Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.6 here. Got the measuring and boxticking element of my annual review over and done with yesterday. Does anyone else get the annual alcohol grilling? Because I’m honest, and calculated that three medium sized glasses of wine per week, split over three evenings at the weekend, is 6 units, apparently I have to answer a load of questions such as 'Have you ever needed a drink in the morning because you’ve drunk too much the night before' 'Are friends and family concerned about the amount you drink?' 'Have you ever not done something you ought to have done because of your drinking' I did gather that the computer template triggers the questions if you answer more than 5 units a week, or more than 2 days a week, so I’m just tempted to say I drink 5 units over 2 evenings next time, on the grounds that apparently most people underestimate their intake.
Good morning folks. 4.7, and I checked on the meter which said 5. I also had two gaps in my graph through the night, which is unusual. Well, it meant I could eat almost straight away and I’ve already had my breakfast.

Unexpected appointment with the colorectal surgeon this morning, got a call at almost 5pm yesterday to say there’d been a cancellation. Save me waiting until 21st February. Jotted down some questions to ask them. Unfortunately, Mr Eggy can’t attend with me as we’ve had a call to arms, Zara isn’t well, been a bit sicky through the night, so obviously can’t go to nursery. So I’m flying solo, hope I remember all I’m told. It ruins my plans a bit as I didn’t get round to wrapping any presents yesterday as by the time I brought them all downstairs and hunted down the wrapping paper and made gift tags out of last years cards, I realised the sellotape had barely enough left to wrap one present! Mr Eggy went for an emergency run to B&M but by this time it was almost tea time and I didn’t want to start, the plan was to do it today. That’s not going to happen is it? I’ve also had to move all the presents out of Zara’s sight! I’ll have to do them tomorrow, after my retinal screening, if I can see what I’m doing! :rofl:

Have a good day. Six more sleeps.
Morning all, 5.6 here. Got the measuring and boxticking element of my annual review over and done with yesterday. Does anyone else get the annual alcohol grilling? Because I’m honest, and calculated that three medium sized glasses of wine per week, split over three evenings at the weekend, is 6 units, apparently I have to answer a load of questions such as 'Have you ever needed a drink in the morning because you’ve drunk too much the night before' 'Are friends and family concerned about the amount you drink?' 'Have you ever not done something you ought to have done because of your drinking' I did gather that the computer template triggers the questions if you answer more than 5 units a week, or more than 2 days a week, so I’m just tempted to say I drink 5 units over 2 evenings next time, on the grounds that apparently most people underestimate their intake.
Blimey @Robin never been asked those, just how much alcohol do you drink. As if anyone would say yes! Six units is well within our remit, and not exactly binge drinking. Just more box ticking. :(

Stressful day yesterday dealing with the police complaints team. Again.
Morning all. 🙂 7.3 here.

A session of cross-marking this morning (makes me laugh, I imagine everyone marking tests in a right strop!) then back to my local EE shop to finish setting up the new phone...then I’m footloose and fancy-free for 3 weeks. I MUST study some Welsh every day while I’ve got time. I watched Ffermio on S4C last night (with subtitles - wow, they were speaking fast) - great episode, about a community in Eryri / Snowdonia that’s bought the local pub and only use local produce. Won loads of awards, chwarae teg / fair play.

Wow! @Robin. A proper grilling!

Not long now! 😛:D
Blimey @Robin never been asked those, just how much alcohol do you drink. As if anyone would say yes! Six units is well within our remit, and not exactly binge drinking. Just more box ticking. :(
It makes no sense at all, the Government safe limit is now 14 units a week, split over 3-4 days, more than double what I drink. I could understand it if the questions triggered after you’d reached that limit, but triggering at 6 units seems ridiculous. And when I look up my test results, every alcohol answer has taken up a new box, so I have to scroll through a whole page of irrelevancies to find the important things, like my HbA1c, or kidney function, etc.
Edit. I just found the audit thing on the government website, according to that, I should be congratulated for my safe drinking, not grilled, as I score 3, and 0-4 is in the green zone.
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4.9 this morning on waking, still hitting high numbers in the evenings due to grazing and eating rubbish. This really must stop!

Sat here at 3.9 waiting for the breakfast spike to hit. Trying hard to make today a clean slate and get these BG readings back in order.

Take care everyone who is struggling at the moment.

Have a good day everyone.
A round 6 for me today. 🙂

It makes no sense at all, the Government safe limit is now 14 units a week, split over 3-4 days, more than double what I drink. I could understand it if the questions triggered after you’d reached that limit, but triggering at 6 units seems ridiculous. And when I look up my test results, every alcohol answer has taken up a new box, so I have to scroll through a whole page of irrelevancies to find the important things, like my HbA1c, or kidney function, etc.
Edit. I just found the audit thing on the government website, according to that, I should be congratulated for my safe drinking, not grilled, as I score 3, and 0-4 is in the green zone.
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I think you should inform whoever was grilling you that they were out of order - in the nicest possible way. I used to drink way more than you (as many, many people do) which is why I stopped. Very few people tell the truth when asked and it should only be the people who say 14 (which is more likely double that or more) who should be further questioned.
Morning All - 7.3 for me this morning. Had rice last night and was pleasantly surprised again by the lack of impact on my BG - the Lantus is definitely working. Thinking about the macaroni cheese the night before I wonder whether it's because it was coated in cheese sauce that I didn't spike? Off for a walk with my sister-in-law this morning which will be nice and then booked in for lunch at the Haweswater Hotel which is a lovely Art Deco hotel near here with lovely views. Off to get a new mouse-trap later as found a massive hole in one of our sofas which we've put up in our barn. I set a trap last night but this morning the almond butter was all gone but trap hadn't been activated. Have a lovely day everyone x
Morni g

4.8 today, only 2 more cakes to cover and decorate, 8 went out the door yesterday, the 2 left are my mums and daughter in law’s so no rush, but am off work today, so hoping to make a start on them after visiting the crem, as it is my dad’s birthday today, a bit of grocery shopping. Weigh day today, but not expecting much as was still ill for most of last week and have had a couple of meals out this week, also going to make something for group as it is a bring a dish day, plus Christmas jumpers put on after being weighed.

@Robin - thats sounds a bit extreme

@eggyg - hope your appointment goes well, and that Zara gets well soon.

@ColinUK - sending you hugs.
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5.6 on a thoroughly wet and miserable Berkshire morning. It really is awful out there. Bin day and felt sorry for the binmen when they did our street. They looked absolutely drenched. Mild though - our central heating didn't fire up this morning and when I got up just after 7 the temperature in our kitchen was 20.5 degrees rather than the usual 17 or 18.

Window fitter here later to replace two of our double-glazed windows, as the seals have gone and they're misting up between the panes - they're 'blown' as they say in the trade - otherwise nothing special going on. Need to tackle the ironing, and I forgot something when I was in town yesterday so might pop back in later.

@Robin - talk about the 3rd degree. Makes me glad I'm teetotal.

Hope your weather's better than ours and you manage to have a decent day.
Good morning. 6.5

Filthy wet morning here with a stiffish breeze. Chest is tightening up a bit but still far better than usual. Got a day of housework in front of me.

Had to drive about yesterday after finding that the Christmas table cloth had been used to protect the table whilst the Grandkids did some painting. I thought it was odd that it had been put away not very tidily...Acrylic paint...Found one eventually in The Bargain Box after failing in all more likely shops. Got accosted in the High Street by a very large man who had clearly being celebrating early. My builder's merchant, who doesn't usually greet me with "Hello darling what are you doing wandering around town". Felt inclined to say "I am coasting for business" but decided to stick with a more formal response and escaped after a few minutes, happily contemplating the headache he will have today!

Hope everyone is on track for Christmas and has a good day.
Morning all and 8.9 for me. No idea why unless it was a delayed reaction to shifting gear from one room to another. Who knows? Any way started dropping again and currently in mif 4s.

Got several bags of bits and bats to sort, check and chuck as required.

Have a good day everyone.
09:48 BS 8.4 Ok ish considering I’m fighting an ear infection, AGAIN!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

My left ear, rather unusually as it’s mostly the right one, started to REALLY hurt about mid evening & I knew I had yet another ear infection: haven’t had one in a while so, rather forgot about it; had SO many in the first half of the year & after hospital stay, & getting BS under control, I didn’t have any, that I can re member! So, now spraying Oxtomize antibiotic ear spray 3 times a day, again: ordered a lot of it on prescription this year!

Will do the Christmas roast after all as it’ll be a bit rude to cancel the turkey joint NOW when it’s coming on Thursday! Hopefully be MUCH better by then?

A bit despondent & not in the mood for emoji but, just my normal wink for the morning greeting! Sigh!
Morning everyone, pouring rain here and has been for most of the night, anyway, a happy 4.9 for me today despite having a Cornish pasty at around 9.30 last night.
Have a good day everyone and stay well.