:( Morning all. No idea of the weather today. Have been in hospital since last Weds. Had a mild stroke, more than a TIA but not severe, as a result of low sodium brought on by Losartan BP meds.
Hope to go home today but not sure it will happen, have hoped every day. Christmas plans scuppered really. Poor Julian. Though he's had plenty of offers. 17.6 this morning. Hopefully you will all have a lovely Christmas.
oh Patti, my heart goes out to you my lovely. Crappy situation and crappier time for it to all happen.
Sending you all my love n hugs xxxx
Oh Patti! Really sorry to hear that! Hope they get your blood/medication balanced soon and there is no lasting damage from the stoke. (((HUGS))) to both you and Julian. You can always nominate another day to celebrate when you are feeling better.

5.6 for me but I haven't spent much time asleep. Mentally I couldn't face going to bed, then when I climbed in I had sciatica which lasted a couple of hours and then when I got to sleep I had horrendous apocalyptic dreams and was pleased to wake up. Will be so pleased when it's boxing day! Hope everyone who enjoys Christmas has a wonderful time.

5.3 today after my first mince pie of the season yesterday, well it was the only one that stuck in the tin, I still have enough for Christmas Day. Out for a walk with my friend, coffee then a nice restful day until starting the veg prep this evening, which isn’t too bad, I am using frozen parsnips, so only the carrots & Brussels all 1/2 dozen of them, only cooking for 5 adults and 2 kids tomorrow so not too bad, and only 2 of us eat brussels. The broccoli I will do in the morning.

@Pattidevans - so sorry to hear you have had a stroke and are in hospital, hope you make it home for Christmas, but please take it easy if you do. Sending my love to you and Julian.

Happy Christmas to those who are celebrating.