Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 6.8 here.

It’s minging out there! Even Gwennie turned her nose up at the rain when I opened the back door...and she’s a Spanish WATER dog. Welsh rain is the wrong type of water, methinks. :confused:
i'm sure you would have no problem birthing a calf :rofl:, you'd just roll your sleeves up and get on with it.
Ooh I’m not putting my arm up a cow’s bum for anyone! TBF my arms are really short I don’t think I’d be much help! My daughter does it no problem and with the sheep. Her eldest daughter lambed her first ewe when she was 9!
I am doing housework on Friday after work if you want to come and help. No calf’s to birth here.
Damn Lorraine I would have loved to but alas we have the three youngest tomorrow. 😉 At ours though so I’ll be safe from beasts! I’m ok chucking a bit of hay at the coos and hosses but that’s as far as my farming experience goes. I couldn’t live like that. At this time of year it’s like a quagmire, I couldn’t stand it.
@Elenka_HM & @freesia - congratulations on your HSs. 🙂
Back in the fives for me with a 5.8.

6.5 this morning.

Congrats on the various HS today and good luck to anyone finding themselves being a bovine midwife today!

Went to see Wonka yesterday. It’s not a patch on the Gene Wilder version. I didn’t know it was a musical and even after seeing it I’m not entirely sure it was. Timothee C is pretty to look at but the truly remarkable thing is how he’s so lightweight that he can’t carry the film. Also it didn’t escape my attention that during some big dance numbers he’s sometimes cropped mid calf so you can’t see his feet I’m guessing that he couldn’t pull off more than the basic steps.

I would say it’s fine for the younger kids you might have in your family but it’s not a patch on Disney Pixar productions. Plot is weak, characters are very broadly drawn. Strongest song is a reworking of Imagination from the original but here it’s just cloyingly sweet and saccharine.

It’s not offensive in how bad it is but it’s just a colossal waste of time, effort, money and talent.

Ooh and @Gwynn because it’s officially Eve of Eve of Christmas Eve Eve have a house! With organ!


It’s the Basilica of St Mary in Kraków
Stepped back over the line with a 6.2 this morning, which is a bit annoying. Looking back, last December was similar and the only thing I can think of is that like every Xmas the bowls of Celebrations and Cadbury's Heroes around the house are proving too much of a temptation. At least I'm not touching the mince pies.

Winter Solstice today, so from tomorrow we start to gain a little extra daylight each day. Only around 4 minutes but that's the best part of half an hour every week. Roll on the lighter mornings & evenings, I say.

Congratulations on the HSs today @Elenka_HM & @freesia

Further to my post yesterday about our corroded central heating pipes, photo attached showing what our plumber has to sort out:-

Enjoy the first day of Winter (as per the astronomical calendar), although to be honest it feels more like the first day of Spring here. Hope those north of us and in the path of Storm Pia get off lightly.


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Congrats on the various HS today and good luck to anyone finding themselves being a bovine midwife today!
Phew! Last one of the year has been born. Introducing Mossgrove Poppy. Mossgrove is their farm. Poppy after my granddaughter. They name their animals, horses and cows, a different initial every year and obviously this year is P.


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Good morning. A bit of a cock up.

After a very windy night with accompanying rain I spent from 06.15 to 10.20 wondering what I had forgotten. I rose in the black dark, grabbed piils and a bite of breakfast, drove 22 miles to Tesco cursing fallen branches and people who do not realise what the dip switch is for, did the big shop (was planning on tomorrow but have blood and sputum tests), escaped after brief chat with old client who accosted me by the sprouts (nice to see him but the list was long), drove home did animals, washed out fridge, unpacked groceries. What was it I had forgotten? Never mind, the list was 100% ticked off, time for a cuppa and a snack...Oops! Hadn't done my blood test - so I did it anyway and it was 10.6. So not a total disaster considering I had been auto-eating grapes (purely to save their lives you understand) whilst cleaning the fridge.

I am now organised save for picking up the ducks on morning of 23rd. Three days of cooking for 5, playing with grandkids, listening to worries, and, hopefully, enjoying seeing them all.

Planning on doing the bare minimum after that until Hogmanay when Wolf shall have a marrow bone to celebrate, Peachy can finish up the carrots, and I shall go to bed early with a new book, all in lovely, lvely silence...

Hope everyone is having a good day and minimising stress.
Morning everyone
Another grey and windy morning here but I’m happy with my 4.8 today, in fact I’m happy with anything above 4.5.
Have a good day all and stay safe.
Back into the 6s today for me with a 6.4.

Had a phone appointment this morning with the asthma nurse who was able to suggest some changes to doses and when to use my inhalers. I’m fed up with coughing so much, especially first thing in the morning, so hopefully taking more inhalers will help stop that. Of course my health anxiety is trying to persuade me it’s not asthma and something more serious, but as the inhaler does stop the coughing I need to assume it is asthma and can be controlled. Found a really good NHS document on health anxiety and how to break out of the cycle of seeking reassurance and thinking the worst. Reading through that is helping.

Congratulations @Elenka_HM and @freesia on your HS today!

@eggyg - Poppy looks adorable!

Have a good day everyone, hope it’s not too windy for you (seems to be easing off slightly here but was quite gusty all morning).
It was a 9.4 for me much earlier this morning when I first woke up having gone to bed in the 6s, so looks like I didn't get evening Levemir right and I need a bit more. Anyway, I jabbed 8 units of Fiasp plus my Levemir and went back to sleep and woke up nearly 2 hours later!! 😱 on a very nice (and very lucky 😎) 5.8. Those 8 units could easily have dropped me a long way into hypoland during that time, although I almost certainly would have woken up if it had. Those Amitriptyline do wipe me out though!
Stepped back over the line with a 6.2 this morning, which is a bit annoying. Looking back, last December was similar and the only thing I can think of is that like every Xmas the bowls of Celebrations and Cadbury's Heroes around the house are proving too much of a temptation. At least I'm not touching the mince pies.

Winter Solstice today, so from tomorrow we start to gain a little extra daylight each day. Only around 4 minutes but that's the best part of half an hour every week. Roll on the lighter mornings & evenings, I say.

Congratulations on the HSs today @Elenka_HM & @freesia

Further to my post yesterday about our corroded central heating pipes, photo attached showing what our plumber has to sort out:-

Enjoy the first day of Winter (as per the astronomical calendar), although to be honest it feels more like the first day of Spring here. Hope those north of us and in the path of Storm Pia get off lightly.
The rubbish bin blew over into the middle of the road this morning whilst waiting for the collection and deposited all our recycling everywhere. It has continued to be gale force all day.

It is always a worry about pipes which are hidden but then people don't want them draped on the surface.
Going to post this now before I forget again! 😳 This morning about 09:15 ish was BS 8.7 but, with the distractions of movers coming in to move my sister’s piano from the conservatory, & various other pieces of furniture, from what was my parents family home: she wants it & I don’t really care either way; she can have it! Then, my asda Christmas shopping so, I was busy wrapping various bits & pieces for my neighbours to drop off! So, I didn’t eat until about 15:00, by which time BS was in the 15’s: maybe not wise to check after just walking, huffing & puffing away, to drop off biscuits/chocolates etc to neighbours & chatting; the walking was bad enough but, I expected that it was the talking that surprised me & left me almost as breathless! 😱 But, it was all go, go, go & time snuck up on me! So, a guessed 40 NR for some vegetable soup only because of the high starting BS &, wouldn’t you know it my BS still went up to the initial 16’s, liquid, & then, dropped pretty fast after that so, I needed to head off a hypo about 1.5 hours later: forgot about the exercise effect; not REAL exercise but, it felt like it to me in the effort it cost me! So, only eaten once, yet, today & had JBs, biscuits & another portion of soup so, I suppose technically 2 meals? 🙄:confused: Now just prepped a beef stew in the pressure cooker & ready about 19:15?

Yesterday was a bit higher about an hour earlier BS 9.9 but, my ear was very sore! Today with more Otomize in my ear it’s hardly bothered me at all or, maybe too busy to notice?

A Very Good Evening, that feels strange to me, to you all & hope you’ve had a Wonderful Day, that doesn’t feel right either? 🙄:rofl:😉

Oops! I meant 14:00 before I ate!
Bit late posting but my BG was 7.2 this morning. A day of appointments, new curtains, ½ a walk up Latrig, shopping and another appointment (nails) - now about to cook and then watch telly. First son & wife arrived here at 9am this morning having left Oxfordshire at 4.30am (he LOVES Christmas and couldn't wait to get home). Have a good evening everyone xxx
Christmas plans maybe scuppered as we were going to my daughter's but they had taken a minibreak with the kids to Disney Paris but had their travel document and passports stolen, they have applied for emergency replacements but they may not be able to be done until after Christmas because of the holiday. Hers will be ready but her husband and children have to wait to be interviewed. My cynical mind thinks it is because they have an Asian name which is different from hers.
They may know more tomorrow when they go to the embassy.1