Group 7-day waking average?

Morning it was 9.8 today after anothe visit to a and e and a doctor vist today(because of on going cheast pain doctor thinks i got a condition called costochondritis looking at the link he sent me it says sharp but its only sometimes sharp pain alot if the times another pain. But I think I'll trust the doctor on this one.
(I have been told before that we can experience pain di
He said it's usually treeant by taking anti inflammatory( I think he meant the pain but doesn't want me to take them because of my stomach issues) so looks like im going have to put up with pain even though for a while apartelly it can takes better..I know tjat pain can cause.issies.witj bg as ill keeep an eye on that.
Has anyone else had one removed by the NHS? How long did it take to get sorted?
Yes, one of the GPs at my health centre does minor surgeries and removed a cyst on my scalp back in 2019. It was only a short wait for the appointment and the actual surgery was over in about 15 minutes. I guess your waiting time will be dependent on availability of someone to do the work. You have to say it is causing problems, such as irritation when brushing hair, catching it often, etc. as the NHS don‘t usually do anything that is deemed purely cosmetic. Good luck!
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5.8 this morning, somehow managed to correct enough for the meal with my wife’s sister and her son at Miller & Carter last night. Good evening out and a sort of early Christmas get together as they are both working over Christmas so we wouldn’t see them otherwise.

People are already starting to finish at work - feels a bit strange being remote though, not like the old days when people left the office at lunchtime for the Christmas break. Not doing much work though, thankfully things are quiet (hope that’s not jinxed it!).

Looking forward to finishing today and having a nice long weekend with family.

Take care everyone!
Good morning. A more respectable 5.4.

Got blood and sputum tests done. How is it one can be choking half the night and then have to spend ages doing deep breathing, waving your arms about, and huffing like an asthmatic lion to get a mere teaspoon stuff up?

Still very windy here with heroic gusts, however the vile drizzle and heavy grey cloud departed at 10.30 and it is now about 90% blue sky.

Looks as if I am to be treated to a high quality flare over Christmas - joints which are usaully immune are playing merry hell. Think I will be rubbing in pastry with the Kenwood and leaning on Peachy to chuck her out in the mornings. Never mind - as long as my jaws are working I am planning to enjoy it. Rather glad I laid in "bake it at home" bread in case of disaster and decided on an Italian lunch for Sunday - pasta al forno doesn't require the cook to be in best of health! Making sneaky plans for the day: I'll turn Nick (Son in law) loose on the butternut squash, sprouts and spuds etc and keep my energies for the Ciontreau sauce, the home made stuffing and tucking the little pigs into their blankets....The smoked salmon and blinies can be deputed to daughter as can the pud...Now I wonder who I can con into doing the mucking out?

Hope everyone is on target - it is a lot of fuss for one day. Think the medieval 12 days looked a better bargain - well if you were gentry, might be different if you were servant class and the odds are that one would have been.
Christmas plans maybe scuppered as we were going to my daughter's but they had taken a minibreak with the kids to Disney Paris but had their travel document and passports stolen, they have applied for emergency replacements but they may not be able to be done until after Christmas because of the holiday. Hers will be ready but her husband and children have to wait to be interviewed. My cynical mind thinks it is because they have an Asian name which is different from hers.
They may know more tomorrow when they go to the embassy.1
Update. Good news we are back on plan as they have got their documents after a bit of a wait at the embassy so able to come back as planned, what a relief for them.
Update. Good news we are back on plan as they have got their documents after a bit of a wait at the embassy so able to come back as planned, what a relief for them.
Phew! So relieved for you.
Update. Good news we are back on plan as they have got their documents after a bit of a wait at the embassy so able to come back as planned, what a relief for them.
Pleased to hear everything is sorted, great that Christmas is back on track, but most importantly that they will be able to get home, it can’t have been pleasant having to deal with the issues of having your passports stolen.
Police teams call was good. Nicely productive and the officer now understands my communication style as well as my concerns.

As a side note I had an outcome from the VRR (which reviewed the decision to not charge the suspect) and they've decided to re-open the case. That's 'A Good Thing' but it means that I have to reassess where I am with closure. The case will be assigned a new detective and a new SOIT after Christmas and we'll take it from there.
Good to hear that you had a productive exchange with the police today. Hope the tide is turning now as it has been a complete catalogue of failures up until now1

Forgot to post this morning. It was a 4.1 for me.

Congrats to @MeeTooTeeTo on your House Special this morning. Good to see you coming back into form Dez.
A Very G’day Mates & hope you all have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I was tuckered out after yesterday’s all go, go, go & changed the midday meds & tresiba alarm to 13:30 so, woke JUST before the alarm but, didn’t move until after it 13:30 BS 8.4. By the time I had breakfast, not so long after this time but, still 13:58 BS 10.3. Had 42 NR for beef stew & it’s coming along nicely. Yesterday, for the first time, & hopefully today too, I’m starting to have to reduce the NR as well! It’s a bit early to say for certain but, it looks like a -4 NR reduction across the board: certainly having had to learn NOT to put on such a large correction for DP; +2 seems to be enough today, so far, & +4 yesterday was certainly too much? DP is the only need for correction at moment as my ear is steadily improving with the spray! 🙂

I’ve also noticed for definite this time that I’m having to eat less before I’m full now! The changes seemed very slow to me before I noticed but, talking to my sister on Tuesday, before she decided what furniture she wanted & booked the movers for yesterday, about having reduced basal by 28 units & having lost 3.5 kilos since coming out of the hospital she said that’s a BIG change & a lot of weight lost very fast! I said not really as it equates to only about slightly less than a pound a week but, I haven’t put it back on & it’s not much effort on my part as I’m not deliberately losing weight! :D And it still doesn’t really show EXCEPT when putting on my socks! :rofl:
Just had my recent blood test results back. 🙂
Everything "normal" HbA1C 35. I might relax a little over the coming few days - No I won't . 😉
Happy Christmas Eve eve everyone.

Braving the motorway for a family visit today.

A 4.8 and a jelly baby before walking the dog first!
Morning festive folks. 5.4 and no red lines through the night.

After another absolutely hectic day yesterday, I’m pleased to report today will be a much quieter day ( fingers crossed). I’ll chill this morning, I think, and cook my gammon later. We very nearly didn’t have a turkey, Mr Eggy went to pick up our order at the allotted time, and they had given our 4.5 kilo turkey saddle to someone else by mistake. This customer had noticed when she got home and called them, she said she’d pop it back in but didn’t know when! They offered two 2 kilo turkey crowns, Mr Eggy refused as they wouldn’t fit in the oven for a start, and they were barn raised as opposed to free range they said they’d knock £10 off if he’d take them. Just then the customer walked in with our turkey. Phew! The day was saved. What’s the point of ordering weeks in advance? This is the butcher that our grandson works in, oops! At least we get 25% discount!

Have a fantastic day, as long as you’re not going food shopping that is!