Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 for me on this cloudy but pleasantly mild Berkshire morning. Might book a swim session for later as we're having two of our double-glazed windows replaced tomorrow and it clashes with my usual Tuesday swim. I can't go on Wednesday as we're planning to head over to Windsor to finish off our Xmas shopping, taking advantage of my wife finishing work tomorrow until the new year so we don't have to do it on the final (manic) weekend before the big day

@askeelsepttype2 - congratulations on your latest HbA1c. That's a good drop from where you were. Well done.

Enjoy the start to the week, everyone.
Good morning. 7.3

The cognac certainly cheered up shop bought mincemeat. Didn't exactly improve my FBG tho'. If I am to get my 12 mince pies in by 12th night I shall have to pace myself - but each one eaten guarantees a happy month supposedly ...(In my case it probably guarantees 2 months strict dieting.)

Rushed down to garage this morning for an MOT to discover that chaos reigned with breakdowns delaying the scheduled works. Fortunately MOT doesn't expire until January 4th so booked back in for the 3rd. How did they expect me to risk being carless over Christmas? The ducks are 9 miles away and the veggies 22...

Hope everyone has a good day.
10:30 BS 11.6 :( Woke with a very dry, scratchy, sore & hard to swallow throat! And by the looks of the overnight graph I was high all night after eating dinner & going straight to bed!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Throat is feeling a bit better but, still not really wanting to eat but, BS so high so, had an oatcake & a guessed 20NR. BS is coming down, last scan before typing 11:40 BS 9.3. Hopefully that’ll be ok as I don’t really want to have JB’s if I go too low! Throat is not as fiery as upon waking & easier to swallow. Still a teeny weeny bit hoarse, thiugh! Hopefully, it’ll not turn into anything nasty just when I’ve decided & ordered a turkey joint to roast this Christmas: I won’t feel like all the extra effort in making that if I’m ill? :confused: Take That! You nasty little so & so’s & don’t spoil my Christmas before it even starts! Kaw Pow! A la that 60’s Adam West Batman tv show! 😱:rofl: I say defiantly! 😉
Looks like I've identified the problem. I had previously but think I needed to revisit this.

Taking my intense exercises to the point of failure. Works like a treat.

Just dropped an 11.2 to 7.8 in under 60 minutes. I did once drop a 17.0 to 6.7 in 4 hours and got back on target range.

I do however understand for some that would not be appropriate. And the final 30 seconds of these exercises are nothing but pain. But then someone once said, no pain no gain.
5.0 for me earlier and a reasonably straight horizontal line overnight, so things are hopefully starting to settle with my diabetes at least. I have however totally lost my day and night routine again, so that is the next thing to tackle and get back on track with, and then exercise. I also need to get to the shops today as I have been putting that off since last Wednesday. Then there is the eConsult still to do which I am still putting off partly because I am not sure what I want from it and when I feel like this, making decisions is challenging. ie. Go back on the Amitriptyline or ask to try something else. There is an element of "rather the devil you know" and I do believe it was helping to some extent even at the relatively low level dose I was on. Didn't particularly enjoy the weird stressful dreams though!

I have had to go back to using disposable insulin pens as the pharmacy couldn't get Fiasp cartridges last time I ordered and I decided that I better take the offered pens as risk running low on bolus insulin. They are absolutely horrid! So cheap and plastic! You can't accurately count the clicks, because they are not obvious enough, so I have had to start looking at the display again after years of just counting clicks and that means finding glasses and putting a light on. There are no half units so each click when I can feel/hear them is 1 unit instead of a half, so having to be extra careful in case I accidentally double my dose and they don't seem to like the dose being dialed back, when I do dial up 6 instead of 3u.... feels like I am going to break it. Plus of course, no memory feature which I really rely on as I often inject and then forget if I decided on 2 or 3 units but of course I can no longer check. I really, really dislike them and the Fiasp seems to be even poorer quality than the NovoRapid ones I was prescribed when I was first diagnosed.
I guess I have just got so used to the lovely quality of the NovoPen Echoes with all their great features that I have become spoiled! 🙄

@RichardsUsername It is really admirable and impressive that you are making such an effort to bring your levels down with exercise but whatever you do, it needs to be sustainable long term and that level of exercise sounds like it might be challenging as a regular routine and if I am reading your post as you intend, it sounds like you are really pushing your body and exhausting yourself, which could very easily lead to an injury. It is better preventing your levels going up so high in the first place if you can. I believe you have difficulty with an eating disorder as I do, but following a low carb higher fat way of eating has really helped stop the cravings for me and given me more control. Do you know what you ate for them to be so high or do you think that you may need some extra medication to help support your diabetes management?
@rebrascora Good points all. I locked down the diet and still was into double digits, which along with taking meds that side effects boost weight gain while simutaneously slow my motabalism down. Just makes me think why do I bother. I was working doing parcel sorting last December, which was extremely physically demanding and would suggest if you have a job that is physical they are paying you to exercise all day long. So I don't agree that it's not sustanable 100 percent. I have said previously ideally I would like to keep levels down to begin with. And I can do to some extent but the only one thing that works for me is intense exercise. A concept that was written in an artical on a popular diabetes website. Not my idea. I have also been discouraged on the exercise front from day one on here by at least one member, not that I'm going to make an issue of it. Thanks for your comments.
@RichardsUsername I am quite surprised that anyone here on the forum would discourage you from exercising. It is an important and effecting aspect of diabetes management and I would hope that you have perhaps misinterpreted this person's comments in discouraging you from it. I know some people can be particularly entrenched in the idea that diet is everything, but diabetes is all about balance and finding a way to balance what you can achieve. I am an all or nothing girl, so this is an aspect that I find quite challenging. I am really motivated with exercise for a while and then my mental health dips or something knocks me out of routine for a day or two and it is really hard to get back into it, so I will go a few days or weeks doing less exercise than I should and then I get myself hauled back into a routine with it again. Thankfully since I started low carb at diagnosis, there have been very few occasions when I have totally fallen off the wagon and the diet itself seems to have helped me a lot in many aspects of my health, not just diabetes, so that is the thing that I really try to hang on to and stick with most.
I was just a bit concerned that you were perhaps pushing your body a bit too hard with the exercise. Going high and then bringing it down (glucose variability) is less ideal than not letting it go high in the first place, although I appreciate that the high levels will help to motivate you to exercise and seeing the dramatically good results from it as you are, is really positive enforcement for you and hopefully will also be inspirational for other people reading this, so I am not wanting to discourage you by any means but just concerned that you might overdo it.
@RichardsUsername I am quite surprised that anyone here on the forum would discourage you from exercising. It is an important and effecting aspect of diabetes management and I would hope that you have perhaps misinterpreted this person's comments in discouraging you from it. I know some people can be particularly entrenched in the idea that diet is everything, but diabetes is all about balance and finding a way to balance what you can achieve. I am an all or nothing girl, so this is an aspect that I find quite challenging. I am really motivated with exercise for a while and then my mental health dips or something knocks me out of routine for a day or two and it is really hard to get back into it, so I will go a few days or weeks doing less exercise than I should and then I get myself hauled back into a routine with it again. Thankfully since I started low carb at diagnosis, there have been very few occasions when I have totally fallen off the wagon and the diet itself seems to have helped me a lot in many aspects of my health, not just diabetes, so that is the thing that I really try to hang on to and stick with most.
I was just a bit concerned that you were perhaps pushing your body a bit too hard with the exercise. Going high and then bringing it down (glucose variability) is less ideal than not letting it go high in the first place, although I appreciate that the high levels will help to motivate you to exercise and seeing the dramatically good results from it as you are, is really positive enforcement for you and hopefully will also be inspirational for other people reading this, so I am not wanting to discourage you by any means but just concerned that you might overdo it.
@rebrascora I doubt I will maintain this level of exercise and the amount I do each day. I needed a quick win to make changes in my diet and put up with them. I'm also probably exaggerating somewhat, which I can do. In an attempt to impress. I also tend to do my own thing so the discouragement isn't really a problem at the end of the day and that member is in the minority.
Well, what a day! As i said earlier i woke in the 6s, by the time i came out of the shower i was in the high 9s, corrected with breakfast but by the time i got to work i was 13 and by the time i could correct again i was nearer 18!!! Finger pricks confirmed all numbers as well. After another correction 2 hours before lunch it finally came down and had stayed in the 6s. No idea what caused all that. I hope it doesn't do it again.
Sorry to hear you have had a battle with your levels @freesia and hope you are not coming down with something, but giving you a gold star for getting them down again.
5.0 for me earlier and a reasonably straight horizontal line overnight, so things are hopefully starting to settle with my diabetes at least. I have however totally lost my day and night routine again, so that is the next thing to tackle and get back on track with, and then exercise. I also need to get to the shops today as I have been putting that off since last Wednesday. Then there is the eConsult still to do which I am still putting off partly because I am not sure what I want from it and when I feel like this, making decisions is challenging. ie. Go back on the Amitriptyline or ask to try something else. There is an element of "rather the devil you know" and I do believe it was helping to some extent even at the relatively low level dose I was on. Didn't particularly enjoy the weird stressful dreams though!

I have had to go back to using disposable insulin pens as the pharmacy couldn't get Fiasp cartridges last time I ordered and I decided that I better take the offered pens as risk running low on bolus insulin. They are absolutely horrid! So cheap and plastic! You can't accurately count the clicks, because they are not obvious enough, so I have had to start looking at the display again after years of just counting clicks and that means finding glasses and putting a light on. There are no half units so each click when I can feel/hear them is 1 unit instead of a half, so having to be extra careful in case I accidentally double my dose and they don't seem to like the dose being dialed back, when I do dial up 6 instead of 3u.... feels like I am going to break it. Plus of course, no memory feature which I really rely on as I often inject and then forget if I decided on 2 or 3 units but of course I can no longer check. I really, really dislike them and the Fiasp seems to be even poorer quality than the NovoRapid ones I was prescribed when I was first diagnosed.
I guess I have just got so used to the lovely quality of the NovoPen Echoes with all their great features that I have become spoiled! 🙄

@RichardsUsername It is really admirable and impressive that you are making such an effort to bring your levels down with exercise but whatever you do, it needs to be sustainable long term and that level of exercise sounds like it might be challenging as a regular routine and if I am reading your post as you intend, it sounds like you are really pushing your body and exhausting yourself, which could very easily lead to an injury. It is better preventing your levels going up so high in the first place if you can. I believe you have difficulty with an eating disorder as I do, but following a low carb higher fat way of eating has really helped stop the cravings for me and given me more control. Do you know what you ate for them to be so high or do you think that you may need some extra medication to help support your diabetes management?
Glad to see your diabetes' numbers are becoming more well behaved.

As for the depression please make sure, whatever drug (yes/no/more/less) decision you make, to get a good night's sleep. If you cannot get 8 plus hours in one go then try to tot up the broken bits and get at least that and preferably more. Many, many, years ago, my Consultant (who suffered himself) advised me of the importance of sufficient sleep. Coming back home from long cases (anything up to 8 weeks of 14-16 hours a day), and wishing to head off Winston Churchill's "Black Dog", I and a winter midnight hedgehog were indestinguishable once I returned to my own bed. For me, at least, it worked. Well, I am still here above the daisies. Be super kind to yourself and remember the link of mind and body.

When I was younger I obediently swallowed every anti-depressant known to man (at that time). None of them worked for me and eventually I worked out my own regime - plenty of sleep when work permits, bright light during the early morning when it is dull ourside, a good book and light by the bed when the horrors strike at o300 hrs...meanwhile "grin and bear it 'cos it will pass eventually". We are all different, and new drugs are available of which I have no experience, but, I think, that being careful and kind to yourself, as well as remembering how much you are valued, helps get through the real downs.

You are well valued and loved on here, which is hardly surprising as even when you are low you provide informed and kind advice to others. "Keep on keeping on" - it will lift given time.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5 which is a surprise as I have a nasty sore throat (very rare for me). I hope it goes away quickly.

Yesterday was very very busy and mostly successful. A really good meal in the evening at home with my friend too.

Today I will be deeply concentrating on Christmas carols practice, heading towards a formal practice at the church tomorrow.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 6.8

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 15.6 with an upward trend!!!! Its been high all night. I've been clammy and coughing most of the night, a bit wheezy but otherwise feel ok. Its obviously something to do with that. I'll check with a finger prick and correct before i get in the shower.

Have a good day.
Good morning 8.0 today

Had a successful visit to the high risk foot clinic yesterday
I dropped in (without an appointment) and podiatrist was able to see me an hour later
He dressed the blister on my toe, and gave me some good advice on taking care of the wound
to ensure it heals up in a timely manor, plus I had a routine appointment in a few weeks time which is a relief.

Its quite handy living just over a mile from the hospital and a similar distance from GP surgery
although for some treatment I’m under a hospital 15 miles away, and most GP interactions are on the phone.

have a great day everybody 😎