Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.4 still got a nasty sore throat. Thankfully it is beginning to ease (I think). But I was up at 2am as the soreness was so unpleasant.

The formal practice at the church today has been cancelled and will now be on the Thursday afternoon prior to the service itself. I am hopeful that I will have recovered by then and thankful for the extra days practice at home.

Went Christmas food shopping yesterday. What a nightmare!! However, we did get a whole turkey for a whole lot of money, and more importantly, parsley for the lemon and parsley stuffing). Glad it's done. However, I will still have to go out to get a few short date items (eg bread (for breadcrumbs), cream).

Now to ponder cooking and eating it all....


Very few presents this year tho. I did get my wife a decent keyboard for Christmas (early christmas present), so hopefully that will suffice.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Seeing all those in the fives reinforces that I’ve let things slip a bit… this morning is a stollen fuelled 8.3.

Have a zoom call booked Friday with the police complaints team so that’s going to be fun I’m sure.

Was supposed to be going to the gym for a physio led session this morning but I’ve been discharged as I was a no show for two weeks. However I told them that I wasn’t well the first absent week and they knew I was on holiday for the second so I’m not impressed that apparently I didn’t tell them according to their system.

I’m seeing the physio in January and I’ll have a whinge when I do.
Morning all, 5.3 here, so close!
@eggyg how frustrating! If only you could get the upper and lower consultants in the same room and bash their heads together.
Sounds like a plan! He even said to me he’d be unpopular with the upper GI guy for referring me but he didn’t care! 😳
Good morning. 5.6

Heavy cloud, rain and a moderate breeze. Quite chilly.

My new Carrom coins and striker have arrived - looking forward to playing with Rowan (7 year old grandson) over Christmas. Another day of housework - just the hall and study to do. Amazing how long it takes when you aren't very bendable. Anyone looking on through french windows yesterday would have seen me on all fours scuttling between pieces of furniture - its the only way I can get at the legs with polish and it slows me down to get up. Still the worst is done, the slow cooker has delivered a beef stew overnight, and a block of butter pastry is sitting in the fridge awaiting conversion into mince pies for neighbours. I comfort myself with the thought that I can revert to being a slob by my birthday🙂

Hope everyone has a good day.
Well, I’m joining @eggyg and @Grannylorraine with a 5.2 this morning! Congratulations to my fellow HSers!

@eggyg - so sorry to read of your appointment and all the passing around everyone is doing to you! I didn’t even realise there was a specific upper and lower GI consultant, sounds a recipe to bounce patients back and forth! Really hope you get the right care you need without being given such an awful run around!

For all those suffering at the moment, take care and hope you feel better soon!

Take care everyone!
@eggyg how frustrating! If only you could get the upper and lower consultants in the same room and bash their heads together.
I’m in! The GP I saw last week could do with having his head clunked together with someone else’s. 🙄 :rofl: So sorry to hear about the frustrating appointment @eggyg - you deserve a medal.

Morning all. 🙂 7.1 here.

A lie-in! Naughty, naughty. But I’m on holiday (although I do need to check my work email today).
Happy mid-week everyone.
Well done to this morning's House Specialists. 🙂
A 6.0 for me today.

Congrats on all the HSs.
Eggyg.Sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations with MrX. Does seem an obvious issue within the NHS where areas of specialism overlap such as upper and lower GI tract.Many people are trying to manage conditions that affect different parts of the body and the way the cardio renal,digestive systems etc are inextricably linked mean that management may need a more holistic approach.
Throw in the rub between different consultants and opinions and then overlay the additional delay in either getting a problem solved or in your case ( even worse imo just trying to establish what the exact issue is so you can deal with it moving forward) it will be very frustrating.
Anyway good day all
Morning all - have time to post as I've been awake since 4.15 and finally got up at 7.30. Weather is a bit brighter and no rain forecast.

Got two dental appointments, one on Thurs for the hygienist and one on Fri for the dentist. Takes ages as they are way over on the north coast. Still got a lot of food shopping and cooking to do. Been planning it in the night in my head, perhaps that's why I got no sleep?

8.3 this morning with a 70% temp basal running. I can see this pod running out before it's due on Friday and a dreaded conversation with Insulet again as that will be 3 in a row changed early.

Off to our friends for lunch and back to the village to meet more friends. Beginning to feel festive.

Congratulations @Grannylorraine @eggyg and @Eternal422 on the 3 HSs.

@RichardsUsername on knocking those BGs into touch.

@eggyg so sorry to hear about that horrible appointment. No wonder you are frustrated.

Hugs to all those feeling rough.

Have a good day the rest of you.
5.5 this morning so good to be back in the 5s - that's the fifth day in a row - after posting 6-point-somethings for a week. I'm halfway through my course of antibiotics for my sinus infection so maybe that explains why I was higher than usual and now back to what, for me, is normal.

My wife's finished work until the new year so we're nipping over to Windsor today to see if we can pick up the handful of things we still need for Xmas. One thing we don't need is a damp patch on our dining room ceiling, which our eldest spotted yesterday (it's his WFH office these days), so we had a plumber round yesterday evening. He cut away a piece of the ceiling and, sure enough, corroded central heating pipes. He'll be back tomorrow or Friday to cut off and replace the pipes but it means taking out a piece of the flooring in our eldest's bedroom as he can't do that from below. Just what you need a few days before Xmas.

Congratulations to our trio of HSs this morning.

Have a good day, everyone.
@Pattidevans Many thanks also. The final piece in the puzzle was coffee (caffeine) acting as an appetite suppressant. That was a key factor many moons ago when I lost about 3 stone in as many months. Look forward to see where this goes from here. At the end of the day. Diet, Exercise, meds and crucially the most popular drug on the market.
7.8 for me today and 10.5 yesterday. Didn't manage to psych myself up to go to the shops yesterday or the day before, so that is on the list for today. I have managed to get the eConsult sorted though, so may or may not get a phone call from my GP before Christmas. I took one of the few remaining Amitriptyline last night as I was having a nasty panic attack and it does seem to have helped, so maybe just a low dose is enough. I think I still have a few of the very out of date ones that I had been using so may manage to tide myself over Christmas....... Oh! just got a text message from the doc saying she has done me a script for more medication and can I ring her in the New Year..... that is impressive considering it was 9am this morning when I sent off the eConsult!

Congrats to all you House Specialists this morning and to @RichardsUsername for getting back on the wagon with the diet and seeing impressive results in very short order! Well done! Also many congrats to @Grannylorraine on your continued weight loss (impressive at this time of year but more so when you have been battling a chest infection)

Hugs to @freesia Have you done a lateral flow test? It sounds very much like I was with Covid a couple of weeks ago.

@eggyg I wonder if the 2 consultants would like to mark out their territory on your digestive tract so that your GP will know who to refer you to. 🙄 It must be so incredibly frustrating! It is crazy that so much time is wasted because no one wants to take responsibility. I believe @MikeyBikey was having the same sort of problem with his foot and leg, even though the issue was essentially the same for both but the one on his leg was out of Foot clinic "territory"!

@TinaD Thankyou so much for your very kind and thoughtful post the other day. It really did give me a lift when I was feeling very low and worthless. I really appreciate it!
Morning all - 8.3 on waking and 7.2 before breakfast. Our family visitors left this morning. It was lovely having them to stay. Because we used to live quite close to them (15 or so miles) they never needed to stay so we just used to have day visits but this was lovely spending quality time with them. And it was SO lovely how well the dogs all got on. Now for the washing and getting ready for our lot coming home - first batch tomorrow at the same time as our new kitchen curtains being put up which will be lovely for Christmas. I've managed to get a sports therapy session tomorrow for my painful derriere so really hoping that helps a bit as driving is excruciating after only about 10 minute and end of next week I have a 7 hour journey up to Scotland but at least I'll be a passenger so can change positions a bit. @eggyg sending lots of love. Have a great day everyone xxx

PS: started my Christmas wrapping last night 🙂

PPS: @Pattidevans was that lovely video card you posted the other day a paid for one?
Morning all. Much dryer and brighter today just for a change. Anyway, it was a 5.6 for me
earlier this morning, now for my porridge and then I'm off to B&Q shopping.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe and well..... 🙂